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MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 1:00 AMI came across this YouTube video by accident today that I thought really makes a good defense of a movie like Prometheus.
Don't get me wrong I think Speilberg is a genius but there is something to say about films that are ambiguous, ambitious and make you think.
[url=]Terry Gilliam on movies that make you think[/url]
8 Replies

MemberFacehuggerSep-04-2012 6:54 AM2001 is a film that makes you think...prometheus is a film that makes you think how stupid some parts were.
Dont get me wrong I loved some of the film just parts were so bad it scared me! Like einstein with dementure!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerSep-04-2012 7:22 AMNice video.. I agree. Also, skip to about 17:00 min in this video and I agree with this guy too.... (in short, Alien had just as many, if not more, unanswered questions as Prometheus does)...
[url=]Prometheus Explained[/url]
djamel: dementure? Do you mean dementia? lol

AdminPraetorianSep-04-2012 7:31 AM@Patient Leech; That link has been posted before. [url=]INTERESTING IDEAS! Prometheus EXPLAINED[/url] :)

MemberFacehuggerSep-04-2012 9:10 AMWhoops god damn auto correct!
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 11:07 AMWhat I think happened with Prometheus is that our director has matured from our last time he ventured into Sci Fi, and thus we were not ready for his new direction or possibly new philosophy. Alien was a haunted house in space, but Prometheus was a philosophical debate without the audience able to take part, and thus the frustration factor was very high for most people.

U.S.C.S.S. Nostromo
MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 2:39 PMMaybe its just me, but personally I think that the interesting things about a movie like prometheus, are to give some tips (in regards to creation for ex) but not revealing all the info as if we were eight year old boys and girls, that want a nice beginning and a happy ending.
A good movie leaves some questions on the air that really make you think. And in regards to a gigantic topic such as creation, its logical that no one will ever really know how it happened, or why.

MemberFacehuggerSep-04-2012 4:51 PMWell I hope this philosophy reveals its self as the parts come out because its virtually non existent so far! I also love films that dont reveal too much like the SJ of alien or 2001 but like so many other people prometheus was too much of that and not enough of actually saying anything! You do know the 2nd and third parts were possibly not going to be made at one point - imagine that :O shocking!
No I dont think its the not answering questions that annoys people the most its the awful stupid things these people do in the film that just bamboozle people into thinking how awful some parts were - did they really think people would do this sort of stuff!? When you get to 74 and your a legend like ridley you just get cut off from ordinary peoples reality that bit too much possibly.
Anyway I really do hope its saved in the next few parts or some amazing grand plan was overlaying it all from the start - nothing would make me more happy but my hopes are very low for this so far..... :S
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D
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