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MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 7:07 AMIf you read the book and watch the Alien first movie Director's Cut, you will understand that:
There is no Xeno Queen - That was a cheap plot creation to make the sequel
The Xenos are autonomous and not intrinsically smart. Just very well adapted to survival.
The Xenos only function is procriation - not smart nor evil...just efficient.
The Nostromo crew was sent there on purpose - Weyland Weapon's Division wanted one of the Xenos to its biowepon division, because...
THe Message left by the Space Jockey was deciphered - They knew the full content of the message and the warning NOT TO LAND ON THAT MOON - The message was especific and it is hinted that it even explained the nature of the Xeno cargo, thus Weyland Weapon's Division especifically desiring a Xeno back on Earth for study. Pity is that both book and movie only mentions the dire warning and Bishop's comment of how noble the last pilot was when leaving the message there, not to be rescued but to be left there. The warning was to any one able to decipher it, not ony to his kind... his last act alive.
The concept (if we DELETE all the bulshit brought by Aliens and the following movies) steers toward the fact (confirmed by Scott himself) that the Juggernaut was a millitary ship, transporting a very dangerous bioweapon to someplace, and undergoing problems. Prometheus and its sequel may (I hope) steer back to the original idea, erasing all the trash that came later (Aliens included)
28 Replies

MemberTrilobiteSep-13-2012 10:36 AMBigDave has essentially made the point I would make is that by viewing Brett's transformation into an egg incubating a Royal Facehugger (Alien 3 Assembly Cut), Dan O'Bannon's original idea (not Ridleys) would work in tandem with James Cameron's Queen idea.
The owners of the franchise, being those that own the production rights, and thus must give their permission to any movie set within the universe, are unjustily so Brandywine Productions (don't get me started). Although they do have the final say so their influence is minimal within Ridley's plan.
Prometheus is a recycling of unused ideas from Alien, used to establish and explore the mythology of the race known as the Engineers. Although there are links both direct and indirect to the story of the Xenomorph, Prometheus and its sequel(s) are not about the Xenomorph but about the Engineers. yes there are possible creative ways to explain mysteries in Alien, but this is another story arc, exploring another species, set in the same universe and taking place chronologically before the associated "mother" franchise. Prometheus is NOT a prequel, nor is it a reboot. It is an answer to a question Ridley repeatedly asked - "Who is that big dead guy in the chair in the derelict craft, where does he come from..."
Back to topic though. Should Ridley want to mention address the Queen, he will in fact support the idea, as he always has, because remember - Ridley, O'Bannon and Giger were all fans of James Cameron's Xenomorph Queen, both in terms of design and concept.

MemberXenomorphSep-13-2012 11:07 AMZz plural
Before joining this blog a2 DC was my favourite alien universe film. Now it's p1 + a1DC because I understand a lot more about a1 dc now and the story boards that xenomorph alpha 07 posted. I still love a2 DC though and a4 (a3 is ok but it really mucked up everything as it was only an excuse to extend the series and make money on the reputation of the a1 and a2.)
The only reason why I am hoping that Ridley is bashing everything after alien is simply so that establishing the life cycle of the xenomorph is going to be that much simpler and that could be instrumental in establishing their role in engineer society and therefore establishing engineer society itself.
Is Ridley now liking the queen Idea ? Has he said any such ? (sorry bigdave that's what I heard but I humbly submit to your take/witness of it !!!)
Well if everything is "canon" after alien then does that mean that the deacon has all the memories of an engineer he has broken free from ? Does he have Shaw and Holloway's memories as well ? Would the deacon be able to pilot a ship by itself ? Where do you draw the line ? Did the alien in alien have kane's memories ? Did he know the Nostromo was going to self-destruct and therefore knew then to go to the lifeboat to wait for anyone escaping . If he wasn't morphing into his final lifecycle (or perhaps dying ? - story board saying he was morphing doesn't contradict the movie as there was no evifence he was dying - is there a storyboard saying he was dying ?) might he not have piloted the the lifeboat himself ? Ludicrous I know. But the point I am trying to make is: would Ridley not cut out all of this type argumentative nonsense if he only works with what is knowable from p1 -a1 ?
That is all I am trying to convey. Is he not maybe trying to move away from all of that ?
I personally don't have a problem if Ridley works with what is knowable about anything from a2 to a4. Even avp1 - avp2. If that is the case then snorks theory on the black liquid is the most encompassing theory we have at the moment.
I just believe we need to look at a theory only working with what we see in p1 - a1.
But if the additional 25/34 cut scene minutes might reveal that Ridley has gone the p1 - a4 canon route then I will happilly accept that !!!!
Just hoping for the sake of simplifying things that he has gone the p1 - a1 Route !!
Hopefull we will find out soon !!
I don't care if we see xeno's in p1- a1 just that we know which route he took in establishing their role in engineer society .
Thanks snorks for that info !!
Snorks was giler also involved in prometheus ? How much of a hand does he have in what happens in prometheus. ?

