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Prometheus & The Ancient Astronaut Theory

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From The Huffington Post By Alejandro Rojas UFO and paranormal researcher and journalist Original Article: {} Ridley Scott's New Alien Movie Influenced by Ancient Astronaut Theory Excitement for Ridley Scott's latest alien movie, Prometheus, has been heating up. Fascinating new images were recently released and there has been news this week of a trailer being leaked. However, an exciting fact for those who believe extraterrestrials have already visited our humble planet is that Scott says his new movie is influenced by the theory that aliens have "helped" humanity advance to its current level of civilization. Dubbed the "ancient astronaut theory," this idea was made popular in the late 60s by Swiss author Erich von Daniken, and is currently the focus of the popular History channel television series Ancient Aliens. Scott's new movie, Prometheus, started off as a prequel to the Alien series. However, as the project took shape it turned into something new and different. Scott told the Hollywood Reporter that it had changed from being an Alien prequel to exploring the "space jockey" aliens that were featured in the first Alien movie. They were the giant beings whose ship the humans explored, finding the giant pilot long dead. It was on this ship that the protagonists found the eggs of the aliens which would terrorize the humans in one of the most popular movie franchises in science fiction. Scott also told the Hollywood Reporter that: NASA and the Vatican agree that is almost mathematically impossible that we can be where we are today without there being a little help along the way... That's what we're looking at (in the film), at some of Eric von Daniken's ideas of how did we humans come about. Von Daniken's ideas were an instant hit when he introduced them in his best-selling book Chariots of the Gods?, published in 1968. Von Daniken suggests that some of the world's ancient structures were too complicated to be created by mankind. Instead he believes they were created by advanced extraterrestrial civilizations that interacted with primitive human beings. One of the most popular examples is the pyramids of Giza; others are the monuments on Easter Island, and Stonehenge in England. Scott's comment that NASA and the Vatican agree with these ideas is a bit dubious. Although, in 1974, NASA's chief of systems layout at the Marshall Space Flight Center, Josef Blumrich, published a book titled, The Spaceships of Ezekiel. In the book, Blumrich suggests that the famous biblical story of the prophet Ezekiel's vision of a wheel within a wheel, could have been describing advanced technology. Blumrich posits that because of the lack of technology in Ezekiel's time, Ezekiel was describing the technology of an advanced extraterrestrial civilization using the terminology of that era. Several astronauts and retired NASA employees have gone on to investigate UFOs, or have been outspoken about their UFO sightings, but NASA has never given credence to the idea that extraterrestrials are currently, or ever have, visited the earth. The Vatican has also never made such a claim, although they have been showing interest in astrobiology, recently hosting a scientific conference on the subject. There have also been Roman Catholic priests who have shown an interest in UFOs, including Monsignor Corrado Balducci, who before his death in 2008, was the Vatican's expert in demonology. The debate on whether ET helped build the pyramid continues, and the popularity of the Ancient Aliens television series demonstrates that there is interest in at least entertaining these ideas. The addition of the topic in Scott's Prometheus will likely help drive box office numbers for a movie that is already garnering a lot of interest. He'll get my $10.
44 Replies

Micro changes in air density

Just to get back on track with this thread and why we are registered here. I am an engineer and I have to say given the vast amount of physical andscientic based evidence on the origins of mankind blows all theory's of the ancient astronaut theories out of the water. We humans are just not satified with our lot and the fact we evolved from apes. Look at the inteligence of say dolphins and elephants compared to other similar size and type animals. They are way ahead of most. Remember the world and civilisation has reinvented itself on may occasions due to monumentous natural disasters over the ages. Some leading scientists believe within 100 years mankind will be reduced to several million survivors. Personnally I dont buy this. There is absolutly no concrete evidence of extraterestirals being on this planet. Where are they now? Why do they always seem to be in the past? What I love about sci-fi is its sci-fi and nothing elese. Something to dream about and enables us to get away from reality. Bring it on I love it all.


