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New Alien: Covenant stills featured in Empire Magazine!
Scified2016-12-22 06:02:02
Written by Chris26,510 Reads15 Comments2016-12-22 06:02:02

A batch of new Alien: Covenant movie stills have been featured in the February 2017 issue of Empire Magazine! Subscribers of the publication received an early look at the issue which will become available to the public at the end of this month. Inside is a page and a half dedicated to Alien: Covenant!

The stills include a photo of Ridley Scott and Katherine Waterston on set, a fresh look at Michael Fassbender's alternative Android Walter and another look at the Cryo-Pods which Fox teased a couple days ago. Here's a scan of the full spread:

Thanks to AvPGalaxy for the scans!

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David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-22-2016 6:12 AM

Looking good so far.

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphDec-22-2016 6:14 AM


Looks like the crew of the covenant picks up the distress call and goes down to investigate after all.Like the nostromo from Alien.And other interesting stuff.



David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-22-2016 6:19 AM

Perhaps Shaw sent it or David. This will be intersting.

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphDec-22-2016 6:22 AM

Is it just me or does the article say:

"Its going to be really scary,this film" says Michael Fassbender,the ONLY RETURNING CAST MEMBER.

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-22-2016 6:26 AM

I saw that but we know Shaw filmed some scenes for the film. They were perhaps brief, hologram recordings and then she resources, etc.


AdminEngineerDec-22-2016 6:30 AM

I can confirm that yes, the Covenant is diverted from its original mission after intercepting a distress call which leads then to David. And yes Shaw's scenes were minimal but impactful and integral to the film's plot. Good catch there Nebula!


MemberPraetorianDec-22-2016 6:47 AM

So, Walter is a more advanced synthetic lifeform, and less emotional than David, that's interesting!


MemberOvomorphDec-22-2016 6:54 AM

The article also says that David is "marooned" on the planet.  That raises alot of questions.  Did something go wrong with the Juggernaut?  Did Shaw take the Juggernaut and go elsewhere and leave David behind?  Could they be trying to set it up so that Paradise is really LV426 before it becomes the primordial mess we see in Alien?  If David sent the signal that summons Covenant, is it a trap or does he really want to leave "Paradise?"  I don't know the answers to any of these, but perhaps some of you would like to ponder these points.


MemberOvomorphDec-22-2016 7:30 AM

I hope Shaw didn't died offscreen. Ridley sad he is planning three sequel to Prometheus so i hope Shaw just don't there this time and she will return in the other movie(s). Noomi Rapace is a very good actress and Shaw became one of my favourite character from the Alien universe. That will be strange if she got a minor role in Covenant and just die.

Deep Space

MemberFacehuggerDec-22-2016 8:10 AM

Forgive my slight cynicism but there'd better be a good reason for them intercepting the distress call.  It just seems odd that a colony mission looking for a planet(s) to colonize are heading close to a planet that potentially is very Earth like but wasn't on their list of planet(s) to investigate . . .  if you get what I mean? :)

However, I'm hoping there's a bit more to it than meets the eye . . .

Re. the Shaw element - I noticed that too.  Glad she has been confirmed elsewhere and feel that her involvement, however we see it, will indeed be integral to the plot.  Can't wait to see this in the film.

Interesting to note how only one cryo pod above looks 'full' and the inhabitant has the same dressing as the image released earlier in the year that most thought was Shaw or Daniels (I went with the latter :) 

Could be something there?

David 7

MemberFacehuggerDec-22-2016 8:22 AM

What if the company had been getting the signal and sends the Covenant in that direction. Surely, not by coincidence 


MemberOvomorphDec-22-2016 2:51 PM

Good evening aliens fans! I got idea And have to write it in here even my english skills are very poor (sorry for that)

So the thing is What about Shaw was used by debil David for creating some of the morfs from her? Maybe even queen.It would be pretty scary isnt it?Shaw as a beliving person would become hell creature with possibility to give a birth to many many "kids"... After we could see her on some holograms reccords during thet experiment...

Another thing: that special forces photo. I think company had to know something happened to Prometheus crew (some conection like in Alien 3,also they knew Ripley has visitor in chest) And also when lost the big boss Wayland u will search for him... Just few questions And ideas but dont know...


MemberPraetorianDec-22-2016 5:53 PM



AdminEngineerDec-22-2016 9:05 PM

@Ati, But the Covenant crew emblems say Weyland-Yutani, so the companies have already merged by the time this takes place, no?


MemberDeaconDec-23-2016 7:58 AM

I assume the true meaning behind the message/call they intercept and how and when this happened could be left unanswered in part...

Maybe open up to be explored in a future movie... i would say a number of events to do with David and Shaw, and Weyland and Yutani have happened over the 10 years since Prometheus... and i dont think we would get much details to what happened with those two parts of the Plot.

We are just arriving at a aftermath and so the signal may be left as ambiguous as to get us to question how like we have done with Special Order 937

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