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'they couldnt have possibly known about them'??

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MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 8:42 AM
HI guys, new here. great site. as for the film....well it certainly has a few people talking. But yes...the characters were beyond stupid. Maybe that's what scientists are like in 100 years. However, the concept of life on another planet and making contact remains maybe the the most intriguing subject, along side the questions of 'why are we here'. When they have the 'meeting' where everyone dosnt know why they are on the ship, Holloway says 'these planets were so far from earth they couldn't have possibly known about them'? Which they wouldn't have done, they were cave men. So to clarify, the engineer put his DNA into the water, they came back several millions years later and pointed up to the sky? The people at the time drew a collection of planets as an invitation, in response to what the engineer was showing/telling them? With one sun, ie. one star?? Or did the engineers draw those cave paintings? Might be a stupid question, just trying to understand! thanks W
10 Replies


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 9:01 AM
Good questions. Maybe the engineers did draw the cave painting for a reason. Maybe in time once humans were technologically capable they wanted them to visit them, and once they visited their planet it was like an alarm, saying your a threat to the engineer race due to your capabilities, then they would go back to earth and destroy humans for a purpose I am unsure of . Or maybe they didn't intend harm at first, they only wanted us to come to share information with us, but the hate grew over time after the cave paintings. Or maybe there doing these painting for the sport of it. Who knows? There's so much questions to Prometheus we just don't know yet, we need more insight, in able to draw serious conclusions from it.

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 9:07 AM
Hi Willbo, Welcome to the forum! In my opinion, I believe the drawings were drawn by the ancients based on the teachings received from the Engineers. Almost like a teacher and his pupil. There are many stories found in ancient mythology all around the world - of gods coming to earth and teaching mankind about the motion of the planets and their locations.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 9:21 AM
Hiya Willbo, and yeah welcome! Welcome to the world of Damon Lindelof's style of "writing" a story. No definite answers to really anything, except that those big white steroid junkies are the guys that we share an exact, 100 percent DNA match with.......... So, if that's the case, why aren't I 9 feet tall with huge pecs and black eyes? You would think with a 100 percent match we would be exactly like them in every way, right? Right? I'm no biologist (and if I were I wouldn't try and pet the alien cobra) but isn't that how DNA works? Anyone that know more about it, we'd like to heart from you! (REAL scientists only thanks, no Milburn mouth-breather types) :-D
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 9:54 AM
I'm guessing environmental conditions could be one reason. Evolution/experimentation, as well. Humans have varied races, sizes, yet we all share the same root DNA.
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 9:58 AM
Greetings, Willbo. Since you're new here, you won't have discovered yet that Cypher has a bee in his bonnet about this ridiculous claim of his that we are told that we share 100% of our DNA with the Engineers. Despite what it [i]actually[/i] says in the movie, and numerous attempts to educate him as to what constitutes a DNA match, the message hasn't sunk in yet.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 10:24 AM
thanks for all the insight guys! going to put a Alien 1979 question up now! Yes, saw it about 12 years ago and still have questions! :S


MemberDeaconSep-25-2012 12:01 PM
Well i would assume that these Engineers had done more than just come here, i think they would have taught these ancient cultures and told them where they are from or even shown them a real Star Map that these Ancient Cultures then drew paintings off etc. Maybe the movie is saying the DNA is a Match but that does not mean the exact Genomes are the same.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 12:10 PM
Welcome, Willbo, and here's another possibility: They were on their way to accelerate our evolution once again. Maybe we were right on track per their plans, or maybe we were a disappointment, too small, too squishy, too pink? My belief is that we are meant to become a self replicating version of them. I think they were manufactured by another race. Maybe the Space Jockeys?


MemberOvomorphSep-25-2012 12:23 PM
Just because the dna is a match does not make them the same. Humans and banana trees share about 55% of the same DNA. People have different dna code that makes them different, they are still people! Some may be stronger, more intelligent, resistant to disease etc. e.g. a random gene mutation may appear that gives the person blue skin. They are still a person.


MemberDeaconSep-25-2012 12:49 PM
Ha that explains Avatar.....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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