MemberDeaconSep-13-2012 10:19 AMAs far as Prometheus goes its a Prologue to the Story Ridley wants to tell with hints to link the story covered in Alien.
Prometheus 2 i feel will explore the Engineers, i think Shaw and David will either come across them, in maybe limited numbers or maybe they are all but dead and only a few in Cryo Sleep who then tell them the story in Flashback...
Or they are all dead and the find out via Holograms etc.
Ridley will be following what Shaw and David find as Shaw wants to go to where the Engineers came from... i thus dont think they would come across or contact with the Deacon or any Xenos.
The movie will answer these questions...
Who are the Engineers?
Where do they come from?
Why/when did they create us?
Why did they visit us and leave clues?
Who created them?
What else have they created?
What is there agenda?
Where are they all now?
It may also touch upon.....
Why did they create us to then destroy us?
Why did they want to use the Urns whats in them and how/why?
Why did they create LV 223.
I think this would lead to Prometheus 3 that would then maybe be a prequel to Prometheus or have plenty flash back scenes and would then cover.
The creation of Lv 223 and Urns and its/their purpose.
The downfall of LV 223 and a explanation for the Murals in Prometheus.
And maybe also the connection between the Engineers, the Derelict on LV 426 the Xeno and how it is connected with the Urns and LV223.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 7:24 AMHmmmm.
I think I second this idea :-D
I already knew from reading the book that The Company had deCypher'd the message (see what I did there? :-D) and that it was "Frighteningly detailed, very specific" in regards to the last hours of the Space Jockey and the Alien's life cycle. And I ALWAYS thought, from the MOMENT I laid eyes on him, that the Space Jockey was a GOOD GUY, in the wrong place at the wrong time.
So yes, I second this ;-)
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberDeaconSep-13-2012 10:06 AM@Voidhawk
Some good points and its a question of taste...
We never ever get to see Ridleys ideas of the Alien, the only hint was the deleted scenes in which he had one Human cocooned and the other changed into a Egg, now maybe the other was changing into a Egg also.
Ridley has not said he dislikes the Queen concept and that it made sense, he has said that the Alien Franchise has been done to death but no one answered who the Space Jockey was and he wanted to answer that question but then not make the movie about the Xeno as not matter how you dress it up the Xeno has been done to death.
Regarding the signal... Ash did know and thus the company did know there was something there and had some hint of what it may be but did not 100% know for sure what they was going to encounter, just as in Aliens the Marines had a idea of whats out there but they did not know as much as Ripley.
Looking at the Space Jockey Signal it repeats certain words over and over and so it can not be a complicated sentence but a Warning over and over.
Maybe translated it was.... Warning, Warning, The Cargo (or Bio Weapon) has been Compromised, Warning , Warning.
It may have had more to it than that, but its only a selection of words repeated.
However now we have Prometheus and Shaws transmission they may have intercepted that and who knows maybe LV 223 gets destroyed prior to Alien but the message could reach other future Earth craft which leads to a World no longer there but then near another that has another warning signal only in Alien and so maybe the company could link to the two to determine that indeed their is something worth investigating?
Now back to Alien.... The Organism
Yes it was more stealthy but then look at the scenario a crowded ship, all alone poorly trained and armed crew.
Now if we sent in a Marine onto a Cargo ship with a crew who had little or no arms and he had a mission to kill the crew. The Marine could carry out that task with ease, he could use stealth to pick the crew off one by one.
Why would he need expose himself in the open......
Now if this Marine was sent to Afghanistan with a Platoon in a more open environment against a more better armed and numerous foe, then that Marine would not have to or be as cautious or stealthy as opposed to if he was all alone behind enemy lines.
This is a way to justify the behavior of the Alien Xeno and Aliens Xenos. As Humans would be more willing to be in the open in greater numbers than more cautious if alone.
The Organism in Alien had little or no real agenda until you saw the deleted scenes. As it basically went around just killing off the crew just perfect for a Bio Weapon.
In Aliens they hunted the Humans down to collect as hosts for further Xeno Organisms.
The Alien deleted scene showed this same behavoir that the Xeno Organism collected Brett and Dallas to then use them to turn into either...
a) Two Eggs
which means when the ship comes across more Humans that means potentially two more Xenos from the Eggs Face Huggers infecting two Hosts and thus now makes [size=200]3 Xenos[/size]... but only once the ship comes into contact with hosts or else its just one Xeno and his Eggs.
b) One Egg, One Host.
which means that this would instantly create another Xeno prior to any other Humans finding the Ship which means two Xenos.
But then if this is the case, why not catch Lambert and Parker? This would then mean the ship would carry 2 Eggs and 2 Hosts for 3 Xenos on board or it would mean 4 Eggs that need Hosts and one Xeno.
This is where the Queen comes in and a idea that Snorky had....
If this deleted scene showed one Egg and one Host but this Egg was a Queen Egg (hence size) then this would create a Xeno Queen, the ship would then have one Xeno and a Queen Xeno who can then lay any number of Eggs.
Changing the ship from....
Carrying a lone Xeno.... Alien original cut.
Carrying either a Xeno and 2 Eggs, or carrying 2 Xenos.
Or Carrying a Xeno and a Xeno Queen that has laid countless Eggs?
I know which makes more sense for the perfect Organism that has the drive to procreate its species.
I understand your point and that is if we go back and remove Aliens etc
And only have Alien as it was shown, what we have are the Eggs that are created or get there for a unkown reason that then release the Xeno Organism that after its cycle and host produces a Xeno that kills off as many native Organisms as it can before it is killed or dies out.
Hence perfect Bio Weapon.
As a Bio Weapon that can reproduce either via Queen or turning Hosts into more Xenos and Eggs, well thats not a perfect Bio Weapon if you intend to populate the targeted location after infestation of the Bio Weapon.
The perfect Bio Weapon of today would be a quick acting/killing Virus that can spread but then only has a few days half life so after weeks after the deploying the Virus that kills off targeted hostiles will then die out and have no effect on any persons who then step foot down to the eradicated location.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 9:40 AMI wouldn't pay any attention to what's said in a book. Movies should stand on their own merits.
The Queen in [i]Aliens[/i] is not contradictory to the [i]Alien[/i] Director's cut; merely an adjunct. There's no reason at all why a Xeno shouldn't become a massive egg layer should the right conditions prevail. Indeed, I've argued that it's a particularly effective way of breeding an exterminator force. There is nothing - nothing at all - in the original that says the Xeno must always act as a solitary animal.
I think you're being quite unfair to [i]Aliens[/i]. Far from adding "zippo", it gave us a new look at a particular breeding mode, some great characters, the hive (which you personally don't like) and an update on the situation on LV-426.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 7:46 AMThere is hope, as Ridley Scott might want to get back to what the story really was...
On all discussions we usually tend to go to the Xenos...and that damned mural does not help, but we might be surprised (in a good way) to see that the story is a lot more than talking about bioweapons. See what Frank Herbert really wanted to tell (the OverArch was about Man/Machine and not about drugs and political struggle)
Indeed the Company (at that point, a murky evil thing in the background) really knew what was there, and wanted it badly for their weapon's Division. Such is clear cut in the book and clear cut in the Director's Cut, so there was nothing arcane nor mysterious for them there...but the Nostromo crew were unlucky to be on that route. There was no chance meeting, as Bishop was put there especifically to bring the xeno back to Earth, so the overall plot now with Prometheus should (and I hope that) not revolve on the spent xeno thing, nor on the also spent Monster genre, but steer to something else, explaining now in detail what was really going on, and who the Sapce Jockey really is, because I feel ww will see they are not Engineers, and might well be in a long battle against them as it seems. It might happen that the engineer race copies SJ technologies (not accurately though, as the eggs from the original movie would be the the real product and the metal pods from the engineers were pirate copies, given that SJ tech is eminently biological and engineer tech is a mix, as shown by the pods at the Ampule Chamber)
It might be revealed that they are part of a radical especies that once seeded life on many planets but then decided to erase their creations for some reason (they would be part of a weird culture anyway, with sacrificial rites to create life) which could mean their religion could be a radical, pervasive one and such could lead to a dangerous culture (life sacrifices - ritualistic culture as the death of that alien at the begining would be totaly unnecessary to a species adanced in biotech, thus that death was purelly ritualistic)
The SJ culture could be at war with them, trying to protect life.
This could lead to a really interesting plot, were the human like engineers are the villains and other, nonhuman like beings would be benefactors trying to stop senseless destruction...
Lets be radical, and so making the murals depicting the original being used as template for the Xenos. A benign creature transmutated into a weapon due its very efficient defensive system...that could be interesting as well.
On the other side, depicting a weapon so efficient that their ritualistic culture made it into a symbol of their destructive intent, using life to destroy life...sick, but compatible with the concept of a highly ritualistic culture intent on their purpose, rightful for their mindset

