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MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 3:46 PM
Sorry if this is a hackneyed idea by now (I haven't been on this forum much since the film was released) but here is a bit of IMO intriguing speculation as to why the big white fellows decided to reboot life on Earth, crossposted from here - [url=]THE LINGUISTICS OF PROMETHEUS – WHAT DAVID SAYS TO THE ENGINEER[/url] "Why did they change their minds about us? Because we were not the first of their children to return to them and earlier meetings did not go well. The other race was more aggressive and dangerous to their creators. Some might even call them …predatory." (d'you see what he did there?) *Link made clickable by Svanya
6 Replies

Oneironaut 717

MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 4:31 PM
"Why did they change their minds about us? Because we were not the first of their children to return to them and earlier meetings did not go well. The other race was more aggressive and dangerous to their creators. Some might even call them …[size=200][b]predatory[/b][/size]." Who's responsible for this - huh? [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 5:15 PM
It is obvious that something prevented them our annihilation. The project failed in their hands.

Major Noob

MemberOvomorphNov-14-2012 5:43 PM
Ha ha Oneironaut that's too funny. Mateo, I think the plan went wrong during 'execution', yuk yuk. And I don't think annihilation was their intent. I think it was evolution.


MemberOvomorphNov-15-2012 3:20 AM
i agree with you major noob. The idea of traveling light years to earth just to mutate the population is alittle bit strange to me. I Think there is something else in it.
"how do you feel?"-" great, next stupid question"

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-15-2012 3:51 AM
Whar seems to be missing to me is a lack of a Engineers.Creators' back up plan. It may still be released but has been shown yet. All great adventures have one,,and I look forward to being unvieled,,perhaps P2. Just as you think Shaw/Davis are on to their next step in the Engineer's world another assult on earth should be released..and maybe it already has,,if RS really wants to take the Alien Storyline in a different direction.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberDeaconNov-15-2012 6:05 PM
Well their is going to be some way Ridley has to explain why if the Mission to Destroy us was ordered by the Engineers on Paradise, then why had they not carried on with their plan, why have they not gone to find out how come they have had no contact with LV 223 about the outcome of the Mission. The only logical Explanations are... 1) The Homeoworld is not aware of our creation or at least plans to destroy us and idea of how far we had advanced at the time of 2000 years ago. 2) They was aware of it, but some how since then the Engineers on the Homeworld had suffered some kind of event that wiped them out also.. maybe result of a civil war. 3) The Homeworld was aware of the mission and then how it failed and they deemed that the mission would be too risky, and the Engineers simply just gave up the effort to go back to LV 223 following the outbreak and also the other hick up on LV 426 and in their arrogance they may have thought leave Mankind to Rot and Kill each other, they simply abandoned us and Earth and felt we was not worth the hassle to wipe out after the Chaos of the failed attempt and anyway without their help Mankind would never advance enough to pose a threat and reach the Stars so we can just be stuck on our rock and do what ever we wish to ourselves and planet... How wrong they was..... 4) The Last Engineer Sabotaged the Mission but he kept contact with the Homeworld and has fooled them to think the Mission was a success. You see you have to ask why did the Mission Fail and why did that Last Engineer survive? And when we see him he does not look to be angered with the crew at first, i would even say he was intrigued especially with Shaw, it appeared he interpreted the actions of Weyland as the leader/King of this group of Humans and saw how cruel and selfish he was to get his own answers and not allow Shaw to have her questions. The Deleted scenes add to this, as David Talks to the Engineer. Roughly Translated the points raised seem to be that David tells the Engineer that they have come to find their creators as they found the invitation and clues left behind. The Engineer seemed to ask and why have they come and what do they want from him or from being here (LV 223) David then tells them that Weyland has come to seek the creators as he is dying and he wants the Engineers to give him ever lasting life.... This combined with the way Weyland treated Shaw showed the Engineer that mankind was till selfish and that we now had Godlike tendencies in that Mankind wants to be as Gods... Once the Engineer realized that the being talking to him was a creation of Mankind and that mankind had acted like Gods by creating life, and then mankind could now travel the stars and thus find their outpost and other worlds and find the secrets their in or interfere in other worlds. This combined with the selfish demand for immortality by Weyland led the Engineer to conclude indeed Mankind must be stopped. As i am sure if that was his intentions all along then why wait until he was woken? And why also did he not just go postal right away. The Final Battle Deleted Scene further showed the Engineers intrigue with mankinds advancement as he was amazed at the TV Screen of the Girl and also the Book that he found and tried to read. If he was truly going to destroy Shaw when he found her then it would not have taken him long and his actions did not seem to be aggressive, it was Shaw who made the first aggressive blow and even after that he had many a chance to kill Shaw.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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