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6 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 3:36 AMYou know, I've got a sneaky feeling there might be a guy in that rubber suit.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 4:10 AMSumerian bird god - we have stelli of this character in the Ashmolean Museum here in Oxford, I saw them yesterday, along with some Iranian kuniform hymns.
Nice kung-fu action, too.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 4:38 AMhaha alien vs ninja, i rented that a couple months ago from a little local video store.
it was actually pretty good if you like weird asian movies, and i do, i really really do ^_^
want a huge kick, check out "the crippled masters". "chinese super ninja 2" is also one of my favorites.

MemberOvomorphSep-20-2012 12:01 PMdoesn't seem most people are getting the enormous humor in this :/
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