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MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 12:33 PMNot a long post here, and I already mentioned this once and BigDave posted it could be an adaptative biosuit, but whenever I see a new pic from the engineer we see at the movies end, I have the firm impession that he is not wearing any suit, but he is bare naked, and heavily mutated.
Look at the pictures of the guy...his body is heavily altered, as if prepared to heavy work/battle?
He is strong (we see him being shot by those rail guns they use to no avail, and the atmosphere of the barren moon seems to be at least bearable to an extent, so what we see is e breed of Engineers bred for battle purposes?
That was a military installation of bio weapons, and there is some kind of conflict raging for we do not knw how long...
An advanced species geared into biotech would obviously create something to do battle more efficiently, and here we have the Replicant concept again, which ties a lot to what we see on Prometheus, from sentient bio-tools to seed planets up to cargo handlers (original SJ), up to warriors.
Maybe that was what they were researching there, a way to improve their warrior models, and it went awry due sabotage, mistake or breach in their security and a raid from their enemies.
The one with the head cut off was infected by something as well...and they were running from something...
Think about it..and Ridley Scott himself clues are laid in the movie. Do we need more a blatant clue than the body of that engineer itself?
15 Replies

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 1:56 PMMaybe the engineers hybrided themselves with xeno ADN to become stronger soldiers. The black goo could be the bio tool they used to transform their body. But something got wrong. I read in another thread about the speech of the engineer with Weyland at the end of the movie that somebody understood he talked about "blood being corrupted". Well in a way the scientific experimentation on themselves got out of control and certainly led to the birth of a xeno. We don't have all the details and my explanation is a bit confused, sorry for that... So, yes, I totally follow your theory Voidhawk. He's not wearing a suit at all, he has been turn into a bio tech creature !
By the way, I find this bio tech design wonderful and I think it's a shame we don't see it enough all along the movie.

Oneironaut 717
MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 2:01 PMHey! I'm liking the idea, yes!
This could also explain why he wasn't affected by the apparently poisonous atmosphere purported by Dr. Ford.
The head they found - was generating new cells.
So do you think the black goo is responsible for 'generating' this bio suit?
And what was Dr. Holloway turning into?

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 2:59 PMIndeed something got out of control there, if by their experimentation or by a attack of an outside force it remains to be disclosed.
The thing affecting Dr. Holloway seems kin to the thing that happened to Fifield to an extent...
Fifield is turned into a killing zombie, so it seems as something perfect as a bio-weapon, killing the enemy and turning them into tools as well at the same time (even a better design than the xeno design by the way)
It seems that maybe waht happened to Holloway is that whatever turn the Warrior breed into more efficient "models" worked differently into humans, so what workrd for the Engineer warrior would not work to a human, which is a sound science fiction idea, for that was designed as a prduct of war effot for Engineers and not to be used on other lifeforms.
Maybe the engineer killed by thr door was undergoing such transformations and the attack at that base occurred in the middle, and his death caused the morphing to go waste and we see the results in that examining table.
Anyway lets move away from the xeno for a bit. The products on those ampules might be of different kinds for different purposes alltogheter, as that was a millitary installation and they, as mater biotech handlers, would have a pletora of different biweapons to choose and use.
To alter your soldiers to a more efficient design would be logical to such culture, especally if they are locked into a huge conflict, alredy thousands (if not millions) of years long, and also if they already are employing the use of engineered constructs (the engineers we see, given they fit and muscle prone appearance conveying the idea of artificial beings)
Earth humans choose androids like David (a more efficient design in my opinion) and they choose totally biological constructs (the engineers we see so far) and alter them given the use/objective/necessity.
I strongly believe we will see some surprise if and when Shaw arrive at Elder Space controled area...

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 6:34 PM*Ahem..* hehehe...
Glad someone else is thinking the same thing.
Check out this thread i started. I think it's time to resurrect it again.
[url=]Your text to link here...[/url]

AdminPraetorianSep-23-2012 8:44 PMYes it looks like the "suit" is partly, or fully fused onto their bodies, they even sound robot-like. I have posted a couple times since the deleted scenes have been released that I wish we could hear the Engineers talking at the beginning scenes so we can see if there voices match or have they have been changed/evolved into a biomechanic form.
MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 10:26 PM
Sounds 'robot-like'? Really, where are you picking up on this??? I'm not getting that at all.

