Alien anthology facebook page posted this image

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphApr-05-2017 9:36 AMI don't know is this spoilerish or made just for promotional purposes, the title of it says Daniels and it appears to be an X-Ray shot of Daniels with a "xenomorph" embryo or whatever it is inside of her.

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 11:57 AM@David007
They might as well release the movie now because by the time May gets here, we will know everything.
or its figured out in here with all these creative idea's. some ya'll need to copyright your post's lol

MemberChestbursterApr-05-2017 1:02 PMLOL. We don't know ANYTHING based on the stuff that's being released. Someone of course will get lucky enough to guess a few "facts", but other than that, NOTHING has been released that will "ruin" this movie, if it is truly great (which it seems to be).

Inquisitor Fifield
MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 1:07 PMpicture of everyone in highres again.
who do you think is the backburster we saw in the first trailer? I'd go with Ricks

MemberTrilobiteApr-05-2017 1:10 PMStarlogger- I see your point. I have been counting on most of the cast to die. It has been an Alien franchise rule all along.

MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 1:33 PMIt could be also the case that everybody dies...
And with the possible new trilogy, there could be another storyline with a new cast. OR, some members survive (Daniels, David?) and the new trilogy will focus on these characters....

MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 2:21 PMEach of the aliens looks unique. One even looks like a centipede or something. If these are based on the type of creatures that come out of each person, then this is a major spoiler. If this is just an 'art piece' then it is just plain stupid.

MemberFacehuggerApr-05-2017 2:40 PMWow, whatever the reason for these images, they are well put together.
I can comment in my capacity as a Radiographer who is familiar with X-ray and has spent the last 20 years specialising in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (M.R.I Scanning).
Disregarding the "foreign body" in each case (which must be giving the patient some serious symptoms of indegestion and or shortness of breath!) the main images resemble a single slice in the Coronal plane of the upper body.
The scans seem to be a fusion of images from several modalities including MRI, Digital X-ray and Computed Tomography (which is a C.T. Scan, an X-ray based modality).
The Upper Abdomen and Upper Arms are wholly MRI images but the Chest/Thorax/Neck & Skull seem to be a fusion/superimposition of X-ray or CT images and MRI (we don't normally see the ribs like this on an MRI, they look more like a Chest X-ray appearance here - MRI is great for almost every part of the body except Lungs and Ribs). I can safely say that none of the modalities would show the eyes like they appear here, but this is a 100 years into the future Scanner that obviously can show the eyes that way!
So regarding the various foreign bodies, I would request an urgent report from a Consultant Radiologist (is there a Doctor onboard?) and recommend the patients be admitted to Medical Isolation for the safety of the colonists.
Perhaps Walter has some training in Thoracic surgery? Or maybe an automated Medpod is available on the Covenant.
Good look with the prognosis, crew!

MemberOvomorphApr-05-2017 3:35 PMI'm loving these and I don't think there is a spoiler in sight - all I take from this is that each of us is an Alien - we each have a unique DNA which has the potential to create/become/be re-born into........ what? Who knows? RS loves his religious overtones, creation and evolution theories - given the right accelerant and/or impregnation method what would you become or host???? Maybe it's the Gump expanded theory - life is like a cup of black goo - you never know what you're going to get lol

MemberPraetorianApr-05-2017 3:44 PMThank-you for posting as you just answered a question a fellow forum member had in a vastly better and more knowledgeable way than I was able to!! Also, I learned from your post above, and it also inspired some tech ideas for my writing. TY again! :)

MemberXenomorphApr-05-2017 6:43 PMQubism - Doesn't it run along the lines of a Fluorscan (other than the eyes)?

MemberPraetorianApr-05-2017 10:49 PMThank you Dark Nebula for posting this so early, great work. Also, thank you contributors above for the analysis.
Here is an enhanced version of the vertical arrangement of the crew member X-Rays.

MemberPraetorianApr-05-2017 10:57 PMGREAT pics, TY again!!! :D

MemberDeaconApr-06-2017 5:23 AMInteresting set of photos.... i missed this as i was not online yesterday.
But to me they look like they are just Marketing Material and are in No Way a indication of Who gets infected by What.
Its just a little neat thing to showcase a few experiments David had maybe carried out and what they would be like Gestating inside the Crew.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberPraetorianApr-06-2017 6:57 AMDark Nebula, there were 12 X-Ray photos in the initial image but you had 13 X-Rays in your vertical array.
Who is Ledward? This is the image not included in the first twelve below.

MemberDeaconApr-06-2017 7:26 AMI am going to think its either Nathaniel Dean or Alexander England
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberChestbursterApr-06-2017 8:13 AMAll these factors and puzzle makes me think that there will be not survivors in the plot, the topic "sacrifice" takes more weight definitely in the film.

MemberPraetorianApr-06-2017 2:37 PMDark Nebula, do you think the X-Rays are like a score card that shows you what killed who?