Alien Franchise Rule Book: for Members by Members

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 1:36 PM“The Scified Alien Covenant Unified Rule Book for Future Movies in the Alien Franchise”
I ran this thread from 23-30 March. I may have edited to maintain flow so I hope it somewhat orderly.
I would first like to thank contributors alphabetically: Apex_Predator, BigDave,, Blackwinter-witch , chadsbrothermatt, Dk, Grinning & Dropping Linen, IRaptus, LV226, ninXeno426, and Parkerparrot
Here is the original link:
Rules in no particular order:
- to have characters written and developed well with no wishy washy whimsical religious zealots.
- Do not put too much emphasis on technology like holograms and such.
- No romance whatsoever in any alien movie.
- No stupid characters such as fifield and milburn (posted X 2)
- No time travel (mentioned X 4)
- Put Chris and BigDave on the pay roll as consultants/writers with possible cameos. (Dave chose a mutated Jabba)
- No more than 3 rewrites of the script. Pick an idea, flesh it out, and make the best version of that idea possible rather than trying to incorporate old versions into some new vision by some new writer. (mentioned X 2)
- there is no place for corny over the top cheesy/corny dialog and sequences in this film universe (aka anything similar to Resurrection would be banned)
- No predators in the alien film universe, they are both cool but tonally too different to share a film and it be worthy of either,,save that stuff for the comic books (mentioned X 2)
- not everything has to be explained ,keep some mystery in this universe so we have something our minds can run wild with (mentioned X 2)
- NEVER turn it into an Avengers where our protaginists are just taking our hordes after hordes, it would be silly....even though Aliens went with the action/war vibe it still kept some of the bleak tone and impending doom and terror
- Ripley is done, done done never again shoehorn her into a sequel or prequel
- Keep the main focus on morphing and mutating as the genesis of the species but still allow an occasional queen ...there is just more ghastly horror to play with when it comes to mutation, but the queen IMO is limited, she looks good our hero fights her thats it, having her on the screen dosnt really open up any storytelling doors for us other than a cool action scene
- Im fine with tech but make it look used or serviceable, if its too "bright and shiny" it takes away the tone and feel of the movie
- I do not ever want to see Weyland Yutani weaponize the xenomorph.If you want to know why,just play Colonial Marines.Enough said
- R rating only (mentioned X 2)
- No main character kids
- Defined chest-burster gestation period(s). To paraphrase, consistent time lines yet allow some wiggle room for hosts with mentioned physical conditions that may explain gestation time variations.
- Xenos not used as cannon-fodder that run around in open spaces, or broad daylight; Ambush/stalking predator only.
- No quotes from Ripley as a fanboy nod to her like 'that's not exactly out of the manual' or 'get away from her, you bitch'.
- Stay true to H.R Giger and his nightmareish world and design.
- No comedy. (Dark humor is OK here and there but not to the extent of Resurrection)
- Never, ever again a newborn or anything that resembles that abomination. (I am fine with neomorphs though..) (mentioned X 2)
- No "up in the blue, infantile dopehead" ideas in scripts or drafts like wooden planets ur sutch. Alien worlds yes, but please not stupid.
- No fan boy service other then set pieces and or details about the alien universe that serves to expand the world
- Never 100% CGI, always a mix of practical effects
- Dont rely on Ripley storyline
- Don’t have more than 2 years between movies.
- I just hope they have it all planned out A-Z even if we dont see every part of A-Z as long as they know what a A-Z would be and stick to things that wont contradict it, and so also to tidy up the mess that has been left before.
- Projectile weapons preferred, yet allow for Laser-based weapons as they are making steady progress with them in the real world
- NO stupid-looking weapons like the blue and orange (present-day Target-match pistols) weapons seen in PROMETHEUS. They looked like kid's toys.
- NO MORE FLAMETHROWERS!! At least not pre-assembled ones in the armory/ready-for-use ones like we saw in PROMETHEUS. It is the absolute height of mindless and suicidal stupidity to fire one aboard a starship, they're cliche`, have no real practical use aside from menacing an Alien, and the last thing you want is an alien running amok, on fire, acid bleeding from multiple and increasing places where it's skin has burned through/sloughed off, and setting even more of the ship on fire and burning holes in the ship all along its path.
- Do NOT even TRY to 'Star Trek It Up'...this is the ALIENverse, it has its own distinct feel, flavor and mien. There is NO Central Monolithic Unchallengeable Federation of Planets as The Prime Authority...and there NEVER will be. There are NO Government starships out 'patrolling the sector', and when you're between star systems, you're on your own.
- Characters should act and inter-relate like people do in reality, not by way of artificial/idealized 'Niceness'. Watch ALIEN for some great scenes between Ripley and Parker and their friction-points in personality
- People drink beer, some likely carry whisky/liquor flasks, they smoke, and have pin-ups all over the place. These are people, not Idealized Human Federation Citizens

