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Escape Module.. Vickers..

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Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 12:08 PM
In watching the escape module scenes from the movie,,it seems not only fid it have a rough landing....but when Shaw enterers it,,it seemed pretty much trashed,,except for the vodka bottle still upright on the counter. For something designed to let Vickers survive 2 years,,,it looks like it barely survived the landing,, It would not have made much difference since Shaw's creatyre was still on board in the med-pod area.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
17 Replies


MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 2:17 PM
Yeah, the symbolism of the "big head" along with the door and wall murals escapes me. The depiction of the "crucified" xeno along with the bottom depictions of face-huggers is very confusing to say the least. The visuals are very dramatic however they really don't advance the STORY very well. But again, perhaps all will become clear in the sequel, but I'm not holding my breath :).
In Space, no one can hear you fart.


MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 2:24 PM
"he didnt fart when he got out of bed either lol" He did kind of linger there on the side for a few seconds Katiel238 - maybe he was trying to sneak one before standing up.
In Space, no one can hear you fart.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 2:44 PM
Yea Maybe he waited like a gentleman,,until after he destroyed the humans,,sat in his chair and let one go,, That wasn't just exhaust from the Juggernauat that blew Shaw out of the tunnel..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerOct-31-2012 12:13 PM
'Survival of the fittest' at its best!


MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 12:37 PM
The whole Shaw vs Engineer confrontation/deathmatch still irks me to no end. Like the Deacon, it seems superfluous and out of place. Why would the Engineer who has been in stasis for dog-knows how long suddenly begin acting like bigfoot in the Slim Jim commercials? You'd think someone sophisticated enough to manage interstellar travel would at least ask for a cup of coffee before kicking the shit out of everyone within reach.
In Space, no one can hear you fart.

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 12:43 PM
@ OldGuy, I ask myself the same question everyday! Why couldn't he be more civil, talk about his pressing issues and concerns with a nice cup of cocoa and few bourbons or maybe some custard creams. I prefer the custard creams - they are nice!


MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 12:46 PM
Indeed, @Oneironaut 717. He didn't even scratch his nutless scrotal sack - come on, what guy doesn't scratch a little when getting out of bed?
In Space, no one can hear you fart.

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 12:50 PM
But the question is OldGuy...what is it? I myself believe he's a eunuch - hence why he's so moody!


MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 1:32 PM
Come to think of it, Mrs OldGuy scratches when she gets up too. Regardless - the fact that the engineer immediately goes into rampage mode just doesn't sit well with me. But this is only one of many plot "issues" that may or may not be addressed by the much-discussed sequel. One can only hope that stronger writing replaces the "lets leave'em hanging" mentality displayed in the original.
In Space, no one can hear you fart.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 1:33 PM
When Vickers came out of sleeping she started to do push up! The Last Engineer looked groggy...but amost instantaiously started to not only attack all beings around him(without any inquisitions).then jumped into the GIANT chair,,seeming alert..... and was focused enough to start take-off procedures for the Juggernaut.. Shaw Just Puked..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 1:35 PM
he didnt fart when he got out of bed either lol his behavior seems a bit strange because alot of the scenes with the engineer were deleted. during the extended scene with Shaw and the engineer, he likes classical music and watches the girl playing the violin in amazement and he doesnt seem like hes in a hurry to smash Shaw's head in instead he studies her like he waiting for her to ask questions. he wasnt showing his angry face or using threatning behaviour until he gets attacked by Shaw. but in the theater release we dont see this so he looks like a complete oger chasing Shaw through the escape pod.


MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 1:40 PM
Yup, Indy John. Vickers WOULD do pushups because she is the ultimate Corporate BallBuster with a very very toned body. And why attack the puny humans? He could have simply climbed into the chair and started preflight without all the drama. But i guess the script needed the additional confrontation (as if the whole Fifield episode wasn't enough.)
In Space, no one can hear you fart.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 1:51 PM
"..And why attack the puny humans.." One aspect of the movie is the emphasis..on the physical attributes of the Engineers, Yes they have developed technical skills,,the traveling,,the seeding,,ect...but wouldn't you expect to see more intellect demonstrated.. I mean in the Ampule room there was no body shown..just the Big Head(which to me meant , the mind,,the thought,,the entity.,.) Where are all the Ray Guns,,,thought controls..I have seen in other movies. I mean Spock and his Mind Meld would be a perfect tool for Bob to use.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 3:15 PM
I have mixed feelings of the Engineers deleted or extended scenes... On one hand, when they woke him up, that deleted scenes was real good. But I think it would been even better if the Last Engineer would have talk w/Weyland, David for little while longer before going caveman on the crew.... The escape pod scene is where I thought the scene lost allot of ground, one minute the Last Engineer is watching the little girl play the violin, looking at the crystals in the lights, looking at the books, then looks over the bar and sees Shaw, then decides to kill her.....? He seemed amazed by what he saw before he came across Shaw, which I think if he started to talk w/Shaw for a few minutes, her not knowing his language .. Then he gets pissed off would have been even better imo.... Better yet, the Last Engineer throws Shaw over his shoulders and heads back to the Juggernaut for David to translate would have been awesome..... After awhile, as the Last Engineer gets angry as the translated discussion gets darker and goes on, he starts a chase scene w/Shaw as she is carrying David’s head onboard the fallen Juggernaut.....end of the movie, pickup the rest of that scene in the Paradise sequel..... If they would have done that, I would have started a sit in to stay in the theater until they got Paradise done and installed into the projector......
I should reach the frontier in about 6 weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo....

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 3:29 PM
" would been even better if the Last Engineer would have talk w/Weyland, David for little while longer before going caveman on the crew...." Yes and David would also learn additional knowledege useful on the voyage with Shaw in the Juggernaut I have sort of forgotten Weyland because ir is obvious that he will not find his answers to cheat death at this..his last stop..before death..'There is nothing'
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 3:57 PM
I love this film!

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerNov-01-2012 11:39 AM
@Rubirosa - I am with you on that!
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