MemberXenomorphSep-13-2012 7:41 AMVoidhawk
I certainly hope so - that Ridley is moving away from everything after alien (not crazy about a3 - the film itself is ok but it was just an excuse to extend the series). I like all alien films but for p1 -p2 - p3 - a1 I hope this is the case as I have a feeling Ridley wants to set the record straight and say in a "prequel way" with elements of prometheus that this is what should have happened in a sequel. And putting his stamp on it.
However I doubt that would be the case. They are probably keeping their options open. "they" being whoever has the final say as to what happens to any film that has to pay the owner(probably "they") of the alien trademark.
Just my thoughts.
Snorks some info would be nice here !!!!

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 9:05 AMWell, Aliens is regarded as a fair sequel for it has good direction and a good pace, as "an action/monster movie" and even at its release many critics said that, as the story was well ploted "per si" and made a good movie of sorts it was a fair sequel, in that it was as entertaining as a movie as any good action movie, for that is what it was, adding ZIPPO to the original, and actually denying some basic, visceral ideas from the original just to make money.
In a stand alone way I do agree it was a good movie...but that is as far as I go.
The concept of a Xeno Queen, its wild adaptations...I really disliked it since the beginning, and it was totally contraditory to the story in the Alien book and in its Director's Cut. They just put it there to make a dramatic point: Human Female (Ripley) against an alien female figure of sorts. It means that the Xeno Queen (eech) is more a product of Ripley's character than anything really important to the Alien original story
On both uncut original movie and book it is clear that the xeno is a totally autonomous being, and agressive yes, but not supernatural nor hive like (?) It was more akin to a vespa (procreation wise) and as a White Shark in its aggressiveness. Its actions on Nostromo (and the Director's Cut is faithfull to the book) shows how it acts and its efficiency as a bioweapon. At that, what weird bioweapon would it be if it needed a queen to spawn drones...tactically unwise to create such a weapon, when a totally autonomous one would work much more efficiently...and RS own words already told us that the xenos ARE bioweapons that were being carried in a military vessel found by the Nostromo (actually by the Company, who sent the Nostromo there with "very clear instructions to retrieve the alien weapon" for study, as they knew the Full extent of the original, real Space Jockey pilot, message)
These are not fancy thoughts, but the actual plot from the first Alien, and the original story does not fit with the sequels in any way...
So I prefer to think that with Prometheus they will do as what they are doing with Predators, cleaning the house and getting back to what the stories should have been since the start.
I really hope so...