MemberXenomorphMar-31-2017 2:16 PMdk - corny joke that had me rolling was when Ripley asked who she had to fuck to get off the boat....c'mon now that was priceless

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 2:19 PMRick- It is official. That quote is contrary to Rule 20 of the fan made rule book lol!

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 2:46 PMExceptions to the 29 rules will require vetting by the authors who are hereby named the Nefarious Nine, a consensus of 5 of 9 in favor of approval of said group and finalized by the Administrator.

MemberChestbursterMar-31-2017 3:27 PMLooks great!! So proud of you :D
*looks at rule No 23*
OBJECTION! Your honor, I'm gonna object to excluding The Newborn, calling it an abomination is harassment under pulled-that-outta-my-ass rule 75!
The Newborn is art, one of the scariest looking creatures ever made! With bone-chilling sounds and nightmarishly long limbs!
*while running for safety*
Other than that *nearly hit by an arrow* the list is great!!
*gets in a spaceship, activates FTL drive and escapes*

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 3:32 PMWhile I agree with your views on the Newborn, at least 2 of 9 do not. The rules have not been taken out of context and a link to the original thread has been provided to ensure clarity. I believe the N9 need to vote and have Chris have final say. My official vote is to accept the newborn and/or its concept for future franchise installments.

MemberChestbursterMar-31-2017 3:42 PMDamn...ok your honor may I proceed with my closing statement so that I can convince the jury that the Newborn could inspire similar scary looking monsters?

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 3:51 PMNeomorph - Please proceed. Your statements may be strengthened with another advocate. Please know that I have messaged a group member that there is an objection requiring deliberation. I am confident the matter will be resolved as swiftly or swifter than real world deliberations ;)

MemberPraetorianMar-31-2017 4:23 PMI'd like to add some thoughts for possible additional rules.
1; Projectile weapons preferred, yet allow for Laser-based weapons as they are making steady progress with them in the real world.
1a; NO stupid-looking weapons like the blue and orange (present-day Target-match pistols) weapons seen in PROMETHEUS. They looked like kid's toys.
2; NO MORE FLAMETHROWERS!! At least not pre-assembled ones in the armory/ready-for-use ones like we saw in PROMETHEUS. It is the absolute height of mindless and suicidal stupidity to fire one aboard a starship, they're cliche`, have no real practical use aside from menacing an Alien, and the last thing you want is an alien running amok, on fire, acid bleeding from multiple and increasing places where it's skin has burned through/sloughed off, and setting even more of the ship on fire and burning holes in the ship all along it's path.
3; Do NOT even TRY to 'Star Trek It Up'...this is the ALIENverse, it has it's own distinct feel, flavour and mien. There is NO Central Monolithic Unchallengeable Federation of Planets as The Prime Authority...and there NEVER will be. There are NO Government starships out 'patrolling the sector', and when you're between star systems, you're on your own.
4; Characters should act and inter-relate like people do in reality, not by way of artificial/idealized 'Niceness'. Watch ALIEN for some great scenes between Ripley and Parker and their friction-points in personality.
5; People drink beer, some likely carry whisky/liquor flasks, they smoke, and have pin-ups all over the place. These are people, not Idealized Human Federation Citizens.

