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Xenomorph's Ability to Get Around Quickly Undetected
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MemberXenomorphJan-27-2017 11:13 AM

It was mentioned somewhere that AC was going to bring to light the Xenomorph's ability to get around so quickly undetected.  Lets discuss your opinions on how they interface with our technology in order to do that.   Example in Alien it used the air ducts but was able to bypass the Iris's and get where it needed to.

42 Replies


MemberNeomorphJan-27-2017 12:23 PM

my take on the iris bit is dallas had only shut a few, not enough to limit the xenos movements, it was a level below dallas. though after dallas is taken, do we know for sure it still uses the ducts? the next victims are parker and lambert and that area was accessible from the corridors, though I do like the thought of it constantly using the air ducts, makes it more frightening as u don't see it coming


MemberXenomorphJan-27-2017 12:41 PM


I was using that as an example.  I swore I read somewhere that AC is supposed to show us how they interface with our tech in order to be sneaky, use our tech against us, and get us from unforeseen areas.  They cut the power, used the space in the dropped ceilings, and dropped back n regrouped after getting their asses handed to them by the sentry guns in Aliens, the xeno used the air ducts in Alien, they used "unmanned" corridors and tunnels in A3 to stay close to the sheeple.  There has to be something special there.


Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphJan-27-2017 12:51 PM

Rick,I suppose this was the article you're talking about.

Xenomorph origin explained by a test audience member for Alien: Covenant!

The quotes were removed because Chris was asked to remove them,and the 4chan thread doesn't exist anymore.

But I have the quotes saved.

They said something about that AC will show few new tricks the xenos can do,which explains how they get around the ship so easily in the other films.

"We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories...And those that carry us forward, are dreams."


MemberNeomorphJan-27-2017 12:53 PM

it definitely suggest a reasonable level of intelligence. which brings me to a question I put on someones thread about the xeno dying in last secens of alien. how intelligent r they? did the lone xeno know it and the eggs were doomed so deliberately went onto the lifeboat knowing it was its way off the nostromo? or was that just sheer luck? id tend to sway toward a deliberate realisation of its pending fate and knew the lifeboat was its way off. look at the size of the head, suggests space for a fairly large and active brain


MemberFacehuggerJan-27-2017 1:07 PM

That is fascinating and terrifying all at once. In Aliens I assumed the queen was the intelligence and telepathically controlled the hive, but if they are all bright like that... Yikes!

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberNeomorphJan-27-2017 1:16 PM

think the queen will give them a base command such as bring more hosts. the 'how' is for the drones to come up with on theyr own I guess. they tried the corridors and got cut to pieces by the sentry guns so tried the pressure doors, couldn't get in. so they actively search. they must have some intelligence to fine the ceiling crawl space and know which way to go to the prize, though again that is horrifying as they must use another form of sense to find us. they know where u r all the time.......


MemberFacehuggerJan-27-2017 1:17 PM

Well they can always use their acid to melt things. I wonder if they do have some kind of ability to spit acid without tearing off a limp

Want some candy?


MemberPraetorianJan-27-2017 2:05 PM

Adaptability is my opinion.I think the the xenomorph as it grows it learns the environment.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberNeomorphJan-27-2017 2:14 PM

ash did say it had an incredible ability to adapt to its environment, but still makes u wonder how intelligent they r as individuals


MemberPraetorianJan-27-2017 2:16 PM

I think it depends on what type we're dealing with.A lone drone seems to operate according to its free will.Warriors in a colony seem to be a hive mind.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberFacehuggerJan-27-2017 2:39 PM

It's counterintuitive that each drone is independently intelligent AND part of a hive mind. It works, though. I'm not arguing


Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberPraetorianJan-27-2017 2:42 PM

It's a bit confusing but that's how the series started.Do we know if there's a reason why?

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberFacehuggerJan-27-2017 2:58 PM

The leak did mention we would learn how xeno could move in the ship so easly and stealthy.

So either they take the route of xenos aquire traits from envirnments they are....ship tubes mechs.....nature...primitive animalistic...wich is rlly mehhh.

Or they gonna show us something we never saw...


Or the leak is hogwash

After the queen the xeno in charge is the warrior.

Allways thought drones are the ones retriving hosts and handling the eggs.

They all obey the queen..the leader but they all work for the same purpose, survival , reproduction ,control of their fate to be sustainable.

But we learned this on avp and games...aliens show us in the movie same types of xeno and just the queen as higher hierarchy ,a4 is also vague regarding drone,warriors.

Ridley can disregard this hierarchy completely as avp os "silly" and games arent canon .

I count as canon alien and aliens and prometheus...i think ridley should consider aliens .im not sure if hes keen on doing it regarding the queen,fox might think otherwise.


MemberNeomorphJan-27-2017 3:15 PM

I think the neomorph is going to have a few of spaihts' ideas. it was boneless and could get through gaps nothing else could. the xeno, id be very interested to find out. obviously in dark and lowly lit places it could more around fine but under normal circumstances im sure it has a secret. it just seems they appear from nowhere


MemberFacehuggerJan-27-2017 3:39 PM

Neomorphs are trully a breath of fresh air. Mystery ,viscous ,scaryyy

I love them already and their reproduction could take eggmorph odea into play would be a good way to please fans.

