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Prometheus theory

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MemberOvomorphSep-11-2012 9:31 PM
alright so heres my theory on how the hole prometheus concept. the black goo is a weapon without a doubt. from the start of the film my theory was that the engineer that sacrifices himself is the start of the evolution of mankind its not necessarily the start of life itself on earth. as we go through evolution we are made into humans but are dna is traced back to the engineer now theres a part that is skipped which doesnt make us become into the xenomorph or something like that. i think the original xenomorph was made by the breeding of an infected engineer with another. this creates the facehugger. now at the end of prometheus the deacon looked different from a xenomorph but also more agile like a human. this is because when charlie is infected he is given a small dose from david which doesnt break him down and form a new lifeform right away but gives him time to plant a facehugger into Elizabeth which then plants the xenomorph into the engineer. the the facehugger form creature isnt created from the black goo its created by breeding. so the weapon is basically used to infect a population and cause a spread of the xenomorph throughout whoever there enemy maybe at the time. in the movie prometheus it was the humans in this case. but what happend to the ship? in the movie before david examines the jar that holds the black goo he finds the jelly like substance that preserves the black goo on a part of the wall on the ship. an explanation of this could be that a engineer didnt agree with the mass murder of an entire species that was innocent and infects the hole ship. sence there were no breeding on the ship this explains why there are no facehuggers are found and it the engineer left alive must have frozen himself to be safe from the spread of the infection im sure there are some holes in my theory but nothing much that could be changed by other suggestions here and there. any ways thats all i got. oh and the xenomorph Queen could go down to the theory of just a mutation of a xenomorph or just an old xenomorph thats formed into one from age.
7 Replies


MemberDeaconSep-12-2012 10:38 AM
When we take all into account and thats the deleted scenes, the concept work and Ridleys comments they make more sense of whats going on than the movie. For some reason the Elders send one of their Engineers to be sacrificed, this Sacrificial Engineer drinks from a ceremonial bowl that contains some substance that breaks down the Engineers Genetics to a Molecular level. The Genetic Material that is broken down from the Engineer mainly falls into a dilutes within the water at the bottom of the Water Fall. Science Part: You can see from the opening scene the world has Trees, Plant Life and Water. For Life to Start it needs some basic elements and chemicals and Water is one vital component. Now Trees need CO2 in order to grow, we see Trees which is why the planet has Oxygen but in order for the Trees there must be CO2... now CO2 can be produced by Basic Life Forms, including Bacteria. Which brings us to the Sacrificial Engineer, it appears the material he breaks down into, somehow fuses with and then mutates and evolves basic life forms (Bacteria) and then kick starts Evolution. This is why the Engineer DNA matches ours but predates ours. Ridley had said the Engineers had visited us and gave us many upgrades and that maybe there was something else on our Earth before we was there. So maybe they have created a set of life and then wiped it out more than once in