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 8:48 AM@Voidhawk:
[i]"Prometheus and its sequel may (I hope) steer back to the original idea, erasing all the trash that came later (Aliens included)"[/i]
I don't think there's any doubt that we'll eventually see a fleshed out depiction of how the ship on LV-426 met its fate. It's a question that Ridley's been talking about for a long time. Personally, I hope we don't see this in the sequel - I'd like it saved for a future instalment, since there's so much potential in the Engineer's universe.
[i]Aliens[/i] is widely regarded as a good sequel to [i]Alien[/i], and it fits in pretty well. All the madness started with [i]Alien Resurrection[/i] and the Alien/Predators nonsense. It won't go away, I'm afraid.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberTrilobiteSep-13-2012 11:28 AM@ oduodu,
Giler and Hill have the same level of involvement and control as they did in the AVP's - they give permission and receive money and a cut of the profits for doing so - in other words a pair of vultures

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 12:08 PMIdeas flourishing...good ^^
I wrote a long text and poof...damned computer logged me off...
Now lets see. I like the idea of sinmplification, and the concept of moving away from Queens/Xenos and whatnot.
Putting them as tools, taking out that demonic aura is refreshing. They were tools from an advanced culture. Weapons, soldiers or watever, used in a war or millitary actions...and that is what important on the next movie, what is refreshing. Creating a new character that refreshes the concept and creates a new landmark...a story that goes further in concepts and action as well.
I sure hope they do not go the "long gone extinct mighty race" route...that is cliché and overused already! Lets see something new, that is what I hope.
And also explanations about who was the pilot of the ship seen on Alien (it is not the ones we see in Prometheus...size and appearance differs enough to set them apart, even though near enough to think it inspired or is a predecessor of the Engineers biosuits.
The engineers themselves, even the one at the base/temple/millitary base/weapons cache was different from the one seen at the beginning (look at his neck...just look) but that image could be millions of years in the past, and the base was destroyed 2000 years ago...the gap would be enormous.
Ship designs were different but a seeding ship is not, at first, a millitary one, and Juggernauts are war ships, or at least millitary cargo ships.
There is a lot to say before the next movie comes, and we all might be wrong and they go the cheap way (done before...)
On a side note, my opinion is that movies adapted from books should always be faithfull to the books originating them. They are not stand alone, but cinematic versions of the books and disrespecting that blundered more than one great book. Lord of the Rings is the example of how it must be done, as it was a transposition as faithfull as possible from the books, and the result was marvellous, and producers should learn that and not try to make their versions stand by their weak selves...
Not that it applies to Alien. I think the book was an adaptation of the movie and not the contrary, although I might be wrong (will check the book later). But it sure was a lot scarier and more complete than the movie, and I like the movie a lot ^^

MemberDeaconSep-13-2012 1:36 PM@Snorkelbottom
Yes thats pretty much the deal, i do think we may get a explanation for how the Urns came about and its connection to the Xeno, and why mankind was scheduled to be wiped out.
But it would be something vague like the Water Fall scene, this scene did not show anything come from the DNA of the Engineer, it only showed his DNA break apart into the water, come into contact with some microbes and start to rebuild its self and then go one to show cells splitting and reproducing.
Ridley will make the connection but it wont show us Xenos running around thats for sure.
Oh also Snorky..... Kudos to you as it was you who mentioned the possibility that Dallas could had been used as a Host for the Egg created from Brett that could be a Queen Xeno.
For the ultimate aim of a Organism trying to keep itself alive and procreate this theory makes great sense.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconSep-13-2012 1:46 PM@Voidhawk
Yep thats a bummer... i always copy my text to clipboard or notepad before i hit the reply button as if you do not post for a while it logs you out and all your work is gone....
I dont think there will be anything done to distance away or disprove the Xeno Queen i dont think Ridley will change a single thing about the Organism.
I dont even think he would visit other lifeforms that come from the Black Goo.
I think we may by Prometheus 3 get a slight explanation of the Urns and LV 223 but that it wont then lead to a movie about the Xeno, i think the Explanation of the Urns what they do, where they come from and LV 426 and any Xeno connection will be done by a collection of scenes that would only take up like the screen time the Hologram, Cuddles vs Engineer and Deacon Chest Buster scene was.
It may simply imply like they came across or created a Organism to use as a Bio Weapon against such a such target for such a such purpose.
And LV 223 and the Urns is either part of the process to creating the said Xeno Bio Weapon or that they actually came from re-weaponizing the said Organism.
So any connection from Xeno to Urns in say Prometheus 3 may show as little Screen time for the Xeno as say the Hammerpede or Deacon had.
Ridley is mainly interested in the Space Jockey Race and who knows Prometheus 3 may have nothing to do with Humans in the equation.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 1:50 PM@voidhawk, I truly like your first post Saving the Story.... I just reviewed Alien with Ridley Scott’s commentary for the very 1st time the other morning, the commentary that is, also I looked at all the artist’s concept drawings/sketches, including Scott’s rough sketched story board. RS mentions that somewhere down the road he wanted to do a story about the large 26 foot alien that Dallas, Kane and Lambert discover on the derelict ship, RS even states in an Alien 4 or 5 movie, where he would introduce the SJ story.... Also the commentary of Scotts was incorporated 4-5 years after the making of Alien, so what I am leading to, RS commentary had to been done before Cameron’s Aliens.....Hence RS had a very clear vision of where his masterpiece of Alien was to journey off to.... I only wish today all the sequels of Alien was done by Ridley Scott, no one else, I mean can you imagine how the direction of the Alien universe would had lead the story??
Well that’s my opinion, just thought I’d post it
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....