This design is just fantastic giger level


MemberNeomorphJan-27-2017 3:43 PM

wouldn't see me for dust if I saw that cheeky chappy. 'whats that trail of dust?' 'awe that's ali81, gone like the wind'


MemberFacehuggerJan-27-2017 3:48 PM

Oh ye defently..they have a fear factor to them is unbelievable

Its like new era xeno.

Its really cool..i cant wait to see them as adults like that..if they are viscious already when they birth imagine in adult...jesus.

The noise of them should be terrifying.


MemberNeomorphJan-27-2017 3:50 PM

I think this may be what ridley was meaning about the xeno being cooked/ dead. I think ul see them but theres a new bad boy in town and its the neomorph. if ridley goes with the boneless idea, then the horror factor returns to alien. it can slip under locked doors to get to u


MemberFacehuggerJan-27-2017 4:02 PM

Ye ali..i would certainly dig that all day longgg! We kinda need this to have fear again we saw many stuff being done to xenos.

Ridley can make this new bad boy frightening and keep it that way

Lets not forget we also have a deacon waiting . Juvenile form irs already scary and biggg....and hopefully my dream or seeing ultramorph on screen with high inteligence traits...will become real


MemberNeomorphJan-27-2017 4:07 PM

think the neo will be highly intelligent, deacon maybe more primitive but def need to finish the deacon story off back on lv223. be interesting to see how he moves around and his lifecycle. queen or morph u think?


MemberFacehuggerJan-27-2017 4:53 PM

I see the other way around i see ..neomorohs super primitive ans they really want blooood and to animals.


And see the deacon as a highly inteligent being due to the unique process of creation combining engineer...humans and black goo. When he births i notice he looks confused he is looking the surroundings like hes already thinking like hes rational its the feeling i get before he unleashes that powerfull roar.

The jaw resembles a queen at some point yet different but im betting on ultramorph...something queen size but more elegant and deadly..not so clumsy and heavy

For me the deacon is trully an unexpected outcome and evolution conceived..not even the engineers know what that is and capable of. For me the deacon is the step further on xeno evolution something really unique and unseen.

We have to get back to lv 223..learn what happened..whats there in other pyramids...and say hi to him...he needs to eat.


MemberNeomorphJan-27-2017 4:57 PM

agree completely. theres no way ridley is just gna leave the poor sole and not tell his tale


MemberDeaconJan-28-2017 12:39 AM

Yes i think the One leak was not the same as 4Chan guy in general and they said the Alien moves around with a Special Trick that could well divide Alien fans... so its something some may feel is silly.

I remember reading from this some speculate they can transform there internal body to become more like a loose mass and then be able to squeeze in tight gaps...

I hope not... the whole idea of being able to say deflate its mass like a Balloon or Whoopie Cushion does not sit well with me.

Another refereed to Jack in the Box... now does this mean springs up... or maybe just how its bones and joints can shrink down like when you put away a Jack in the Box or a Slinky etc.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJan-28-2017 12:41 AM

From what i had been told, they have re-designed the Leg and Back joints, so they fit more with the Aesthetics of the Queen rather than the Man in Suit look...

And this style of limps and how they now mainly crawl to move fast will explain how they are so fast and agile... and that they are able to move around as nimble as Mice/Rats can. 

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberTrilobiteJan-28-2017 7:43 AM

It would be interesting if they had sort of a chameleon ability too.


MemberFacehuggerJan-28-2017 7:59 AM

Making the Xeno smarter makes it scarier. Giving it new, unpleasant ways to interact with hosts/prey would add a fear factor as well. Scrunching up to fit in tight spaces... Less so.

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


AdminEngineerJan-28-2017 12:40 PM

I can only suspect that the Xenomorph is just incredibly strong and is able to move really quickly along all surfaces. Perhaps it can sense any open space in its way so it can plan its route quickly, using vents and air shafts. I don't think it possesses the ability of teleportation haha

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberXenomorphJan-30-2017 5:45 AM

Guys n Gals

Honestly, I think the Xeno uses some sort of ultrasonic type of echo location, way above human hearing.  Kind of like dolphins, but through air.  This could explain away the Xeno's huge dome.   No need for eyes if you have echo location and can see everything around your environment.  Dolphins also use echo location as a means of communication over long distances.


That and I think it would be awesome to see it interact with its environment mechanically.  Such as using keypads, knobs, cranks, and handles.  The creatures are intelligent.  If anyone recalls Ridley wanted the alien to kill Ripley in the narcicuss and then type in coordinates for earth until a Fox exec was flown out to tell Ridley NO.  With that, said I think the Xeno has a human intelligence but uncontrollably driven by instinct so it can interact like a human would trying to solve a problem.



MemberOvomorphJan-30-2017 5:34 PM

APEX!!! OF COURSE THEY SPIT! .....don't forget what happened to poor christie and why he had to cut himself loose! WAKA WAKA!!!


MemberPraetorianJan-30-2017 5:44 PM

I think the dog alien also spit at the guy in 3 that tumbled into the fan.A lot of video games have them spitting as well.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 

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