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engineer alive within

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MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 8:27 AM
As said at the end of Prometheus by David , there are many ships on lv-223. Which obviously all came under attack by the black goo although none of the ships where close together so I don't understand where the communication was so other ships didn't get infected with black goo on the lose , And out of many ships on that plannet Prometheus lands at the 1 with (possibly) the only living engineer on it ?!? Hmmmm lol
David "The trick, Potter, is not minding it hurts." "Big things have small beginnings"
10 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 9:25 AM
From what I understood, there appear to be 5 pyramids on the planet, and each one could be the hangar for one ship. Each ship appears to have a crew of 4, so there might have been 20 Engineers in total. I don't know how many corpses are seen, but assuming that there was just one Engineer still alive, what's the difference if the Prometheus lands right on top of him or close to any other pyramids? In the end, if nothing bad happened in the first pyramid, they would have explored the other ones, eventually finding the living engineer anyway.
Ridley Scott will eventually tell us how the Queen was born. Right now we have the Deacon; coming soon the Mercury, the May and the Taylor.


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 10:54 AM
The 2 that got left behind found a big pile of dead engineers so there would of been a lot more then4 to 1 ship, also David didn't tell any1 about the other ships until the very end when he told shaw. Some reason he wanted to keep them a secret, I'm sure weyland would of known about them also though, and if they had of went into 1 of the other infected ships first that had no alive engineer in do you think they would of survived to research all the others? And we can only suspect that the ship David and shaw have flown of in is also infected with black goo on the lose so they might not even make it to the engineers home planet if it's years away and not forgetting shaw would die of starvation :-/
David "The trick, Potter, is not minding it hurts." "Big things have small beginnings"


MemberDeaconSep-11-2012 11:59 AM
Maybe the dead Engineers came from the other ships on the LV223. But there also appears to be more than 4 Space Jockey suits hanging in the halls leading to the Control Room. I think the idea in the movie is that there is only one more Engineer alive and this would make sense as surely he would have gone to awaken the others as opposed to just set off on his own.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 12:53 PM
I agree bigdave ! So we can take from that , that he already knows every1 is dead and his the only 1 left to complete the mission, 1 more thing, Do you think these are the true engineers? Or just the labourers/workers? Because in aliens the engineer they found dead in the cockpit seat was 27ft tall, do you just think Ridley scott downscaled them to 7/8 ft to make it more manageable and believable?
David "The trick, Potter, is not minding it hurts." "Big things have small beginnings"


MemberDeaconSep-11-2012 3:36 PM
I can answer the size for you. Its a Ridley cockup plain and simple, remember he gave us the Men in Jeans in Gladiator lol... every one makes goofs mind. You see the actual seat in Alien is about 16ft long, the impression of it being larger because he used child actors in Space Suits to give the impression of size. This created the Illusion of the Chair being much larger. The status qo for the movie was he was about 15ft tall.... Actually compared to the Production staff working on the prop he was about 12ft tall, with a margin for error as we cant see his legs. [img][/img] Now the idea in Prometheus was for a race of about 9-10ft tall beings. Again if we assume the Chairs are the same height then the Space Jockey in Prometheus is smaller but not vastly smaller. There is a thread on this ages ago. So looking at the concept works the Engineer in the artwork vary to be from 9-15ft compared to humans. The idea for Prometheus is 9ft and 10ft in the Space Jockey Suit, the Dead Engineers head proportions add up to this as do the Space Jockey Suits hanging in the Corridor leading to the Control room. Ridley stood the Engineer on blocks when he was with David to make him look taller. But Ridley made some mistakes as 1) The Ghost Engineers only appear to be about 8-9ft Tops running past David, and the Engineer scene with Shaw shows the Engineer to be 7.5ft tops compared to Shaw. Ridley should have done the special effects route like LOTR Hobits to create the illusion of the Engineers being 9ft tall but he never and so what we get is the Engineer who appears to be various heights in the movie. But if man can average from 5ft to 6.5ft Tall with some smaller at 4ft and as tall as 8ft then why cant the Engineers average 9ft but actually vary from about 8-12ft tall.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 5:38 PM
cheers Dave, that cleared that up for me :-)
David "The trick, Potter, is not minding it hurts." "Big things have small beginnings"


MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 6:15 PM
It's a big - but I guess logical - assumption that there were more ships


MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 1:49 AM
david did say to to shaw '' it is not the only ship'' '' there are many others''
David "The trick, Potter, is not minding it hurts." "Big things have small beginnings"


MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 6:53 AM
Yes, but how did he know for sure?


MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 9:50 AM
I think when he was playing around in the cockpit he must of seen that this ship was not the only 1 to land, has to be the only way, what do you think MVMNT ???
David "The trick, Potter, is not minding it hurts." "Big things have small beginnings"
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