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Prometheus was AWESOME

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MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 12:58 AM
WHAT were the Brits and the other critics watching that had me so bummed last week after reading the negative reviews? I was so depressed because I've waited a long time and have used this forum many times. However, as I watched this awesome movie unfold, I kept waiting for it to sink but it never did. Incredible from start to finish. A classic. I actually left the theater feeling weird and creeped out. Definitely deserves rewatch. The acting and storyline was amazing, as was the musical score and scenery... So EPIC! And easy 9/10. I love the ending, couldn't have been better and love how it was set up for a sequel. David and Shaw were amazing, and thank the Xenomorph Gods they'll be back for more in the next film. Ridley Scott and company made an amazing film...thank you
12 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 1:23 AM
...Meh. Which notable movies have you watched? In general, all-time.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 1:24 AM
I feel the same way! When I told a friend that I was going to be seeing this movie today, she replied that she heard it was bad. I was a little apprehensive and disappointed, because I heard the same thing too, but like you, I've been looking forward to this movie since I heard that it was being made. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen from start to finish, and I left the theatre wanting to see more. I wouldn't mind paying to see it on the big screen again, and pay attention to anything I may have missed. It's hours later, and this movie is still on my mind. It's amazing how it addresses questions everyone has about humanity, but rarely ask or even think about on a day-to-day scale.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 2:09 AM
I agree I'm going to watch it in 3D this time. I think there were a few bad reviews and everybody jumps on the bandwagon. It's really quite ridiculous reading some of these posts. People obviously don't have any taste for science or imagination. Yes ten hours later this film is still on my mind, and I'm a huge fan of the first two canon films. I've excepted Alien3 because that was done well also. This film however puts its self right up there with the first Alien. The trolling and smarmy comments on this site are discouraging, and proves how cynical today's world is. Some "fans" sound like spoiled children at Christmas. I mean Ridley made an extraordinary film here. I kept waiting for the letdown but it never happened. I'm sure I could think of and nitpick every little detail or lack thereof that disappointed peoples unrealistic expectations, but that's not needed with this film. Those who don't get it's pacing or plot style missed an epic just don't get it. Also, the Xeno at the end was spectacular! Insanely creepy, scary, otherworldly... Chilling. Cannot wait for the sequel!


MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 8:00 PM
i agree, mostly. the movie was great and Michael Fassbender did an absolute fabulous job as David. though, the film left too many questions, which i hope Ridley awnsers in the sequel thats planned for a release in 2014 or 2015.


MemberOvomorphOct-03-2012 1:31 AM
yup...was a wonderful cinematic experience.


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 1:25 AM
I finally saw this last night and it was one of the worst films I have seen. I stopped counting the plot and character inconsistencies, because there were so many. The group I watched it with are all big sci-fi fans and were looking to really like this. But when the movie plot progression makes no sense, how can you take it seriously. This movie overwhelmed my ability to "suspend disbelief". It was bad. Mostly because of how the characters behaved and reacted to situations. These are scientists and the first thing they do when they hit the planet is start taking off their helmets when they find a breathable environment. No concern for mico-organisms here! The android starts pushing buttons without consulting with anyone. They take the head into the ship without any concern of contaminating the ship. Then no one seems to care why the head blew up two minutes afterwards. Shaw finds that the DNA is identical to human DNA does not tell her partner until the subject happens to come up in chit-chat later in the day. The scientist becomes infected with something and of course tells no one. Why would the engineer come after Shaw? What gripe does he have with her. He should have just hopped in the other ship like Shaw did. Makes no sense. This is just a small fraction of the examples of bad writing throughout this movie. There are just too many of them. This was one of the worst I've seen in a long time.


AdminEngineerNov-11-2012 2:48 AM
I'm sorry you didn't enjoy Prometheus, have you bought the BluRay and seen the extras plus deleted scenes? They tend to shed some light on many of your concerns. Yes, I agree they should have kept most of the deleted scenes in as it probably would not have led to such a polarized fan review.
Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 8:06 AM
I have only seen the movie regular style. Posters that have seen the regular and 3-D versions does the 3-D make for a better movie? Or does the 3-D just add to the movie experience,,,but does little to clarify the lingering questions or what is percieved as a weak or confusing story?
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 8:52 AM
IO I loved the movie too, I can't help but think the negativity took on a life of its own, as it will with the Internet, and many were predisposed to be let down. It IS a demanding film, with an odd structure, and enough of a break from current movie norms that I could definitely see how some would be disappointed. But film is first and foremost visual storytelling, and Ithink Ridley ran with that tradition with love and flair. I too think its a classic.


MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 3:59 PM
what major noob said! i am completely impressed with prometheus. As far as im concerned, its a breath of cinematic fresh air. I believe that some of the negative response is due to a combination of group think and confirmation bias. The rest just didnt get the film they desperately wanted. to iterate what major noob pointed out....prometheus IS a demanding film. A lot of people are not going to embrace that. Artistic expression (and experience) is so subjective. What can ya do? Im not saying prometheus is THE perfect film (is there such a thing?), but the film we got is right up my alley. bring on the seqeul!

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 4:11 PM
Joey and IO- have you read Spaihts' script? It's awesome, too, and would have gone a long way toward satisfying many unhappy people, I think. I would have enjoyed that film too... For different reasons. I should have thought to link it here, I'll try to.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphNov-11-2012 4:13 PM
[url=]Alien: Engineers[/url]
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