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Spacey Man
MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 11:59 PMIf they are so human like, how is it that the engineer gets from his ship to the lifeboat to go after Shaw without a spacesuit. Wouldn't he die or go unconscious in the LV 223 atmosphere?
9 Replies

AdminEngineerJun-10-2012 12:03 AMGood question.. But he might have been able to hold his breathe longer than an average human. Or perhaps the Engineers don't need those suits to survive outside the ship/temple. I'm thinking the "Chair Suit" is only for piloting, much like jet pilots today wear those breathing apparatuses. Perhaps the Chair Suits are only there for when the ship is flying through space and doesn't do much to filter toxins out of the air.
Just an idea to make sense of it. But a good point regardless!
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

MemberOvomorphJun-10-2012 12:23 AMAlso, it might not have been as long a run between ships as we might think

MemberOvomorphJun-10-2012 12:24 AMI thought of this one too (this, and why is a Vodka bottle still standing up on the counter after the lifeboat crashes?)
I guess you can explain it away by assuming the Engineer still had his flight suit on after the crash, walked over to the lifeboat, and then took it off when he unsealed the door to the vessel.

Shilliam Watner
MemberOvomorphJun-10-2012 7:12 AMThe engineer had developed over time gill slits in his neck in front of the carotid arteries that allowed him to filter out toxins. I started a topic here on that.

MemberOvomorphJun-10-2012 9:07 AMThe movie tells us we have 2mins before we go unconscious on LV-223. That lifeboat didn't look like a long distance from the ship, and Space Jockeys are pretty large.
It wouldn't have taken him long to get to that lifeboat.
I think this is a moment where you have to suspend yourself in disbelief. If you can't accept the Space Jockey gets there in time due to his size / speed / relatively short distance to the lifeboat, then you're going to drive yourself bonkers with all the other [u][i][b]blatant[/b][/i][/u] inconsistencies with this movie.

Hadley's Hope
MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 4:29 AM[quote]The movie tells us we have 2mins before we go unconscious on LV-223[/quote]
No, 2 minutes before you die.
At CO3 concentrations above 1% you'd be out in seconds, maybe two three breaths, and dead in minutes.
I'll check your thread Shilliam... Seems odd, because the engineer in scene 1 is in a FAR worse atmosphere, with no oxygen, lots of Ammonia and Methane.

Hadley's Hope
MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 3:48 PMI would like to amend that... the engineer in scene 1 is not on Earth prior to the origin of life.

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 8:24 AM---
Only if you’re breathing thru an exhaust pipe. CO2 is over 3%. Two minutes without a suit, you’re dead.
Yeah. Look at the CO2 levels. Outside it’s completely toxic and in here it’s nothing. It’s breathable.
This is wrong? From wikipedia...
"CO2 is an asphyxiant gas and not classified as toxic or harmful in accordance with Globally Harmonized System of Classification..."
In higher concentrations 1% (10,000 ppm) will make some people feel drowsy. Concentrations of 7% to 10% may cause suffocation, manifesting as dizziness, headache, visual and hearing dysfunction, and unconsciousness within a few minutes to an hour.
plus he was infected, i think. plus it may be "toxic" to humans and not engineers. e.g. early earth atmosphere would be 'toxic' to us now, but engineer in opening scene on a 'new' planet did not have a mask on. plus he is a soldier.
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