Will David Stay on Paradise?

MemberFacehuggerApr-17-2017 12:36 PMAt the end of Covenant, if David 8 is still alive (very likely) will he remain on Paradise? Or will he decide to further his experiments on other planets? (LV-426?)
What's the story, MUTHUR?

MemberChestbursterApr-17-2017 12:56 PMi think david knew about the covenant. it is set 10 yrs after prometheus but its a weyland ship and will of been in the final planning stages when prometheus embarked. so his plan in covenant is to send a signal that covenant will pick up and detour to. he infects the ground crew then gets on to the main ship to infect the 2000 in cryo. hence alien: awakening. (from cryo) all the test subjects he needs to play god. i hope it doesnt involve him taking on walters identity to fool the crew on the colony ship but he does need a way onboard once his work on the planet is done
Take This.... This is the blood of our lord

MemberFacehuggerApr-17-2017 2:54 PM@sherris love your point about David disguising himself as Walter to make his way onto the ship, I haven't even thought about that. I agree, I hope it doesn't go down like that, it's very predictable. It also is highly likely that David knew about the Covenant's arrival, I actually made a topic concerning that last week. It'll be interesting to learn the specifics of his knowledge of the vessel.
What's the story, MUTHUR?

Stan Winston (deceased)
MemberFacehuggerApr-17-2017 5:17 PMNo I think he'll be killed off in this film, because one of the face-huggers unexpectedly rapes him! And the so-called 'protomorph' is in fact David's Son, so to speak.