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MemberOvomorphMar-26-2013 1:50 AMSo, according to a(n ever delayed) Colonial Marines game, there'll be a space scene in Prometheus 2 that plays like a scene out of Stargate Universe with battling convoys of rival spaceships SHOOTING LASERBEAMS AT EACH OTHER?
I mean, the ending of Prometheus (with the plasma-powered Derelict doughnutting backwards across the sky) was Star Wars-y enough, thanks. Please don't set this franchise in Space Opera territory. Alien was ALWAYS more intimate, more up your genepool, than this. And yes the derelict was flying BACKWARDS ... for me, at least, it had always 'flown' with its arms facing forwards. And let's not get me onto how I think the Space Jockey uses the Hyperspace Telescope to blend his machine with the currents of the universe to shift from here to there in a massive sexual orgasm of space rip.
This [i]franchise[/i] went so off the rails from the lovely uplifting horrific ENTIRE BODY RIBBED FISTING festival that the early Giger-inspired film promised. Where's the 'adult exploration of Alien sexuality'? Man, I'm sick of films for teens to watch. Give me back my 'adult cinema', ffs. And you all know what I'm talking about; those classic films like The Thing and The Fly and even Ichi The Killer or Audition or The Hunger, something with a bit of bite; a spine.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
42 Replies

AdminPraetorianMar-27-2013 3:55 PM[i]Svanya,
once you've played the glorious 1080 Snowboarding on a tiny little Nintendo 64, everything else just feels BLOATED beyond function.
LOL! Indeed. XD
Srsly though, the real problem with this movie is it is a reboot essentially but it wasn't released as a reboot so it makes no sense when compared to Alien franchise as it is today. Its a totally different movie, one that was based on ideas Ridely had for it decades ago. It's as if the new Star Treks were taken as linear, people would be so confused and it would bomb. What happened with Prometheus is no one said its a second timeline, parallel universe, etc. and so it makes little sense to the viewer.

MemberFacehuggerMar-27-2013 5:05 PMYes 'muddled' I agree and lots of reviewers said the same...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphMar-28-2013 2:43 PMin fact, the ending of Spaiht's script felt a lot like the ending of John Carpenter's The Thing; you know, a pair of protagonists both unwilling to lower their weapons until the other one cracks. A classic mexican stand off.
I'd have prefered it just got to the Juggernaut, as an end sequence, which probably means that (from page 60) onwards I was 'unsupportive' of Spaiht's narrative choices. Sorry.
What else, though, I mean, in a film that cost $200,000,000 to make could you do? A Ganesha-like race of space truckers, as featured in the comic canon for 'decades'? Shirley Knot, reporting.
And anyway, the whole Engineers monkeying about with pre-modernman DNA doesn't make any sense at all because it's a break-down process, and an alien dna i.e. scarab/goo, rewrite. It would be UNIQUE to humans, and this is clearly not the case, genetically. Certainly NOT when the tested Engineer DNA is THE SAME as human dna, I mean, come on, there's no likeness (and we have ears, and we're two meters tall only). Von Danicken's wacky Planet-X-like ideas don't pass muster, and neither does this one.
In fact, the only idea that works for the pre-Alien movie is A NEW IDEA - one that gets us to that Space Trucker haulin' that cargo. Nothing else.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

AdminPraetorianMar-28-2013 6:15 PM@Custodian; That's the thing, it's been pretty clear for awhile now that they will not be showing that at all, there will be no direct links to Alien and that they never intended to show a link. That's been pretty much confirmed again with Lindelof's comments that were posted yesterday. It's a movie made parallel to what happened in Alien. Also, I totally agree, when you read the scripts Lindelof's is far more sophisticated if you will, Spaiths script falls flat imo.

MemberOvomorphMar-29-2013 3:24 AMSvanya,
'fall flat' was a little too harsh, though Spaiht's shouldn't be the screen version of teh Alien Prequel. Plus, it's POINTLESS for Shaw/Watts to throw herself into a machine and request a Caesarian(!) has she no idea of human anatomy? In Spaiht's version David facehugger's her, meaning it went in her lung or stomach! Now, if Spaiht had just let Holloway EJACULATE in her, [b]then[/b] have the chest rip sequence. Now THAT would have worked i.e. she would have had his black sperm in her womb.
I still think you could have maybe salvaged a decent HORROR film from the Spaiht script but the INITIAL NUGGET of Ridley's original desire to revisit LV426, "The giant in the penis-chair, and his eggy cargo," wasn't addressed BRAVELY ENOUGH. It was too referential, too homagic to Space Microbe theory.
Just as long as they don't have put-put laser exchange between light and dark alien spaceships in P2, I'll be less back-tooth-grindy. :)
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

AdminPraetorianMar-29-2013 4:18 PM@Custodian; Well your teeth are in for a treat, because I don't think that will happen. If anything it happened in the past, who knows...

MemberOvomorphApr-03-2013 3:51 AMWill the Prometheus Universe be SPACE OPERA?
With everyone talking Space-english?
That's my point, you know, for the kiddies, cos the kiddies need to MK Ultra-adopt all that used to be horror-for-adults, and I'll list them here:
Twilight (used to be vampire horror starring Christopher Lee, cert X)
Wolverine (used to be body horror like Hellraiser, cert X)
Video Games (used to be 'video nasties' i.e. BANNED for psychopathic content masquerading as art)
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

Visionary Alpha
MemberOvomorphJun-13-2013 4:37 AMI can see there being an engineer vs. engineer war, but it's more likely to be a case of a new race using advanced robots against the engineers and their allies, which may be seen.

Visionary Alpha
MemberOvomorphJun-15-2013 12:55 AMThey can't stand robots. The engineer in the movie attacked when he realized David was one, and just for that apparently.

MemberDeaconJun-16-2013 10:50 AMWell yes thats the way the movie seemed....
But the Full Scene, that was never shown (deleted scenes) and when Translated gives more of a indication to why the Engineer flipped.
It was not just a case he hated us, and then hated we created a robot. It was more detailed than that.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconJun-16-2013 10:58 AMSvanya yeah the O'Bannon Script has a lot of similarities to some of the ideas in Prometheus.
What is more interesting is the Art Work from that Script as it contains a Mural, this Mural shows a Octopus Type Organism, that looks pretty much like Shaws Baby Grown up... the Trilobite.
This either shows Ultimately what creates the Organism in this tomb who what comes from it.....
So Ultimately maybe the Prometheus Mural is the same.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphAug-12-2013 9:05 PM"adult films?" like "the thing" or "the fly?" those WERE the "teen" sf/horror films of their time. the films that ask questions, & the one's that have you scratching your head in contemplation, THESE are the adult sf films, not the ones that give you blood, guts, & monsters. films like "2001: a space odyssey," "dark city," & "the lathe of heaven;" ridley knows what he's doing, & what he wants to create, the kind of film that sticks with you like a transformational novel, & usually for the rest of your life...
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