David's Allure

MemberTrilobiteApr-05-2018 12:41 AM"What have I got that makes you want to love me? Is it my body or someone I might be? Or somethin' inside me?
You better tell me… Tell me.. It's really up to you. Have you got the time to find out who I really am?"- Alice Cooper, Is It My Body?
David seems to appeal to most either physically or intellectually or both ways. What do you think?
Here is the song if you want to check it out:

MemberChestbursterApr-05-2018 1:54 AMOk... I don't find him compelling in any way. Physically he is a perfect Aryan, but so was Roy Batty. Intellectually what is there to talk about? He creates the xenomorph using Engineer goo, but does not understand their tech to leave the planet, at least judging by early scripts. He writes with a feather pen on scrolls. He compares himself to Satan but He never rise up against his creator, even though he is servant for 70+ years (maybe in a follow up movie there will be revealed that a grand conspiracy was going on). He cites the Ozymandias poem, but he does not get the meaning (about false Gods as he is).
I understand that he is evil but human standards, but he does not display smarts or understanding. Especially in Covenant.

MemberChestbursterApr-05-2018 3:33 AMwhy not some Cramps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srRTFXvQ6cs ?