MemberDeaconSep-13-2012 1:51 PMAs far as the Books and the Original Draft Script Star Beast...
Ridley just borrowed unused elements and combined them with some of Gigers unused Dune work to create the Temple.
Star Beast had a Temple, it had a Mural (which showed a Organism like Grown up Cuddles) the Face Huggers came from Urns that was leathery in appearance and not ceramic like in Prometheus.
And also the Face Hugger within was described just like Shaws Baby and the Chest Buster was similar to the Hammerpede...
Only the original draft from Aliens final adult Organism is nothing we have seen yet as it was described as having 6 limps and tentacles and implied it could impregnate people like a Face Hugger.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 3:36 PMNow we are stuck with ideas and possible venues, and all always geared to what we saw/read/know mixed with our own choices of what would be good or not, but who knows what will come ahead.
And as for any crossovers...I like crossovers (I even have a massive crossover fanfic running...) but we need to be careful when dealing with that, and Aliens vs Predators previous movies fried any desire to see more of that happening.
I could see Prometheus really going Ctulhu Mytos direction, with a real approach to Lovecraft's works...not hnts nor likenesses, but actually going that directio, with the engineers serving Ctulhu and that being as their God...but then again better no...crossovers are too risky, and something original would be marvellous to see.
I still recall the goosebumps I had when the derelict alien ship from the first movie appeared on the screen, and the feeling of utter alienness when the Space Jockey was shown back was trully different, and this is something hard to see nowadays.
I miss that, and did not find it on Prometheus, but still I like the story and the possible venues it ensues...

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 7:45 PMI'm pretty sure that Brandywine/Fox has more influence in this than most people think. That's good and bad at the same time. Good because they understand Ridley's desire to explore new things and unanswered questions. But it's kind of bad because they want to reuse things and even more unused ideas.
We'll continue to see some familiar imagery that is forced into the series, as well as themes from the other alien movies Ridley weaved in. Luckily Ridley has hybridized everything and it'll be a story about the alien genetics and the genetic engineers all the way through...
Ridley is obviously recycling some of the unused ideas from Alien, but if you really look at Prometheus it bares some similarities to an unused alien 3 script as well. Only this time it was the Engineers who tried to weaponize the aliens in the past and failed. Some of the idea of Fifield morphing into a xeno like creature came out of the unused alien 3 script that involves morphing.
They're going back to the morphing cycle and focusing on another side of the genetics. the male/king side..

MemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 8:30 PMUh....sorry but I hope that is not the case....I really do.
Lets get rid of this xeno thing....the ideas are more than that...or so I hope.