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 4:27 PMThose are great rules. The thread was open to all from 23-30 March. Amendments would require a majority vote from the Nefarious Nine (N9) and ratification from Chris.

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 4:40 PMThe intent is not to be exclusive to rules; however, the thread was open to all and it was stated on 23 March (click on the provided link above) "I am thinking maybe giving this thread a week to cook and then compiling everyone's rules into a proper document in no particular order. It could be fun and there are already several good ideas. Hopefully some vets will weigh in.
And Later "
Posted Mar-24-2017 1:17 AM
I think I may compile the ideas, list those who contributed and present in a different thread. I might edit if needed for flow but will cite members and ensure members' rules are recognized. It will tentatively be titled the Scified Alien Rule Book.
I recommend maximum participation if you want your rules posted.
Suspense date for entries is 03/30/2017 when I decide to go to bed.

MemberPraetorianMar-31-2017 4:43 PMHmppf how come I missed your original thread?
Ah well...I'd have one rule to add....a spaceship always needs a cat on board, if nothing else it would help to control the dildomorphs!
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

MemberPraetorianMar-31-2017 4:56 PMRe: @Neomorph. I'm happy for the Newborn to be canon. It is an offensive abomination, but that's what makes it so repulsive; and gets reactions out of people. It is a filthy beast and an affront to humanity and the xenos, and that why everyone loves to hate it lol. That being said, I wouldn't want it another film, point made, move on.
I agree with all of BWWs amendments. I do however like flamethrowers, though as mentioned definitely NOT the militarised versions as seen in Prometheus. Cobbled together industrial weapons are an awesome addition as they can highlight the desperation of the protagonist humans and add suspense and tension (is the thing going to work, explode in your face). Used well in Alien, Dead Space, Out of the Shadows etc.
A flamethrower is the quintessential fear-inducing, shock weapon that when NOT used correctly can be just as damaging to the user and allies. Some fool panics sprays everything with fire and pandemonium and chaos to ensue.
Love your no-star trek rule. Alienverse space is a dangerous, unregulated, non-policed, free-for-all. Adventure at your own risk.
Hahaha yes to mandatory Cats on all vessel too!!

MemberChestbursterMar-31-2017 4:56 PMThank you your honor. I couldn't find an advocate who wanted to defend Mr. Newborn Suckaoutwindowsky so I'll be representing him myself.
*looks at angry jury shaking their heads*
I know this is difficult to understand, but when I'm done with this statement, there will be no doubt in your mind that the Newborn is the stuff of nightmares and that it could inspire future creatures.
I'm gonna show you exhibits No 534 and 535 that have previously been admitted:
*accidentally shows my Neomorph cosplay suit*
Oh ***** wrong picture here we go:
Ok that may not be the best example but it's the only picture I could find right now apart from a gif I'm going to show you shortly.
*walks around, struggling to find words*
Imagine a human. Now imagine a human mixed with a scary peanut. With black eyes, a huge mouth and long limbs. That's SCARY!
*jury laughs*
Ok not the reaction was looking for.
Let's say you get home from work and you open the door to your apartment, and you see this
*jury screams and start crawling over each other towards the exit*
Nothing further your honor.

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 5:13 PMNeomorph- I agree with your assessment of the newborn and if I am interpreting correctly, Iraptus seems agreeable- that would be 2/9 in favor so far (I have PM'd all of the N9).
Interestingly and OT, Exhibit A is actually a man I read about in Mental Floss magazine (it discontinued the print version last fall)- he was basically studying goats to extreme measures and fashioned prosthetics to simulate how they walked and traversed steep hills etc.

