Alien: Covenant, what did Walter do with the human embryo at the beginning of the movie?

MemberOvomorphMay-24-2017 4:26 PMAfter I had finished the movie I had completely forgot about this scene, until it was pointed out to me. Walter took out and examined and kept a human embryo to himself (I think he kept it).
I like to know what others think about this.

MemberFacehuggerMay-24-2017 4:35 PMHe discarded it in a biohazard container
Is there an agenda the mods are not telling us about? ;)

MemberOvomorphMay-24-2017 5:30 PMWasn't this right before all Hell broke loose? Seems like he just discarded the embryo before he had to rush to figure out what was going on with the ship. Maybe he was taking the embryo to the lab for a little QA.

MemberFacehuggerMay-24-2017 5:55 PMThink about this. Why did David regurgitate the embryo containers. If he had full access to the ship through MUTHER, why bother. I believe Walter was instructed to carry them. Could the flute playng exercise be so much more. Think about it. How and when did alien DNA transmit over to the embryo containers?

MemberFacehuggerMay-24-2017 5:55 PMThink about this. Why did David regurgitate the embryo containers. If he had full access to the ship through MUTHER, why bother. I believe Walter was instructed to carry them. Could the flute playng exercise be so much more. Think about it. How and when did alien DNA transmit over to the embryo containers?

MemberXenomorphMay-24-2017 6:07 PMIs Walter dead? He seemed to have some regenerating tech(maybe in 1 week or 2, his hand would have grown back?)...... Could David 'kill' another synth? Maybe he just left him 'turned off'.
I'd like to see Walter make a comeback.
Are there other Engineer cities on the planet...can't believe there is only one!?

MemberOvomorphMay-24-2017 7:30 PMSeemed very clear after two viewings it didn't survive and tossing the bio-hazard container confirmed that.