MemberChestbursterApr-17-2020 3:07 PMI hope we get new information about AVP anime. Maybe a surprise is coming...

MemberTrilobiteApr-17-2020 9:19 PMWe should just continue to have fun here. We can always watch the IGN shorts from the last Alien Day.

MemberChestbursterApr-17-2020 10:09 PMIt is possible that they will release Aliens on 4k, as the Reebok stuff is Aliens oriented.

MemberTrilobiteApr-17-2020 10:44 PMAliens 4k has nothing new to offer from Aliens on DVD imo. I hate to see it become a time to sell slick looking shoes, but whatever. Maybe the Beast really is cooked with an apple inits mouth.

MemberChestbursterApr-18-2020 12:23 AM@dk well if done correctly 4k restorations of 4k 70s and 80s movies look and sound extraordinary. It might have a lesser impact if you saw a movie a hundred times.
You must take into account that the average period between Alien movies (taken into account the 2 AvPs) is somewhere around 5 and a half years, with the biggest gap of 7 years between the original and Aliens, and least was approximately 3 years between the AvPs. What is happening conforms to the pattern, as now we are approaching the 3 year anniversary of AC.

MemberFacehuggerApr-18-2020 7:15 AMIf memory serves, Aliens was filmed on low quality videotape. Ironically, much older movies have superb 4K transfers because they were filmed on celluloid. Stretching the Aliens transfer to HD was probably hard enough a technical challenge, let alone 4K.

MemberFacehuggerApr-18-2020 9:49 AMSorry, I don't know where I heard that story. Looks like it was recorded on film.

MemberChestbursterApr-18-2020 1:11 PMhox They did not need to rescan it in 4k or more for making a 4k release. Not even Alien Covenant was finished in 4k and it had one. They could have processed the HD release from 2010 and added HDR to it. Fox never remasters the sound in Atmos or DTS.

MemberDeaconApr-19-2020 4:43 AMWell we will have the Release of the STARBEAST Comic from Dark Horse to look forwards too.
Unfortunately if there was anything else Planned for News then the COVID-19 Outbreak would put a lot of stuff on HOLD. Or Certainly would effect the Schedule of anything ALIEN related that was to be released or announced. (by Released i am not expecting any News on a Movie).

MemberDeaconApr-29-2020 7:10 AM
These are the Covers to Issues 2 and 3 of the Dark Horse Comics adaption of O'Bannon's Starbeast, again the Face Hugger and Chest Buster appear to be Similar.

MemberFacehuggerApr-29-2020 2:05 PM@ignorantGuy, Alien Covenant is available on iTunes encoded for 4K HDR with Dolby Atmos.

MemberNeomorphMay-02-2020 10:11 AMShit happens, maybe there is really not very much news to speak of? It does not mean that Disney does not care about it. They bought it so maybe they are thinking about what they shall do with that. At least there are some things that there is going on.
There might be a combination of what has been written. They have not had many news regarding the franchise in general this year, right? If they have not written much about it I guess that there is no reason for them to keep all the news to 26 of April, right?
Covid-19 might have something to do with it, at least it has not made the situation better. I am more worried about that compared to no alien news, you got to keep things in perspective. Keeping a good health should be a bigger priority.

MemberChestbursterAug-13-2020 5:25 PMI'm sorry to have missed the big day, but that merchandise looks pretty cool. Three years ago for my birthday, I got a bunch of T-shirts with that "USCSS Covenant"/Weyland Corp logo, for me and all my friends.
I'm in need of some new t-shirts, maybe I'll update my collection with some Alien themed stuff.

MemberPraetorianAug-18-2020 2:23 PMThis little outpost in the Outer Veil is where folks (all of us) keep the flame of the ALIEN franchise alive.
This past ALIEN DAY was a disappointment...but that just means we go into Hibernation, prowl around here, spin our own resin and thoughts while we Wait in the darkness we all find so comforting.
Patience...is a quality ALIEN fans have in abundance. We can Wait, and in time, we'll have something new to drool over and happily screech about. :D

MemberChestbursterAug-18-2020 3:07 PM@Blackwinter-witch
Yeah! And then when it's least expected...POW! We'll spring up out of the darkness and take everyone by surprise!
(Also, I'm getting some Weyland-Yutani polos to wear to work, because I realized that the Weyland-Yutani logo is remarkably close to my school's logo, and if I get it in the school color I don't think anyone will notice. ...Wish me luck lol)

MemberPraetorianAug-18-2020 4:44 PMVivisectedEngineer
LOVE that idea of the shirts!!! Awesome!!
Yeppers, we're the QUIET franchise...while Star trek and Star wars are making all the noise...for us it's just barren winds howling across barren landscapes on forsaken worlds where many fear to tread...while we Wait and listen to the wind's eternal songs...
...and wait for unsuspecting pizza delivery people to show up. :D

MemberDeaconAug-19-2020 6:26 AMI think its a Good Point about Star Trek and Star Wars... i remember RS saying that the ALIEN Franchise should be where those are Right Now!
some may have looked at that as though he is Clearly Bonkers!
But the point he was raising IMO was that the ALIEN Franchise is more than about Ripley and those Eggs from LV-426
The Prequels with the Engineers and Creation Plot does open up NOT just our Galaxy, but others. And so its case of HOW MANY.... in regards to Worlds, Species and Threats are their in the Galaxy/Universe that the Engineers Plot has OPENED the Door to.

MemberPraetorianAug-19-2020 10:29 AMBigDave
To me, the very title, that word 'ALIEN' connotes it about being so much,much more than just one human and one critter, but about the Universe of dark and shocking possibilities...of the very fact that by definition the universe is ALIEN to us, and will challenge all our perceptions, delusions and truths in many ways we are just ill or entirely un-equipped to cope with or understand fully.
That's my goal with the Manticore works...to eventually finish with the Big Chap, and start exploring other aspects of 'alienity' the universe can contain, just waiting for discovery.
The Plan:
ALIEN: Manticore -->The Sequel (connecting to ALIEN: Isolation)-->MY version of 'ALIENS' (I will be using that title, yes) which is much truer to the ALIEN universe in tone and feel and entirely disconnects from Cameron's work. Cameron gave people a 'shooter'. I will give people Nightmares. :D After ALIENS, I will not be dealing with the Big Chap as a primary anymore, and will be using a 'less is more' approach to the famous critter...it'll never go away entirely, but there's an entire universe out there of Other Things.