MCIAD, You said you are an engineer, What kind of engineer are you? Civil, Mechanical, Systems, Quality, Operating, Electrical, etc. Every Engineer I know differentiates what kind of engineer they are, sort of a pride in what they do. They don't just run out and say hey I'm an engineer and I don't buy into the whole ancient astronaut theory without having some kind of a background. How else should we give any credence to what you said in your post? I'm not picking a fight, I'm just pointing out the obvious and would like some background. Regards, Rick

Micro changes in air density

Rick didnt think it mattered so much. Just a belief in mankind based on sound engineering and scentific principles of how we got here today and how we will survive come what may. You dont have to be an engineer/scientist to subscribe to these facts. Simply watch any of the history of the earth documentarties or read books written by engineers and scientics. For what it's worth I am a chartered structural engineer since 1990 and run my own business. I was 15 when Alien appear on the big screen. What facinates me about this whole Alien thing is it's concept. I think it's based on sound principles because I do believe given the size of the universe, statistically there must be more life forms out there. Whether they have every come to earth and interfered with our history is hard to believe given no evidence.


wow this thread has really evolved into into quite a grand mythology...time I throw in another 2 cents worth... One night I went out about 2 or 3 years ago to a local gay club (shock horror i am gay)...anyway this much older guy approached me after scrutinizing me across the room for like half an hour...I was actually getting rather uncomfortable...then he finally got the courage to approach me and introduced himself....his first question to me was weather I was an alternative healer, cause i had this huge bright burning aura.....i was like huh?....i heard some lines before...but this is rather refreshing...obviously I just laughed and said no. But this old chap was extremely articulate and very intelligent...he told me that he could actually see auras and also that we all had some type of guardian angel...he could not quite make out mine cause he said it was very foreign and extremely potent and very high up....tho he assured me that it was definitely an thought he was just trying to get a lay...but he already had a lover (much to my relief) and I was invited to their home on a number of accusations...he himself was an alternative healer and very highly educated...a very spiritual kinda person...kinda eccentric without coming across as crazy or weird....we spoke on the subject of aliens and he assured me that my guardian was definitely a terrestrial very own Tho I have to add that I took this information with quite a huge grain of salt....i mean their is some very convincing nuts out their...but from what I could tell he was rather successful in his practice as an alternative healer and also very respected by the who knows?....but I certainly don't have any delusions of grandeur and i only think of his theory as a possibility...i mean what if their is these aliens that actually scrutinize our behavior .......and what happens when we die.....end of experiment or do we go and live amongst them.....if they look anything like the xeno's or jockeys...then I might give it a


I read this amazing novel by Stephen King called "Insomnia". It really is one of his best books, and I should know as I think I have read and own a copy of all of them so far. Anyways, this story's main character is suffering from a serious bout with Insomnia, and as it progresses he begins to have recurring hallucinations and in all of them he can see the "Aura" of every person he looks at, not only that, but depending on what type of person it is he is looking at, the Aura's manifest themselves as Balloon Strings hovering above their heads in different colors for different people, an Evil person for instance would have a dark Black Balloon string "Aura". It's just a novel I know, but I find the idea of it all fascinating as well.


OK In a nutshell, The bad guy tries to kill everyone involved with the local abortion clinic by piloting and aiming a plane into a school where they will be having a rally for a female politician who supports their cause, and will be speaking at on that day.


oh i read that book as well...(love Stephen King)....i remember the long ago...i cannot actually remember the end of the book at all...what happened again.....tho we might be going way of just a short


oh yes....yeah I remember now...thanks!....bottom line and returning to the subject...,,,the plot of Prometheus is bound to spark some controversy.... mind u it's not like we living in the dark hopefully people are more tolerant to new ideas...we'll see?


.....OMG.....i am so not religious!....i do know and love a lot of friends and family whom are very deeply religious....their is going to be some intense religious debate once this movie is released...."what u mean God did not create us?.....and where is the baby jesus?" ....I'm sorry....I mean no disrespect....but It's about time someone did something that does not conform to any type of's u can break and bend any rule and still come up with a story that is ten times more plausible than the bible version...tho having said that....I know that i might be completely wrong.....I am open minded enough to admit that before anyone forms an exorcism....I am very happy to listen to your debate....and also if the moderators of this forum chooses to delete this......i'm not gonna hold it against u!


i think there is a bit of confusion ... God is the one that create "everything" from nothing ... everyone else is just a good scientist ... otherwise i can ask " who created the space jockeys ??" as someone said God is an explication that bypass an explication ... but i say that the true explication must be very good ....everything that did happen after the big bang can have any eplaination that dont exclude a god ...the problem is to understand how from nothing ( empty space ) the big bang did happen , how everything was born from nothing...and that will be neve explained by anyone . how humans beings are ..if they are from monkeys or from aliens dnaplay ...are just details .