the History of the Earth. As far as the Urns go, well we go back to the LV 223 outpost. It seems like a Temple and a Shrine and the biggest feature is the Giant Humanoid Head and also the invitation and Star Maps. The movie was going to be called Paradise, and maybe thats a clue... maybe the Engineers Tera-formed this LV 223 as some kind of Paradise as some kind of place where Mankind could when they are ready find their creators and be at piece with them. Maybe? but maybe not? But we had done something in our History to offend the creators or at least a Legion of them and maybe either they decided we had to get wiped out or a Rogue Legion of them wanted us wiped out. They then changed the Paradise they was setting up for us, to now be a Testing Grounds and Storage Facility for a Bio Weapon to use against us, and maybe then others (if Rogue Legions doing). This way if their mission fails or does not wipe us all out, there would be clues left to then find Paradise which is now a Bio Weapon Facility and thus Mankind would come to the Bio Weapon should its mission to deploy it to Earth Fail. Which brings me to the Urns... Ridley has hinted that the Xeno Eggs on LV 426 had been there for a long long time and thousands of years prior to Prometheus. He also said they was Bio Weapons and the Derelict contained Eggs and not Urns.... and that it was heading to some unspecified destination but then one of the Cargo got compromised and infected the Pilot who then had to set a course for the nearest Baron Place to maybe Quarantine its Cargo. The Space Jockey had to make a emergency landing and set off a Warning Beacon. This as well as the events in all Alien movies shows the Xeno to be a powerful yet hard to control and contain Bio Weapon. My theory is that the Engineers knew this and they then tried to re-weaponize the Bio Weapon into a safer to Store and Deploy Weapon. Using the same process to break down the Engineers DNA at the start of the movie that produced a material that mutates and evolves basic lifeforms into ones that contain Engineer DNA. They used the same stuff to break down Xeno Organisms only instead of how the Engineers was spread through the Water, the Xenos is collected within the Urns and then added to some other substances to both preserve, protect and accelerate the Xeno DNA substance within. The original trailers showed that outside the Xeno Mural in Christ like Pose was the Ceremonial Bowl similar to what the Sacrificial Engineer had taken. This was replaced in the movie by that Green Orb/Crystal. The Xeno type Organism Mural had Face Huggers on the Mural as well and predates the events of Prometheus. The Xeno on the Mural is in a Sacrificial pose like Christs Crucifixion where Christ Sacrificed himself to save us from our sins. Thus the pose is similar to Christs Sacrificial one, and the Ceremonial Bowl was once outside this Mural that the Sacrificial Engineer had drank from. To me this all adds up to LV 223 being used to re-weaponize Xenos into a new Bio Weapon that is stored within the Urns.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 3:05 PM
so its a bio weapon non the less, its just so confusing why the the ship holding the black goo never took off i can understand why the one in alien didn't because of the face huggers, theres just a lot of questions that need to be answered. the xeno DNA kind of does make sence on how the worms turned into xeno type creatures. so was the stuff that david gave to charlie had some of xeno DNA in that because of the hole face hugger type creature in elizabeth? plus thats why charlie didnt break down like the engineer did on earth?


MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 6:12 PM
The ship holding the black goo never took off because of the outbreak that occured. They seem to have lost power (which explains why the hologram shut off). Even David says "Something went array" while explaining the Engineers to the others in the pilot room at the end of the film. I like your theory BigDave. The Facehuggers on the murial behind the Xeno have always been hard for me to make out, even after watching the film twice. Its nice to have some clarity on that. Another big question I have is, Why did no other Engineers investigate the outbreak on LV 223 over those 2000 years? Its apparent that The Engineers were headed for Earth, lost power and the 4 pilots went into hyper sleep. The only remaining pilot was awakened 2000 years later by Weyland and company and immediately started to finish the mission. So is this just a small faction of Engineer on a military outpost in a far away place in the universe, perhaps carrying out experiments with bio weapons that were forgotten about for 2000 years? Considering the existence of elder Engineers, it's very strange nobody came looking for them. Maybe they are more Predator like as far as Social behavior as a race. Remember the Derelict spaceship from Alien, no Engineers came to investigate that event either from what we could tell. Very strange indeed.


MemberDeaconSep-13-2012 6:36 AM
@JollyAmerican We do not see the true effects on Holloway so its left very ambigius as to if he was starting to change into a mutant or break down but at a slower rate. So its not conclusive. But if we take that Holloway was not breaking down like the Engineer at the start of the movie, then this opens up my theory. Now if we saw Holloway 100% start to break down like that Engineer then this would give more answers and raise more questions and it would certainly cast some doubts on my theory. But as far as it goes the Engineer had drank the Goo at the start of the movie and all we saw was he broke down, his genetic material broke down his DNA broke down and the substance that was left behind diluted with the water and must have then come into contact with basic organisms like Bacteria and then mutated and evolved them into new Organisms that carry the Engineers DNA. It is now likely some Engineers on LV 223 came into contact with the stuff in the Urns and there is no evidence that these guys broke down, unless you take the exploding head as a example of this. But there is plenty of evidence on LV 223 that the Engineers had came across something that had then exploded from inside of their chest like a Chest Buster and 3 of the sarcophagus had holes at chest height.... the artwork and concept adds to this as it shows the Engineers in the sarcophagus where actually wearing Space Jockey suits like in Alien and had same Chest Buster holes as in Alien. When they actually made the movie they change the cryo sleep chambers so that the Engineers never wore the Space Jockey suit, just a mask like Banes from Batman Dark Knight Rises. Also the orginal idea for Fifield was more Xeno influenced and taking that with the Hammerpedes and Shaws Baby and no conclusive end product seen to Holloway and the Engineers Head, all could mean that the Urns contain broken down Xeno DNA. But its just a theory and i could be wrong.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconSep-13-2012 6:50 AM
@Comacoz Here is the Mural pre filming.... [img][/img] You can see the Face Huggers at the bottom right and left corners. You make some good points and answered JollyAmerican question about why no ship had taken off 2000 years ago. Regarding the Engineers there are many questions and one would be why did that last one survive and why did he not seem so angered by the crew when he first saw them but intrigued. Maybe he had something to do with the outbreak and he actually sabotaged the mission and thus saved our bacon, only he changed his mind once he knew mankind was still corrupt and wanted to be immortal as Gods and had played God by creating David and now had a way to get to the LV 223 outpost. As far as how come no Engineers returned to LV 223 or wondered what became of the Human Race, there are many questions about that. If the Home Worlds intentions was to create or change LV 223 to be a Bio Weapons Factory to then wipe out Mankind, then yes why did they not check upon the progress of the mission? How come we dont see no Elders where did they all go..... Could it be that a rogue faction had actually rebelled against the Elders and wiped them out and then proceeded to do the same with us? Could it be that the Home World do not know about the creation of mankind or the goings on with LV 223. Hopefully we shall find out in Prometheus 2. As far as the Derelict on LV 426 i assume they got the warning and so never bothered to go down and investigate as they know the Engineer would be dead and the Cargo Compromised, which to be adds to the debate about do the Engineers use the goo to created a process that creates the Eggs and then collect them. Because if thats the case would they not go down to LV426 and collect the Eggs? To me LV426 seems like a attempt to Quarantine a Bio Weapon they have no need for anymore as they have taken what was needed to conduct experiments with.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphSep-19-2012 11:53 AM
@BigDave Yea LV223, the entire planet seemed like a quarantine zone. Hopefully we will get more solid answers in Prometheus 2. Its clear the Black Goo was a bio weapon that they lost control of on that installation. And I could see ur point with LV426, about the Engineers not going down there because they knew that cargo was hostile, better to stay away from that planet all together. However, Ridley Scott stated in an interview that the eggs had been on that derelict ship for thousands of years. So the original Xeno form we see in Alien is an older version of the xenos. Which means the black goo is a more advanced form of xeno DNA, which no longer needed an egg type creation process, just direct ingestion. That means the Engineers have been experimenting and improving their techniques for a very long time. When Prometheus comes on on DVD in October, it is supposed to contain almost 20 min of deleted scenes that help connect some plot holes and that answer some of these questions. I will be looking forward to that.


MemberDeaconSep-19-2012 6:47 PM
@Comacoz lol yep spot on, what you said is pretty much what i have said in many threads on here. For sure the Xeno and Eggs predate the creation of the Black Goo in the Urns but not sure about the substance the Sacrificial Engineer drank, i think what he drank was used on the Xeno to create what is in the Urns. One things for 100% sure.... well i guess nothings for 100% but i am pretty sure that the Deacon will not lead to the creation of the Xeno and the Xeno is the Progenitor to the Deacon, the Deacon is just a Evolution of the Xeno DNA.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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