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Head theme

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Space Cadet (retired)

MemberOvomorphMay-03-2012 11:26 AM
Hi chaps! I've been lurking for a while and finally decided to join in the conversation. I've really enjoyed reading your theories and thoughtful discussions. Wasn't sure where to post this as it crosses over a bit. All the recent speculation about the exploding "SJ" head has got me thinking about the Big Giant Head. Heads in general seem to be a bit of a theme. Apart from the exploding "SJ" head, there is a Big Giant Head which may be alive; it may even be, as some have speculated, piloting the croissant. It has cables/wire/staples on it which may be to hold it together, or to keep something in, or to keep it from exploding. It's almost a human compulsion to seek patterns and connections but, returning to the Greek myths again, Athene, the daughter of Zeus, was born by bursting out of her father's head. Lots of head in this film :)
6 Replies


MemberOvomorphMay-03-2012 11:40 AM
I'm a believer. I also believe the likelihood has been discussed at length, most recently, that I can recall, here: [url=]The Big Head Controls the Goo[/url], raised by @Necronomicon IV. It's an interesting discussion.


MemberOvomorphMay-03-2012 1:03 PM
Yeah I can see that, true.

Bonus Situation

MemberOvomorphMay-03-2012 1:08 PM
The colossal head does not pilot the alien spacecraft, unless it does so remotely. The head is not in the spacecraft. This is proven from a screenshot of the green scan of the temple mound which when zoomed clearly shows the outline of the head near the bottom center of the structure.

Space Cadet (retired)

MemberOvomorphMay-03-2012 1:21 PM
Yep @Bonus, I tend to agree. There was a resonance for me between the exploding head (possibly having its eyes open) and the BGH being fastened up with wire. It may still be sentient, or currently just dormant. Try using the Synapse Re-establisher on that baby!

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-08-2012 3:08 PM
RS and the writers must have had a reason for so many head(snicker) representations throughout the movie,, *Sacrificial Head falling away underwater from his disintegrating body *Big Head Stature *Cut off Head that is attacking Millburn *Falling Engineers' Head ..secapitatred *Last Engineer's displeaure and rips David's * The way Millburn is infected *Weyland the head of his company Is there any connection to .."Athene, the daughter of Zeus, was born by bursting out of her father's head,," I can't decide if the heads(snicker again) represents the brain,the ego,,the person..entity. spirit..ect. It is just that there are so many scenes throughout the movie,, referencing this theme.. Looking over this post I am getting a headache.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 5:30 AM
On another thread this theme also applied to the Weyland Corp being headless with Weyland and Vickers being gone,,what ..or who is charge of the Company back at headquarters. Davis is now the only Werland representative on the scene so to speak a former head victim himself.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
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