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 5:31 PMBWW-
Your rules would need to be handled separately.
1 I generally agree except that lasers are still ineffective as weapons for anything except a stationary target at best.
1a I honestly don’t have an opinion either way
2 Flame throwers are cool for movies but are quite gruesome as was observed from early warfare. I never saw a practical purpose to have one aboard a ship. However, something like a welding torch would be more believable albeit less visually striking- think Aliens final battle.
- Agree- It is not Star Anything so do not try to be
- Agree- the characters seemed more real and less scripted back in 1979 as opposed to today
- Agree

MemberPraetorianMar-31-2017 5:31 PMTy for your support of my points!
Ok, I have to agree on Kit-bashed/cobbled-together Flamethrowers, yeah, always room for those. :) You also make some GREAT points on cobbled-up flamethrowers and flamethrowers in general.
As for my posted suggestions, I just wanted to speak my 2 cents worth, if they get Ratified, great, if not, no harm done. :D

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 5:34 PMLone- Some sort of pet could be a good idea but it should have something to do without taking too much away from the main story- if it is intended for pest control, there should be a scene where it actually performs that function.

Grinning & Dropping Linen
MemberFacehuggerMar-31-2017 5:35 PMOk after reading through all of that I'm in agreement with most of what BlackWinterWitch stated except I like the flame thrower, it's a primitive weapon related to the historical point in time, it helps create atmosphere as the flames or flames flicker with the shadows typically helping add tension for our protagonists. Plus it's a weapon they can't use at distance, if they are using a flame thrower, then the xeno or other creatures are upon them and close so it also creates tension. Sure don't use a flame thrower in every situation but I like it as opposed to rifles, having a flame thrower automatically puts our protagonist in harms way although they are armed, due to only being able to use it in close quarters and not allowing out Heros to defend themselves at distance .
as far as seeing a newborn again I vote NO as I'm not a fan of its design or behavior . I think in some scenes it resembles Pumpkinhead and I don't think it's all that scary in design, I just don't think it was all that unique and I remember a few chuckles in the theater when I seen it back in the day, no alien film universe creature should get chuckles.But I feel this enter newborn dilemma can be solved with the following potential rule..."while we seem to see other mutations and creatures as a result of Xenos and black goo and their existence, please make their design well thought out in concept and execution hopefully sticking to Gigeresque variations....simply stated if they introduce assorted new designs like the upcoming Neomorph please do it with a high level of skill, imagination, and creativity... Please don't just throw a scary generic design on screen without a deep well of creativity and planning.. This is the Alien film universe and it deserves better and more than that"

MemberPraetorianMar-31-2017 5:59's always good to have a cat aboard. It's after-all a long-standing Tradition also.
TY for supporting my points!
Now, about lasers, Truth seperated from Fiction and Misconceptions:
You have to consider lasers from an advanced perspective extrapolated from advancements of today. People hear 'laser' they think continuous beam system that must be held on a target.
My Husband works quite a bit with lasers of many types and applications, and has shown me a couple of years back what a Infrared laser with a pulse-duration of 1/10000th of a second and delivering a Total of 1.5 Kilowatts of energy into a target within that time will do. (The target was a bone-in ham as he was generous enough to clear things for a 'flesh and blood' test) It wasn't a 'surface burn' it was a deep penetrating wound, all the way through to and beyond the bone. There was massive trauma/tearing from the 'explosion' of matter into plasma state, and the target's wound site was sizzling and cooking for about 12 seconds after the shot. The damage relative to things like assorted other test targets showed that even vs Resisitant materials like refractory ceramics significant damage was done.
If you get shot by a weapon-grade laser, or a properly-set industrial laser, you will have a wound at least six inches deep, with a Permanent wound cavity diameter of approximately an inch. Post-impact, the thermal dump WILL start equalizing in your tissues, sizzling and cooking as it does so. The 'explosion' and it's associated mechanical effect is more than sufficient to fracture/shatter bone while charring it and thermally damaging it in other ways. You WILL bleed, there's no cauterization as the mechanical effects counter that from happening, and thermally damaged arteries/veins in the area will aneurysm profoundly.
If you are shot in the head, your skull will explode as the brain absorbs all that energy, as it is mostly saline water, and you have an instant and impressive steam explosion. Even a graze would cause massive harm and significant thermal damage.
Shooting an Alien with'd be better off using a shotgun or assault rifle, less of a mess/acid problem...or kit-bash a flamethrower from a welding torch and some other odds and ends. :D