Frantz, "The "Devil" is always in the "Details",". If you follow mythology and religion. There always seems to be this recurring coincidence that one "god" is always trying to depose their predecessor. Gods and the Titans, Lucifer and God, An and Anu (might be wrong on the last one), and etc. Regards, Rick


....yeah it's an interesting subject....i myself refuse to conform to any controlled religion or the church...but I am not an atheist either ( not that i have a problem with that )....but personally I would like to believe in a creator...some kinda higher being or entity....evolution makes a hell of a lot of sense to's simply more plausible...but just because it makes sense, it does not necessarily mean it is the truth either!....I might be going way of subject here...but from what i can tell the movie does focus a lot on where we come from and how we have become the beings we's pure sci-fi...but in the end i hope the plot will make me wanna seek some answers...or at least make me think.....what if?


Am I the only one thats convinced that man was manipulated in some way by superior beings? I've been researching this subject the last few months, and I'm more than convinced that some sort of manipulation is going on with mankind. Here is a little blurb I wrote on avpgalaxy that discusses the ancient astronaut theory. From looking at the production still shots, I can't help but think about the sculptured Face, and the Face on Mars. I'm going to go down the rabbit hole a bit, so please bear with me. Here is a 1958 comic from Jack Kirby about the Face on Mars. (Published years before Viking I landed on Mars, btw) [url=][/url] [img width=546 height=800][/img] I know many here are fans of the Alien franchise, however, I would not mind seeing an original story from the great director Sir Ridley Scott include themes from Ancient Astronaut theory. One of the theories of the origins of mankind is that we are hybrids from the Star Gods (aka ET beings). Alien abductees claim they have been inside of what looked like an alien hospital with advanced machinery surrounding it, as well as being shown 'hybrid' babies by these entities that look half human, half reptilian. Insectoid beings like praying mantis's were also seen during these abductions. John E. Mack, Harvard Professor of Psychiatry and Pulitzer Prize Winner investigated these claims initially to debunk them, but found himself in agreement with the phenomenon. [url=][/url] Here is a documentary about John E. Mack's works on the Alien Abduction Phenomenon. Sadly he died in 2004 from a drunk driver. [url=][/url] Another corroboration are from users who take psychedelics like 'DMT,' which is a naturally occurring substance that is secreted from your brain. Many plants and mammals have this substance in their body naturally. Users who inject it into their body, or drink 'ayahuasca,' a DMT variant tribal Amazonians use, can see visions of alien entities interacting with them, seeing alien worlds and spaceships, as well as a hospital room with what looks like advanced machinery surrounding it. Whats even more peculiar about this is that people totally unconnected to each other are having these common visions. Here is a brief excerpt from the documentary 'The Spirit Molecule' [url=][/url] What do you guys want to see in this movie? Although I wouldn't mind an Alien-centric theme to the movie, I wouldn't be upset if the story is only loosely tied to the Alien franchise. There is so much more to be told to the masses, in my humble opinion.


.....well that's another theory! won't even bother to debunk it....suppose anything is possible?....tho I will investigate...thanks for your interesting contribution!


I hope that prometheus will remain "simple" , with basic fears , great characters and action .... while bladerunner2 can go deep into the big questions of existence just like the 1st .


my fear is that the movie is gonna be like "space odyssey"....I have no fucking clue what that movie's plot was about.....tho I saw it when i was like 10 years old....must rent it now and get a decent sense..back then it was so weird and confusing,,,,tho i did enjoy it!... Time travel will screw up the plot....depending how they do it....some movies survive that kinda crap in the plot....but i must say it seldom makes any sense Frantz...i think we hoping for the same thing....I am hoping for a deeply disturbing, thought provoking, scary as hell drama ...i hope it is filled with the kinda shit that does not enable u to switch of the fucking light....or make u to scared to run to the bathroom with a full bladder......but at the same time make u think about the intricacies of the universe and our very existence as human beings....and of cause if it features some xeno's.....that will be the cherry on the cake...i'm not particularly worried about the acting....i know it's gonna be perfect....Scott does not hire bad actors!


