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Cryo Pod purpose
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Movie fan

MemberFacehuggerDec-20-2016 7:49 AM

I want to discuss the possible purpose of the cryo pods.

As you can see there are quite a few cryo pods, I think this could be the pods that carry the colonists.

the first cryo pod image was of Daniels, but that could have been a different room. 

I am just saying that these cryo pods could be carrying the colonists instead of the actual crew, the crew would have their own cryo pods in a different room.

Obsession is a Power, not a Curse ;)

21 Replies

Shasta cyclone

MemberFacehuggerDec-20-2016 8:49 AM

it is interesting how they hang from the top and look like they can be manipulated some.

has it been said how far they travel to the new planet in any spoilers?

Movie fan

MemberFacehuggerDec-20-2016 9:01 AM

I heard they travel to a remote planet on the far side of the galaxy, this ensures the travel will be long.

Obsession is a Power, not a Curse ;)

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphDec-20-2016 9:03 AM

I think those pods are carrying the crew of the covenant,and when the ship reaches its destination the pods automatically wake the crew.

According to the official source,they are the crew who are looking for suitable planets for colonization.

"We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories...And those that carry us forward, are dreams."

Movie fan

MemberFacehuggerDec-20-2016 9:13 AM

I'm sure the colonists have their own pods too, if there are any.

Obsession is a Power, not a Curse ;)


MemberNeomorphDec-20-2016 9:36 AM

 It is interesting how they're suspended from the ceiling, perhaps  it helps with gravitational shifts... bed sores...

Movie fan

MemberFacehuggerDec-20-2016 9:57 AM

That is a possibility.

Obsession is a Power, not a Curse ;)


MemberDeaconDec-20-2016 2:46 PM

Interesting image, we see 6 (maybe 7) Cryo-Pods but there could be more, the  first Cryo-Pod is labled CRYO-2380 WRC but i think the next two look the same so this is just a Model Number

Next to them are those lockers with read outs of Life Support Stasis there are 5 but looking at the Cryo Pods and ceiling i would assume there is at least 1 more below and up to 3

So i would assume Each Cryo Pod Section has 6-8 Pods.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconDec-20-2016 2:48 PM

Pod Number 3 has no lights on, and a mark.. looks like a crack but zoomed in looks like a scribble made using a paint program.

The Cryo-Pod Status for the first 5 look the same... unless they are numbered 1- upwards from the bottom to top... which means one out of shot could be number 3 which would mean 8 Cryo-Pods in that section.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphDec-20-2016 3:31 PM


interesting, maybe number 3 is Branson's (James Franco) pod? 


MemberDeaconDec-20-2016 3:32 PM

Maybe i am reading into this too much...

1) Above the Cryo-Pods on the Bulkhead we have what appear to be a seperation at the top every TWO Cyro-Pods... First TWO are under H8-06 (or HS-06) The Next Two look like 5 and so H8-05 or HS-05 the rest is hard to see..

2) Each Section (as above) has like a Marker above them well Two.. in a Pattern of Orange-Blue

3) It seems there is some like cover over some Wires that go to the Cryo-Pods... the first of such we can see has a Number 9 on it.... the others are plain... but the one above the maybe Failed Cryo-Pods lacks this cover... see image below where i marked it near the Green Mark

Coincidence or something to do with why we see no lights on?

Maybe these clues show us they are Split into Couples and one Color is Male and other Female?

Looking at the numbers H8-S06 and H8-S05 this could mean 6 X Couples in that Section... which means those Lockers at the end could be 6 either side, so we have 12 Cryo-Pods?

Looking at the Cast who we can assume are couples... and confirmed.

We have 5 Females...

Katherine Waterston (F) 36
Carmen Ejogo (F) 43
Callie Hernandez (F) 23
Amy Seimetz (F) 35
Tess Haubrich (F) 30?

Now we know Waterston is Partner to Franco  so i will try and match 4 more to other 4 females.

James Franco  (M) 38
Benjamin Rigby (M) 35-40
Alexander England (M) 30
Nathaniel Dean (M) 35-40
Jussie Smollett (M) 33

Which leaves Males as

Uli Latukefu (M) 33
Matt Scaletti (M) 28-32?

And we have the McBride (M) 39 who is the Pilot.