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-13-2012 11:44 PMI completely agree Void, I missed that fright as well. The eerieness of Alien was SOOO very much lacking in Prometheus. IMO Prometheus was more of a space comedy than a scary Alien film. Too force fed, and clean. Could have delved a little deeper, hopefully the dvd/bluray will give us some horror to look forward too!
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MemberDeaconSep-14-2012 6:13 AM@Mala'kak
Yeah good points.
i do hope Prometheus 2 however does not explore the Xeno or Goo, i mean my theory connects the Goo in the Urns coming from re-weaponizing the Xeno so the Urns contain Xeno DNA.
And thus hopefully we dont see any Xeno DNA Urns apart from whats on LV 223 and no Xeno Eggs as they are all stuck on LV 426.
As Ridley said there is a massive scope for the Engineer race and can explore them away from the Xeno....
Mankind has invented the Car, but if we had movies about Cars all shapes and sizes would it not be more interesting to do movies about other things Mankind created and not just cars?
My point being that the Urns in the Temple had to be a mix of Xeno and Goo the Sacrificial Engineer had taken, the actual stuff the Engineer at the start of the movie drank contained no Xeno DNA and i dont think Xenos could come from it unless it was mixed with a Xeno.
So that means we can explore more about the Engineers, their culture their history and the many other things they could have created.... As Ridley said the scope is massive, its just like saying the Engineers could had created as many different races as we see in the Star Trek Universe.
I do think at some point he will explain the connection between the Xeno, the Temple, the Mural and the Urns and how they all link and came to be. But i think he would save that for a small part of Prometheus 3 as that movie touches upon the creation and fall of LV 223 and its purpose/agenda.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 7:14 AM far as the Aliens go I think this franchise is all about using some of those unused/old ideas, and reworking them in novel ways that work with where the series is headed; focusing on the original morphing cycle that Ridley created. Possibly a reason for the outbreak: the genetics reverted to the morphing cycle, it was broken down by the black liquid to a controllable form, and was able to grow out of the Engineers' control through recombination when procedure was broken or foreign elements were introduced either by accident or sabotage.
The Engineers didn't know the genetics could take traits from the hosts/substrate after they'd been broken down by the goo. The goo was a way to keep the alien genetics in check and to deploy it as a semi-manageable weapon. But like in the unused alien 3 script an outbreak eventually happens to the Engineers because this fire is too dangerous to play with. When a break in their normal routine with the goo/xeno genetics causes the outbreak, it allows the genetics to recombine in a way the Engineers fear/worship. Returning the genetics to an almost pure form by the end of the film when we see it. David mixed the wrong ratio with the goo. Like when the outbreak happened these xenos rely even more on the morphing properties the morphing life cycle shares with the black goo.. It may be totally reliant on morphing to separate the Deacon and the Alien of this series from the other breed that's derived from the same common ancestor.
Through their meddling with the fire and attempt to weaponize it, the Engineers only made it a deadlier form of the fire... Zeus would be pissed. Which is why they were most likely at war with the Elder engineers...or rebelled against them after some form of serving them followed by punishment (having similarities to a number of groups from mythology). There may have been a traitor on LV-223.
The black goo kept the alien genetics in check, but the genetics were able to grow through stages, uses organic material to attempt to mutate, breakdown other material and reform its own genetics by mutating things on a cellular level(like in the unused alien 3 script). The broken down genetics moves through other organisms and life-cycles of other organisms, mutating Holloway's sperm in one instance and then rejuvenating the dead cells in Shaw's egg to reach its almost ancestral form.
The kicker is these xenos can morph dead material quite readily, as seen by what happens to Fifield. He was dead... before being brought back to life as a xeno mutant. We know from the concepts what he was sort of turning into originally, but I think that would have been too similar to that unused concept and they don't want to go all the way with it in Prometheus.
In the sequel we may see more morphing done by the deacon so it makes more sense when people are changed into things.
There's hints to the mutation plot from one of the unused alien 3 scripts running through the movie, but thankfully they didn't go all the way with it.
However those ideas have been morphed almost beyond recognition. In that script it was the air that infected the humans. In this movie the idea of it being in the air is brought up, but we know from what David does/says and the quality of the air that it wasn't airborne, like in that unused script.
The idea of the infection being airborne is a slight nod to that script, as well as Vickers' character, the idea of weaponizing the alien further, + many other things within the movie. The experimenting aspect is mainly carried by the engineers, but a little bit by David/Weyland who want the black liquid. The Engineers are the ones weaponizing the alien and created a more weaponized form of the alien genetics through the goo in the past, by forcing it to be broken down and kept in a constant state. When the outbreak happened it began to share more properties with the goo i.e. morphing/breaking down and reprogramming organic material for a new purpose (a trait which the goo may have originally got from the alien genetics, it's unclear because both have the potential to pass on traits to what they breakdown and recreate but the eggs are most likely older than the urns)
I would bet my life savings there will be more aliens in the series, but they've been altered by what the Engineers have done to the original genetics. So these aren't what we're used to and they couldn't give that totally away in Prometheus. Now they're literally living death, with a more infectious form of reproduction and ability to breakdown/regenerate/recombine based on the goo and the original life-cycle. It's about death and resurrection, but sometimes to create something new you have to destroy the old thing. Or completely morph it beyond recognition, by breaking it down and rebuilding it according to a new plan. Using the biology of a species/other living elements to rewrite itself on the genetics.. For this series that means more of a reboot while not being a reboot because of the direct connections forming to the original series. A hybrid series of old and new ideas. A prequel and not a prequel. An alien movie, and a movie about the Engineers and their wars.
However this is a story that runs parallel and can help fill in some of the gaps...
Did you know that the Space Jockey was mentioned again for the first time in that unused alien 3 script? Fox has definitely had some ambition to go back to that idea again. Only Ridley found something else he wanted to do with that idea, which was to make them ancient aliens.
Ridley wanted to reuse old ideas like the Jockey in a new way, and some ideas were most likely thrown in by Fox and improved by Ridley not overdoing it. Some fans might not like Ridley wanting to do things in slightly new ways right now because we didn't get a 16 ft Jockey, but I think some of the changes made are very purposeful.
In a way Ridley doesn't want to simply reuse ideas, he wants to improve on them. To build on them and extrapolate those original ideas or use variations of them e.g. the jockey being a suit, the derelict being a bomber, and the morphing cycle. As well no one needs to see a queen again but if Fox feels we need to see something similar built on the morphing cycle that comes before a queen, and is the preferred method of the deacon, then I can tell you what we'll be seeing will be leaning on the male side genetically, like the Engineers. It was born from Shaw before being born of the uber male Engineer, so it has a mixture of both traits, but leans heavily on the male side. Also originally morphing Holloway's sperm and only rejuvenating/morphing Shaw's egg.
The eggs may be a part of it eventually, but lets not forget all the thematic links to kings they've been making.
"A king has his reign and then he dies... it's inevitable"
Everything will eventually reach its end. Even if it's a slightly unstable form of the fire/Alien genetics that relies on a male side of the life-cycle in the absence of a queen..
A majority of us would like to see the original egg morphing cycle. I think it could be done with the way things are going. After the king dies..
I'm not saying the sequels are going to be only about the Aliens. It'll be a healthy mix of races (no Predators!!). I'm saying Prometheus was just the small beginning to something much bigger. Like many of David's statements "big things have small beginnings" holds multiple meanings in the film and even beyond it.
On one level it's almost a statement by the filmmakers. Once we look back on it after Paradise and realize how wrong we were about Prometheus it'll all make sense. It also applies to David's plans in Prometheus and beyond, how the goo/genetics work, + aliens much bigger than most aliens we've seen because of a weird form of alternating sexual dimorphism we didn't know existed in the alien life-cycle. Prometheus was our small reintroduction to this universe and a story that runs parallel to Alien/Aliens. We've still got to see how Weyland and Yutani join together. Every fiber in my being tells me this will happen sometime and if Lindelof hadn't signed on we would have probably seen it already. But you know I think it's better that they're mixing old and new ideas, reusing ideas in ways we won't have seen, and moving away from what the Alien became towards another side of the life-cycle that hasn't really been explored. There's more than a couple things that indicate that Fox was fed ideas about returning to the morphing cycle during Alien 3. They never really went with those ideas, but I believe they're now willing to let Ridley expand on that idea for this series.
As a result some very minor influences from that one unused alien 3 script are seen in Prometheus, and i can tell you that it's Fox trying to make sure Ridley doesn't steer entirely away from their cash cow. They seem to be fine with him using old ideas in new ways.
Doing new and old things at the same time with the old/relatively untouched concepts. Like the way the Space Jockey became something slightly different but still retains the traits of the original jockey. However, there could be a way that these Engineers and the Deacon are both species that are only evolutionarily related to the original Jockey and the Alien genetics respectively..

MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 8:15 AMWell, I like your line of thoughts.
The only thing I am not in agreement is dealing with xenos again...were they daring enough they would really make the Engineers story the real important thing, making the xenos a side note only important because it happened in the first movie (movie...I still prefer to put Aliens and all sequels aside...) a weapon like a bomb, but nly a tiny part of what is really going on in the wider Galaxy...
The concept could be thrilling/scarier than anthing previusly seen. Here we could se them using Lovecraftian ideas, like humans really being created by the Engineers, who in their turn are among the Elder's Races of the Galaxy, locked in some great conflict with someone even greater than themselves.
Remember the first images we see...the ritualistic way Earth was seeded (I do think it was Earth, and that would imply that those images were from millions of years in the past) denotes that they are a culture dominated by rituals, some very cruel (a technology that advanced would not require a true life sacrifice...dumping a specific virus would have done the same without that painful sacrifice, or even more effectively as you could have sent thousands of automated drones to seed the planet) so they are alien and ritualistic...and who knows what kind of civilization would be that...something under the control of beings like the Old Ones from Lovecraft works?
That could explain also that after millions of years a splinter, service species (Engineers) could be at war with their masters, fighting a foe so much bigger and powerful that we have not seen it yet, but some of their works are known (Xenos) and struggling to control/reverse engineer one of their master's creation to use in their fight.
The SJ seen in Alien on the derelict ship is not the same (suit or not, it is clearly different...very unlike a suit actually) and maybe it was not an Engineer, but one of the True Elders (naming for the sake of this argument) who they try to emulate due their culture and situation (hate and admiation after millions of yeas of servitude) and the eggs at that ship were a true xeno shipment and the ones on Promeheus are the Engineers attempt to recreate/control it. Maybe that was why Earth would be a tactical target on such a huge conflict. It could have been converted into a huge troops depot by the True Elders in their conflict...and such would not be desirable it is not true?
The Galactic enviroment humans exist could be something maddeningly akin to the universe Lovecraft depicted...vast, cold, uncaring for human logic and locked in conflicts beyond common logic understanding...
That would make the xenos a side note, and the Engineers a stepping stone to something bigger, like pointing to the True giant Space Jockey and his original mission....
Something I would like to see is humans finding the true originator species to the xenos, and finding them as an intelligent, technological species locked in combat with whoever control the Engineers or the Engineers themselves being the villains...the strife to try and contact humans....the fear, and ultimatelly becoming allies able to fight alongside humans against a common, terrible foe bent on controlling // altering life just for their pleasure and crazy culture.
Anyone here ever read Larry Niven's Heoroth series? Beowulf's Children in particular? He depicts a creature more feasible and even scarier than any xeno, and yet, in the final book, one of those terrible creatures (the grendels) proves itself just part of the ecossystem they are living in, and actually an intelligent (trully intelligent) ally that would walk side by side with humans to explore the universe...I really loved that book and its end, especially that no one would see it coming after the first book in the series, as the grendels were true killing machines.
Aha, fancy thoughts...and the true sequel might be nothing like we think/discuss/imagine...but one thing is clear, the aestethics ad possibilities opened by Prometheus could lead to something a lot more complex and interesting than any xenos or morphing things...