The only thing that I think I am actually qualified to comment on about all this... is this.... I am not a religious guy at all myself, but rather, I consider myself to be a spiritual soul or thinking person or just that I am spiritual rather than religious. In recent years I have come to believe that there is so much hate on this earth simply because of the existence of religion and more because of the different ways people, and those with agendas decide to interpret the teachings of these religions. A reporter once asked Ringo Star, on the day the 4 Beatles landed in New York Cit, if he considered himself to be a "mod" or a "rocker" {The two most popular music trends and lifestyles of the 60's, you were either one or the other} and to this day I never forgot how Ringo Star answered that question, because it was brilliant, and now it applies here...his answer was..."I am neither, I am a "Mocker" ! The artist formerly known as Prince said the smartest thing I ever heard on this subject, He said..."Religion celebrates all of our differences, at a time when what this world needs most of all, is for us all to celebrate our similarities". & that pretty much sums it all up for me. Every war in mankind's history has had it's roots in some sort of religious beliefs....every single one. I have spent a lot of time in the past 6 months, by coincidence, watching a TV series, that the article mentioned as well, called "Ancient Aliens" which delves deeply into the theory of the Ancient Astronaut. In watching it I have become convinced in the theory and the total impossibility in my mind now that it is not 100% accurate. At the same time anytime anyone tells me to explain my position of support for the "Big Bang Theory" it always seems to end with me having more questions than answers. It will be nice to see the films take on this on top of just seeing it, and I think this is part of what will make Prometheus a very unique film that takes a very unique place in film making history.


...yes i don't have any faith in religion....but then in the same breath I can say that maybe that is my biggest problem,,,,u have to believe in something.....but that believe to me is just a's like a placebo....u believe strongly enough it will work for u....without any doubt !....but who are little old me to say that religion is wrong?....any religion for that matter.....we all know the difference between good and evil's a natural instinct....but we should not discuss religion on these forums....tho the plot of Prometheus does raise a lot of questions that is bound to upset some Christian perhaps we should just leave it at that for now.......well until we actually c the movie...until then....peace and love to


Woah guys, I think you are going a little too far with this. Lets look at what we know - What was the slogan in the leaked trailer "they went looking for mankinds beginnings, but what they found could mean its end", or something like that. Heres what Prometheus will basically do - we find evidence that life on earth was created by a third party, not accident. We go looking for our creators and find them (Space Jockeys), but when we do something goes wrong (this is a film after all) and what ensues risks all live on earth (the alien, or something new and much, much worse, or both). Ridley Scott has taken the Alien prequel idea, mixed in a bit of "ancient astronauts" and envisioned a new story, of which the alien is but a small, small part.


@Juxtapose I consider myself an astro-theologist. In fact, Christianity is based off of astrotheology. Its just another form of ancient egyptian worship. After all, Christians do worship on 'SUNday' and the meaning of 'Amen' does NOT mean 'so let it be,' but, 'so let it remain hidden.' Many religions are very similar in nature in terms of the story, and a 'savior.' I welcome the possibility that Sir Ridley Scott could be basing some of the plot points to ancient astronaut theory. Noted directors have been playing with this theme (Stanley Kubrick) in years past before.


I am just speculating here but, What happens I think form reading all the leaked plot stuff is that the Fassbender character I think, steels some of the Ampules and the ENGINEERS discover this and decide to lay some Heavy Evil On All Of them by converting / assembling one or more of the Ampules into a Weapon and then using them on the entire crew. The finger scene for instance is Fassbender's character becoming infected as a result of what the Engineers have done.