MemberOvomorphSep-23-2012 10:45 PMYeah, they sound even more robot-like than David...
Hints of Replicants and all...
I think we will see some really interesting things revealed about this aliens in the sequel...
Some fans might not like this at all, as it might reveal these bald steroid guys less misterious and more of a tool employed by the real masters out there...

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 10:26 AMNo, not the case. Read and think my postings
I am speculating about what it could be and then extrapoloting and applying a good dose of imagination (granted ^^ ) because in the end they will do as they please no matter what we say or think.
But some ideas stirring up are interesting, a lot more than the old plain delivered "seems to be that" from the movie.
Anyway, really back on topic and ideas exchanging, if we keep paying attention to what Ridley Scott himself said (which might be more misleading than anything else...) if the answers are on our faces along the movie, and we apply all the gossip his own guys laid so far, the looks of that last engineer must be a clue to what all that really means. His look is really artificial if compared to the first alien we see, on the opening scenes. We can clearly see his steroid body in full...and then we see the last alien, also clearly seen in full, and they are totaly different from neck down. That thing is not a suit, at least from his collarbone up, and we see features like guills or bands of keratin/bone like material. Looking at his hands and collarbone down it all seems integral to his body, so if it seems like that we should safely assume it is integral (pay heed to RS words here) so that is not fancy thoughts or chance, but integral to the story as well.
Might mean they are mutating themselves
Might mean they changed over time
Might mean they are different models (warriors are like that, sturdier combat model)
Might mean they are changing them to suit the conflict they are in
Might mean they are artificial and thus again different models exist.
If the story will (thankfully) move away from the simplistic and already spent Monster Movie, then we will (hopefully) move away from the xenos and enter the great "reality" of a alien culture and and its intrincacies and where humans might find themselves into way deeper than they should, trying to cope with a "reality" bigger than they imagined.
Aha, great hopes, that might be thorn asunder as this might devolve to the Monster Movie, which will kill the story as it killed (for most) the original Alien franchise...
Lets see what comes, and unti then lets have fun trying to fill/fix the plot holes left so far...
MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 10:01 AM
Well, you all can convince yourselves of that, I don't believe it. They are organic beings, that's what I believe.
You stating: 'These bald steroid guys....' Oh, really now?
You misapplying 21st century words and applying these terms to them?
Makes you seem you aren't here to lend any legitimate opinions/speculation other than as a cue to be alerted as the not-the-go-to-guy for credible information/speculation.

MemberFacehuggerSep-24-2012 10:28 AMI get a very strong feeling the engineers are defiantly some kind of clones / slaves or similar with probably mecha / robot kind of technology for want of a better word I think for them organic / bio / robot etc. its all the same to them the technology is so advanced its kind of impossible the tell were one ends and the other starts.
They are probably quiet mindless in the actions - kind of like the xenos / ants / termites. And yes they carry out tasks for the elders. And of course ridley mentions a god like being above the elders but thats about as far as I can speculate before we get more info!
Tell you what might be interesting if none of the engineers are aliens they are all humans altered by the elders. But yer unlimited thoughts flying through our minds we just have to wait now .....:S
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 10:31 AMEh true
But the way you think, seen by the gossips Ridley Scott own guys are laying down, might be the Real Deal.
These aliens we see now are not Engineers, but Engineered, and we might see some interesting and really alien things up ahead XD

MemberDeaconSep-24-2012 4:47 PMOk my interpretation is this....
There Suits are Bio Mech and Advanced and they fuse with the wearer.
Here is someone wearing a Gorilla Fur Coat...
But the Engineers Tech is that advanced that it would be like when that person wears that suit it actually bonds with them and it becomes part of their body just as it would had been part of the original Gorilla the Fur came from.
But then yes we cant rule out that they Genetically Engineered something so there actually body and skin change.
But i would think the suit that becomes part of them is the best explanation as we see his head and hands are not covered and this basically is a living Bio Mechanical Version of a Pressure Suit that bonds with the Wearer.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 9:01 PMExcellent thread, Yes I think they're more like genetic engineers who alter and hybridize already existing designs to get a desired effect; rather than actual creators themselves. That means they could have altered themselves and a number of other things, and we're just a reproduction of their already existing blue-print/genetics hybridized with the elements on Earth.

MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 11:36 PMAnd such reasoning still makes possible they are also some bio tool engeneered by an yet unseen force.
And I still do not see that engieer using a biosuit...the concept is a bit further ahead to the team creating the movie, so we should perceive something more literal there, especially if Ridley Scott already said many clues to what is happening are already in front of us...and one of the more blatant ones is the obvious difference between the two engineers we see in the movie...
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