MemberXenomorphSep-14-2012 8:23 AMMala'kak
What trademarks do brandywine own ? Only the alien creature ? If Ridley only tells the story of the xenomorph origins and no actual xenomorph scenes would Ridley able to do as he please without the consent of brandywine ? Is that maybe what ridley is trying to do ?
Snorks ?

MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 8:36 AMI hope they do not get locked by any "rights" claims...
That killed many movies/animes/series in the past...and some were so good...
And killing I mean both actually preventing them to be done and also killing plots and stories just to accomodate "rights'' and such...

MemberDeaconSep-14-2012 9:27 AMSome interesting ideas....
Ridley did however state that the Alien Space Jockey was a brother to the Engineer in Prometheus so i think the Engineer and Space Jockey are the same race.
However lets look at the Typical Human they stand what 5ft10" but can be a small as 4-5ft or as tall as 7-8ft.
Thus the Average Human would stand about 5.5ft tall.
Now the smallest a Engineer appears is the last Engineer who appears to be 7.5ft tall now the idea was the Race Stood about 9-10ft tall and the concept work depicted them from about 8-12ft as the imagery they varied a bit.
So its not beyond the realms of possibility that the Engineers could be 7-15ft Tall just as mankind can be 4.5-7.5 feet tall.
The Actors who played the Engineer in Ghost Scene and Last Engineer stand 7ft1" and 7ft3" these are tall Humans, Fifield and Holloway actors stand under 6ft so are about average.
so there is no reason why the Alien Space Jockey could be just the Ian Whyte of the Engineer Race and the Last Engineer the Michael J Fox of the Engineer race.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-14-2012 10:15 AMVery true...height differences would be possible, and with an alien species who knows... the ratio could be a lot different, even allowing the differences between the SJ in the first movie and the ones from this one.
Taking an idea from MACROSS, the ancient galactic rulers (Protoculture) created the Zentraedi as a battle force, giants to battle their wars against any treat to their rule , using their DNA to creat the giant warriora, so why not the Engineers could not have created a race of giants to be their army soldiers, thus the pilot from the bomber on the firts movie being a giant even comparing to the Engineers we see on Prometheus..that would be smart as they are master biotechnicians. Engineers are the masters, and the Space Jockeys are their warrior force. That would explain the first one found by the Nostromo, following what RS himself said.
* (Ah, the citation is from MACROSS and not the travesty Robotech, please. MACROSS has a great science fiction plot and is still alive to this day, and I am a hard die fan of that series)
Even the obvious differences between the one in the fitst movie and the biosuots presented on Prometheus could be explained by that...and yet it does make space for ideas...but I know in the end they will not do what we want nor expect...but yet the mind exercise is always fun.
I aknowledge RS is already saying his thoughts, but yet tying so much already does close some interesting venues, and I also am aware that sometimes the creative mind behind a very good concept can destroy it as easily...take Arthur C. Clark's with 2001....the concept and execution at first was awesome and transcending...but with his own hand he destroyed and make mundane and cheap everything with 3001, leveling completely his whole concept by explaining everything and even contradicting his own work with the explanations from 3001 (horrible, simply horrible) I am not as a fan as to think RS himself could not easily level his own concept. It is his right anyway, but saddens a bit nonetheless.
I was very harsh and unforgiving on my review of 3001, and I do recognize it now, but I keep my opinion it was horrible...but back to the subject.
So the SJ in the first movie is an Engineer as well, all right. A biosit of different design...all right. The eggs are different, all right. So lets see what it will come to pass then. In the book there was no body in that chanber, just a box sending the message, and the podes were mettalic if I correct remember it. The ship was there for an undefined lenght of time, so it could have crashed decades or aeons ago. By Prometheus it could have been there for at least 2000 years, as the ship design is exactly the same althoug the biosuit is not. Ah, one loophole here, the whole commanding seat is way bigger in the downed they make adjustments for every individual? Not pratical in millitary standards, but they are an alien culture, and the whole chair comes from inside the could have at least two different sizes to accomodate variations then...
I like details and I am almost sure these will be overlooked or forgotten, but it is a pitty as details make the differences at times, although making the eggs at that ship leathery and the ones at the base metallic is way too much to just forget. They will explain that surelly, or else the continuity will be just childish.
I am always fearfull of sequels, and more often than not they blunder, but at times they do great as in MATRIX or in Lord of the Rings, so there is hope, if they take it seriously. They created a really interesting plot here, going possibly way beyond the simple monster movie so I have hopes, but I am also fearful. At least visually we can expect a real trip...but aside that we better keep tight and wait.
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