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 5:59 PMSo far:
If a member did not comment, that insinuates no issue and therefore agreement- correct me if mistaken
So far for Neomorph’s Newborn 2 yay, 1 nay, 6 not present
Lone’s feline- 3 yay, 6 not present
1 3 yay, 6 not present
1a 3 DGAF, 6 not present
2 1 yay, 2 nay, 6 not present
3 3 yay- GDL didn’t say so I took that as a yay; 6 not present
4 3 yay, 6 not present
5 3 yay, 6 not present

MemberPraetorianMar-31-2017 6:01 PMas for the Newborn...yeah, it IS creepy and made an impressive Threat as it had all that massive Power...and had NO clue about the world around it. It's the kind of nightmare form that sticks in your mind.

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 6:17 PMNeomorph- OT. I checked out the video and yep- same guy. The anchor was laughing and making fun and obviously had absolutely no comprehension of what, how or why he was engaging in that study. She wouldn't have lasted 30 seconds in his situation.

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 6:30 PMBWW- Very interesting insight about laser advancements. I wonder about power consumption and availability in a field environment?
If they were deemed practical for field use, do you think it might add a Star Trek or Star Wars vibe to the Alien franchise which never used weaponized lasers perhaps violating your 3rd rule?

MemberPraetorianMar-31-2017 7:09 PMHere and accounted for your Honor
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberPraetorianMar-31-2017 7:27 PMResurrection wasted an opportunity to portray something terrifying with the Newborn. There are a couple of scenes where it looks quiet menacing and truly alien, and like BWW said; it was a true hybrid trying to understand what is was and where it fit in the food chain. Didn't like the wasted, unnecessary use of a Queen and how easily she was dispatched though either.
But instead, as Neomorph pointed out.....we got a giant emotional peanut with man-boobs instead.

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 7:44 PMninXeno426- how does the cadre member vote on the points leveled by Neomorph, Lone and BWW?

MemberPraetorianMar-31-2017 7:53 PMThe trick with lasers and regarding power consumption is the efficiency of the laser, and these days with development compounding upon development, progress is happening very quickly.
The other trick to managing power consumption is that X amount of energy if delivered in as short a span of time as possible (like Picosecond and Femtosecond lasers) can do some interesting things because the energy is so condensed, and a small amount of energy can yield effects far larger than one would expect. Pulsed laser emission is far more energy efficient, practical, and makes cooling/thermal management MUCH less of a problem as well. Continuous lasers, they need a lot of power and active cooling.
These days, hobbyists are making what could be called 1st generation laser weapons out of scrapped DVD player parts, rifle and pistol config, and while they're not powerful enough to do more than blow a hole through a CD at a range of a couple feet, each year lasers get more powerful, more efficient and with the advancements in Metamaterials being used as Optical Lens elements, in about 20 years (if there's market demand) we will have the technology to build practical, durable, USEFUL laser weapons on the personal level.
Concerns about a Star Wars/ Star Trek/Space Opera vibe:
No, as these are not weapons any sane person wants to get shot by. These are Hard-R rating weapons, they have grieviously ugly effects on flesh and bone. A bullet does damage by kinetic force and a shockwave effect in body tissues, the Temporary vs Permanent wound channel.
When a laser hits, that tissue is GONE, plasmatized for the most part and mechanical effects rip things up very well and much worse than a bullet. A laser firing in the UV frequency, at 1.5 Kw Delivered Pulse Energy at 1/1 millionth of a second would hit a man in the sternum, and you'd see large sparks half-congealed gore and pieces of charred bone blown out of a hole in his back the size of a toddler's fist. Internally, there's massive and progressive thermal damage to every organ and artery/vein within 5 inches of the beam-path-wound channel. Imagine having 2nd and 3rd degree burns on your stomach, diaphragm muscle, heart and aorta. ;)
Pulse lasers can also fire in burst mode or autofire akin to modern projectile weapons, and a triple-pulse burst of the above characteristics would pretty much cut a man in two.
Also, having seen what a relatively low-power laser pulse did to that, it's NOT 'Star Trek' or 'Star Wars' clean. :D