MemberPraetorianFeb-17-2017 4:04 PM

MemberFacehuggerFeb-17-2017 4:20 PMTake my money NECA.....Hell, here's my wallet too.....

MemberChestbursterFeb-17-2017 4:24 PM"This deluxe creature pack includes 6 pieces from the upcoming movie that will make for some mind-blowing dioramas, since they’re perfectly in scale with our line of 7″ figures."
Very interesting, could be xenos+neos or even more creatures!

AdminEngineerFeb-17-2017 4:25 PMYeah, my bank account will look pretty sad once these hit shelves / preorder.

AdminEngineerFeb-17-2017 4:35 PM@Neomorph, I suspect those will be Facehuggers and Chestbursters and possibly even some eggs. Like the Hammerpede figures they made for Prometheus.

MemberPraetorianFeb-17-2017 4:52 PMAwesome been waiting for this!Between these and the New Prometheus figures my wallet is going to be crying

AdminEngineerFeb-17-2017 4:56 PMI will feel your pain lol

MemberChestbursterFeb-17-2017 5:19 PMLove Neca in general, especially their Godzilla series.

MemberOvomorphFeb-17-2017 10:46 PMI would really like to see the remake of the Kenner snake xeno! I also wish Neca would remake the "PredAlien" with full articulation without being partially posed and also closer to the "movie" size.

MemberOvomorphFeb-17-2017 11:16 PM So im not only be skint for a month but will need to install a new shelf
Mmmm this will please her indoors

MemberChestbursterFeb-18-2017 4:26 AMYeah, my bank account will look pretty sad once these hit shelves / preorder.
@Chris guess how my bank account will look if they start releasing Hot Toys AC figures :D
Good point I forgot the rather obvious possibility that facehuggers and eggs may be included

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphFeb-18-2017 4:43 AMNECA could you please stop scaring my wallet,I can't seem to find it ,because its hiding somewhere.And I really need it!(along with those figures)
EDIT: found my wallet,it was hiding under the bed and shaking like crazy.

MemberOvomorphFeb-18-2017 5:32 AMGood one, Dark Nebula!

MemberFacehuggerFeb-18-2017 11:32 AMThe "knockers" are what I find interesting. Does this indicate that there are infact various creatures or is this just phases of the new creature...
Body Knocker – New Creature (IE: Backburster phase)
Head Knocker – New Creature (IE: Head/throat-burster phase)
Scaler – New Creature (some other new creature? or phase?)

MemberDeaconFeb-19-2017 3:31 PMInteresting Topic...
It seems they are calling the Xenomorph a Xenomorph and not Protomorph.. but this was never a official phrase and well anything could be labeled Proto if it came before the Xeno or could lead to re-creating one.
The Eggs look different and Organism too slightly...
The Neomorphs have been confirmed, at first Fassbender let it slip but then Neo just means New or Young so Neomorph means New-Form or Young-Form which would apply to the Chest Buster that came from Kane which Fassbender referenced.
But as a few months latter or weeks, Waterston refereed to the Neomorph then we know thats its name.
So its Safe to Assume...
We will get the Adult Xenomorph and Face Hugger and Egg Stage Model.
And the Neomorph Back Burster and Head Burster Models... maybe have wounded Humans with parts you can remove and replace to show
Before ===> During ===> Aftermath
With also the Chest Buster Neomorph that runs off etc.

MemberDeaconFeb-19-2017 3:47 PMBut what about the Scaler?
Now i would assume this does not apply to a Organisms ability to clean your Kitchen.
So i am going to assume its to do with some way or phase of shape or life cycle of either the Neomorph or Xenomorph that is shown to be able to Scale up Walls or Environments with great ease.
Is this the Adult Xeno i doubt it, is it the Adult Neomorph i doubt it.
But we do see that Shot of Daniels looking up at the ceiling of the Cargo Hold looking for something, that could have Scaled up onto the ceiling?
so is the Scaler?
1) A between Chest Buster and Adult Stage Neomorph?
2) A between Chest Buster and Adult Stage Xenomorph?
3) A alternative form/shape one of these takes to get around the ship with ease? and Scale up Walls fast?
4) Some other Organism we have not seen or been given hints to and thus there are 3 Main Monsters?

MemberDeaconFeb-19-2017 4:31 PMI am thinking the Scaler is either the Middle Stage of the Neomorph or more likely a phase/ability it can use/morph into that allows it to get around.
Maybe it can Morph its Solid Structure to more Flaccid State?
This would also explain how such a Creature could get on the Covenant as Daniels did say she was chased by Aliens and McBride said it was fun chasing Aliens around the ship with Shotguns
Aliens meaning more than One? i think so... but we have to ask how does TWO Xenomorphs get on board?
If a Neomorph and Xenomorph get on board then would these at any point come into conflict?
I would assume potentially yes, i would also assume that if the Scaler is a morph/ability of the Neomorph it would explain how it could get to the Covenant... and i would assume the most logical way a Xenomorph would is if via Chest Buster.
Which would be hard to get on board unless after such a Ordeal the Ship has super relaxed Quarantine Procedures or are very stupid... considering the ship has many many more lives onboard
But even then.... we come to the Shower Scene, how does a Chest Buster event go unrecognized so that a couple feel it safe to make out in a shower.... surely Chest Bust time to Adult would be enough time for someone to find the Body?
Unless they think they got rid of a Adult one and it got back inside?
Sorry for taking this off Topic... i just find the mention of the SCALER very interesting ;)

MemberDeaconFeb-19-2017 4:43 PMLOL been busy of late....
So now i checked out the NECA site
Seems we will be getting to 7" Scale
Xenomorph and Neomorph and a Diorama Set (6 pieces, bound to be Face Huggers, Eggs etc).
But the Head Knocker is more like a Bobble Head.
"Each Head Knocker stands approximately 8″ tall with bobbling head. It’s cast in resin and then hand painted for incredible detail, down to the themed base. Comes in collectible matte finish packaging with spot gloss."
Body Knocker is another Item that sways side to side.
"Solar-powered Body Knockers let you enjoy hours of fun with your favorite characters – no batteries needed! Each stands approximately 6.5” tall and rocks from side to side when exposed to light."
Lastly the Scaler is a Cute (no doubt maybe Baby Neomorph) attachment for Audio Wires and other wired like a Cute Charm.
"Scalers are cute, collectible mini characters that attach to headphone cords, cables, straps and more for on-the-go fun. Each one measures just 2” high."

MemberDeaconFeb-19-2017 4:43 PMIf only i had checked NECA site first LOL
oh well thats one debate to bed lol