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It's All About Getting Arses onto Seats- what will it take to warm a seat with your...umm...arse?
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3108 Views6 Replies


MemberTrilobiteMar-14-2018 10:16 PM

I don't want to see tons of trailers or teasers. I just want minimal info to entice me to get a ticket sale.

What about you?

6 Replies


MemberPraetorianMar-15-2018 12:32 AM

Trailers and Promo art that is actually an honest representation of the film. They might get bums on seats, but misleading trailers will end in bad reviews.

For a cash grabbing pop-corn & explosions film (*cough Transformers Cough*) that might be enough. Money talks.

But its not acceptable for a franchise looking for longevity over $$$

Also, a trailer should give you a glimpse into the film, not a summary of the whole bloody plot!

Im not having a dig at Covenant here, there are many franchises doing this to jack up ticket sales. But honestly if the next Alien film was to have no Xenomorphs in it for example, tell us that. Let us decide and get intrigued by an Alien film with no Aliens, rather than pretend it did.

Maybe its why Prometheus did better (overall) than Covenant in $$ and Ratings. Honesty and intrigue. 


MemberPraetorianMar-15-2018 12:35 AM

On a side note....

Im rather disturbingly intrigued to see BigDave's Succubus/Siren Femme Fatale predator idea happen :P


MemberChestbursterMar-15-2018 3:21 AM

Well I can tell you only an example of what makes me stay away from the cinema. The latest is (The?) Tomb Raider with A. Vikander (David's gf) because it is a reboot of the crappy originals, based on the reboot of the video games, which had a great story if I recall correctly. But in the trailers it shows that they reintroduced cheese where there was none in the reboot game (as Lara uses two pistols in the end sequence  to save her friend yet in the movie she takes two). Mrs Fassbender also says the she would like to make many more of these, as did RS, so we have precedents for bad quality. And I have even read that a review which said that this movie is a anniversary gift for the boyfriend to prove that he is not the only one capable to play in s#itty videogame movies.

So for me to go to the cinema would entail have a good track record and wanting to make a good movie firstly, not $$$.

And dk, you did spell arse incorrectly in the title, but you know maybe subconsciously you knew that ars in Romanian means "burnt" :P.  


MemberTrilobiteMar-15-2018 6:10 AM

ignorantGuy- no, too many characters to include the "e" in arse.


MemberFacehuggerMar-15-2018 1:26 PM

I’m not sure how a Feel’o’rama approach would work with an Alien movie, but I reckon anything’s worth a try once.

Feel 'o'rama experience.



MemberTrilobiteMar-15-2018 4:57 PM

Great movie! Wouldn't want to be there in Rosenthal's scene though.


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