@ "droideggs".....i know exactly where u coming from....check out "zeitgheist"....a documentary film that tells u all about the origins of ancient religion and how it came about....not expecting anyone to buy into this....even if it makes pure and perfect sense and have plenty of facts to back it up with....i cannot get religion...but this is not the forum to discuss it in.....we have to respect everyone's opinion.....truth be told i have not had much resistance on this i am not bound to force anyone to enter my own personal beliefs....religion is a discussion all on it's own and i should not have even bought it pm me if u wanne chat all others out there....lets just stick to sci-fi horror! the fuck do u c if u got a private msg?


I have mentioned it but unfortunately it is not working yet, I am sure the potential for it in the future does so I guess "hang in there" is in order...I very much do lke everything you wrote in this thread tough Juxtapose for what it is worth, and I do not think anyone has gone too far with it yet, also... Please forgive me, I in NO WAY at all intended to have any kind of religious discussion, so I will watch what I write as well so as not to offend, also...I find this entire theory and subject matter completely fascinating. I just though this morning when I noticed this article that is was too good not to share.


@Juxtapose Yes! I have watched Zeitgeist and is definitely a good watch. I did some of my own independent research and concur that the world's religions have common roots. I'm glad that there are others open to the 'ancient astronaut' theory. In fact, I'd go as far and say that 'they' created us for a purpose. For what purpose is anybody's guess. Some will say we were created to be as their 'slaves.' Others have said that they are with us now, helping us evolve both in the physical and spiritual realm. Or it could be that no aliens exist at all. Which I find to be bogus.


I think that at the end we only care about being alive after death ...if one die and wake up again it will be not a great matter if he see Buddha or Zeus or Paris Hilton ...everything will be clear and one will say "hello dude ...where is my dog ?" ( exchange the word Dog with parents or wife or sister or cat as your pleasure ) Regarding Prometheus Noomi words imply that there is a sort of religious aspect , otherwise she would not had that kind of background . If that is played smart could be interesting ( what if the "gods" punish her because she have higher beliefs ?)


it's a good article was also the perfect device for me to get everything of my chest ....whether u agree or long as it remains a healthy debate...your recent heated debate with that other guy was very amusing as well...i never chose any sides tho was just so super ha....i do hope u ladies have finally kissed and made up! the very least we all have one thing in common....our sheer anticipation for 8 july 2012!


I offered him an olive branch from the bottom of my heart and he answered by insulting me and asking a bunch of other questions instead of taking it and then today I noticed he referred to me as a "Loyal Subject Off The Queen" again as an attempt to provoke me again, so I made a decision now just to ignore it, the truth always floats to the top anyways. But This... "not a great matter if he see Buddha or Zeus or Paris Hilton .." I almost "Woofed My Cookies" when I read it...LMAO !!! Funny "Shiznit" There Frantz !!!


It wasn't about you. It is quite obvious when I commented [url=]here[/url] I was referring to any fan who likes the alien queen concept and believes the queen will be in Prometheus not you personally. Anyone with reading comprehension can see that. EDIT: I find it really weird and somewhat amusing that I can't mention Hitler or a Queen without Spart taking it as a personal attack.


Yo Sparty, I have to disagree with you about religion being at the forefront of every war. We saved Kuwait for the Oil, we went to war in Aphghanistan for the Opium, we invaded Iraq for more Oil, we bombed Libya for even more Oil. In the words of my favorite Comedian may he RIP George C. [url=]"We Like War" [/url] Also as far as Religion is concerned [url=]Here[/url] is my take on it. Sorry, if it offends anyone just my personal belief. So is Sparty now Sparky Woof Woof? :P Regards, Rick


LOL dude, I cherish everyone's opinion. & You know what all our Fathers would have said/would say about that right? "Son, Opinions are like you know whats, everyone's got one". LOL, I may be wrong to infer that "every single one of them", was. Yup, That was wrong of me, Bad Sparky ! Bad. I cop to it. My Bad. Oh, Before I forget, you made me think of something cool... Here's My X-Mas/Chanuka Gift to everyone, a real good Laugh out loud funny thing from a Crazy Funny freak of nature named Dana Carvey... Instructions; Copy, paste, enjoy !
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