And Two Older Guys... Billy Crudup (M) 48 and  Demián Bichir (M) 53

So i think we definitely have 5 couples listed in the casting, plus another  3 males who are the crew....  and so i would assume at least one of Latukefu or Scaletti could be a couple with a untasted Female?

So we have a Crew of for sure 13-15 ...

Maybe those Pods do show us 6 couples, for 12 Crew but who is to rule out more of these on the other side of the Room, and then its what role does other actors play and how many Mercs are no the Ship or other non-major players (like Mechanics and Mercenaries on Prometheus).

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Movie fan

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 4:55 AM

Great observation BigDave. :)

any other thoughts?

Obsession is a Power, not a Curse ;)

A L I E N 4 2 6

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 5:58 AM

No matter what the topic, I can always count on BigDave for a nice, analytical read

Movie fan

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 7:06 AM


any more thoughts?

Obsession is a Power, not a Curse ;)

Deep Space

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 7:22 AM

Blimey BD that's a great spot!  Could possibly be that one of the pods has been vacated earlier than the others a-la Vickers on prometheus?  

The missing cap is interesting but could be just a set error - but I doubt that especially if the pic has been made public by Fox . . .

I can't see a link between leaving a pod and removing the cap BD spotted?!


AdminEngineerDec-21-2016 2:41 PM

Very good eye Big Dave and great analysis breakdown! Interesting theory about the pods being paired Male and Female. The Colony ship is destined to populate a new planet, so it would make sense that the ship be organized in a manner that it would be easy to track the partners on board.

As for the missing cap, I'm stumped. Could it be that's where Walter is kept? Perhaps unlike David who remained awake on the Prometheus, Walter is kept in a cryo-like pod to preserve his AI andechanics through extended lengths of time?

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberDeaconDec-21-2016 4:52 PM

Indeed interesting image..

I would assume there are at least another 12 on the other side.. for 24 Cryo-Pods..

When you look at the Cast who could well be part of the Covenant and so far UN-credited other members like how Prometheus had the Mechanics and Mercs Fifield bumped off.

Then a Human Crew of at least 24 would make sense.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconDec-21-2016 4:54 PM

If i am looking at  H8-06 etc... and there is say 12...

Then if this is sections  maybe there could be like H1-01 upwards which could mean at least 96 Crew...

Then again if its a HS-06 then the HS could mean Hyper-Sleep Chamber?

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

A L I E N 4 2 6

MemberFacehuggerDec-21-2016 4:56 PM

I'm just hoping at this point, with multiple beasts, multiple TYPES of beasts, a large crew, and Colonial Marines, that this film doesn't turn into an Aliens clone. I loved the tone and aesthetic they were setting with Prometheus, and I guess I was hoping for an Alien/Prometheus conglomeration. I'm really hoping Fox didn't make Ridley turn this into an action flick. Someone reassure me! Quick! 


MemberOvomorphDec-30-2016 9:57 AM

Hi Movie fan

I agree with you. When I first saw this picture my feeling was they need this cool solution of the hanging cryo pods to save area on the ship (lots of pods in a small area).

But now (after watching the trailer) I think the Covenat is huge. And if there are only (approx.) 16 crew members this solution is still cool but unnecessary.

I have the feeling too that to colonize a planet 10-20 peoples are not really enough.

So maybe the crew we will see in the AC only the first shift or the core team or the preparation team to prepare thinks before the others wake up.

Maybe BigDave calculation about at least 96 crew members is the right one.

I can imagine that finally the Covenant will be stolen by David with a lots of sleeping guinea pig on board... and a new peoples are granted for the next film... go ahead to LV223... maybe... 


One more thing:


MemberFacehuggerDec-30-2016 1:14 PM

I read somewhere that they are also carrying frozen embryos a la Interstellar cuz that's the only way to ensure the necessary genetic diversity for a viable population. 


Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberOvomorphJan-06-2017 9:51 PM

Have any other pods in the Alien movies been clearly labeled as "CRYO"?  The gear in Prometheus clearly indicated "hypersleep" on various monitors, and the technology has always been framed as such previously.  The online content produced for Prometheus implied that hypersleep is a stasis technology, and not necessarily cryogenic per se.  Between that label and the full-body suits, I was taking it as being a different technology than previously seen - presumably for longer duration use.  After all, wasn't Ripley told that her lengthy survival in hypersleep was surprising?

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