MemberDeaconJan-19-2018 4:18 PMThat Alien rulebook would be a interesting find lol, at least they have a set of RULES so sequels and other spin offs can follow so to not contradict any plans.
I wonder what Uncharted Territory is? and i hope its not Ripleys Mother or Father ;)
But seriously i think this is interesting, it depends if they mean Uncharted Territory as in the Games and Movies, as in General the Xenomorphs in the series came from the Derelict Eggs, a few explored well hinted the Xenomorphs came from those kinds of Eggs but not necessary the ones on the Derelict but that other Eggs are elsewhere.
The Prequels have expanded the Universe, so we now have the potential for various kinds of Xenomorph Hybrids, and what ever else the Black Goo does, we have the Engineers, and who could be above them.
We have not explored LV-223 or other Engineers Outposts they conduct Experiments and Creation on, or been to Worlds the Engineers have created other life on.. (unless they created the Predators). and with Alien Covenant indeed we have Planet 4 and Origae-6 that can be explored within context of a ALIEN game.
So i am looking forwards to seeing where this will go.

MemberTrilobiteJan-19-2018 4:22 PMHopefully it will be primarily a single player campaign. Online could be interesting if enough franchise fans have the necessary hardware/connections.

MemberChestbursterJan-19-2018 6:06 PMDoes this mean there's a chance to play as the Alien? That's all I really care about. I could be fighting humans, Engineers or Neomorphs, I don't care. I just want a game where I can be a Xenomorph again.

MemberTrilobiteJan-19-2018 7:33 PMKingKaijuGojira There should be balance though yes? If you play as a Xeno as Alien portrays, you would be playing as a pretty much invincible foe. A game like that might feel like playing with all cheats enabled?

MemberPraetorianJan-19-2018 11:46 PMAgreed BigDave I would love to take a peek at this rulebook!
An open world exploration experience would be interesting! Something like the first Mass Effect

MemberFacehuggerJan-20-2018 5:23 AMSounds great. Question, how does Fox have the rights to the game if they sold their Alien rights to Disney?

MemberChestbursterJan-20-2018 6:53 AMA rulebook is all very well but I’m personally not too keen on the expanded universe as it could keep polarising fans unlike the pure Alien experience Alien Isolation, which was destined to be praised and loved by fans of the film and by horror fans too I’m sure.
Speaking of A:I I think it will be rather difficult to topple such a masterpiece should this new game try to go toe to toe on the same merits, so another direction could in that regard help its success by differentiating itself from the standard FPS or 1st person stealth basics, whether it be by gameplay mechanics or by wildly different environments for instance.
There is a lot that can be done in 1st person view, not mention VR if that platform increases in popularity (i.e less ***bersome and equally goofy devices strapped to the face)
Hopefully the end result will satisfy most people and that’s all that matters.

MemberDeaconJan-20-2018 5:03 PM"you would be playing as a pretty much invincible foe"
I think it depends how you view the Xenomorph, some Alien Purest felt Camerons Aliens made the Xenomorphs just Canon Fodder, and Alien Resurrection and AVP movies likewise... But i dont think the Xenomorph is like some kind of Terminator.
The Xenomorph in Alien was in a environment that suited it, Imagine being stuck in a Lake with a Fresh Water Shark or Alligator that was 15-20ft and all you had was a Knife... Game Over Humans... but if the Predator in Question was in a Pool and you had Guns then its advantage Humans.
So certainly the Xenomorph should be more tougher than in Aliens, but i think if say Alien Isolation, Amanda could find herself in a Large Room with the Xenomorph just entering and she had a Pulse Riffle then provided she gets a lot of rounds off and direct hits i think the Xenomorph would indeed be exposed to a grave threat!
The great thing with ALIEN was the Crew knowing they dare not Shoot the Xenomorph because of the Hull Breach that the Acid would cause... So i think having a Alien game where you can play the Xenomorph can be made Challenging if faced with well armed opponents, it would be interesting if some good AI was added to the game, that in certain locations the Humans who could be armed with Weapons would have to think twice or even completely not attack the Xenomorph in certain locations due to the Xenomorph's Acid Blood... but this would be only enemies who have knowledge of the Xenomorph.
If you never knew what the Monster was and saw it run towards you and you was armed to the teeth you would not think twice about popping a few caps in its ASS! lol
I would be interested in a Game that allows you to control the Xenomorph as a Sub-Game but i feel a game would have to be about a Human Character, but also have a option to play a Xenomorph Campaign, because i think the Threat and Peril to a Human, would make the Experience more frightening and engaging as a Human.
Fingers crossed the Game does allow you to play a Human and a Xenomorph though, or similar as that would be interesting.

MemberTrilobiteJan-20-2018 8:28 PMBigDave Those are interesting ideas about playing as a Xeno.
Here is another idea: As a Xeno you would be vulnerable to conventional weapons. Your goal would be eliminating the crew. To do that, you need to be stealthy and kill or capture the humans. If you are detected, you would need to make a hasty retreat and wait until their guard is down, then try again. If you get shot, it is game over- you only have one life. EXCEPT- if you capture two humans, you could take them to a hidey hole to egg morph and over time, a new Xeno would be available to continue if you get killed. You would also need to need to consume some victims for energy and you could just be sadistic and kill for the sport of it. Lots of choices.

MemberDeaconJan-21-2018 2:35 PMCertainly DK, that would be a interesting concept, ONE Life, that can become Multiple if you can Procreate Multiple Xenomorphs.
Other certain missions could work in a similar fashion, where your on a Outpost, preferably not a Space Station, and a incoming Platoon of Marines is incoming, you start as a Face Hugger, set off after someone wonders in to rescue a Face Hugged Member of the Crew, the Humans take the Person with them and you have to Stealthy get onto their ship...
Once you have done this you have to stealthy get around the outpost and find a suitable Host.
Upon Chest Bursting you have to survive and feed (so its like the AVP2 game from 2001) where when you are fully grown you have to then rescue the other Xenomorph from the other Face Hugger that is sealed in a Quarantined Area, finding out the Company has been made aware and are sending in a Ship with Marines to Extract ONE Xenomorph.
Your mission then is with the Help of this Other Xenomorph, is to capture and Procreate enough Xenomorphs for when the Marines arrive. MAYBE if you fail, we get a Cut-Scene where the Marines over power the limited Xenomorphs.... GAME OVER... maybe you can control a Xenomorph in this ONE SIDED battle?
But if you manage to Procreate a Certain number of Xenomorphs with out being detected, or the areas you Procreate them being eradicated... Then when the Team of Marines arrive you ENTER the next phase of the Game, where its a Xenomorph vs Marines Battle for Survival...
Where indeed the idea you posed DK can apply where if you Die, you can take control of any remaining Xenomorphs. I think this kind of a Mission would work well, as it would have to use EXTREME Stealth and brains... and patience (Face Hugger/Chest Buster), that then Evolves to being Cautious but now you can be a threat (Xenomorph) to then being able to control a a Horde of Xenomorphs.

MemberTrilobiteJan-21-2018 2:50 PMBigDave This is developing nicely- great idea! In addition to your idea of developing something akin to a mini hive, there could maybe be a communication system sort of like Odd World from the PS1- basic commands such as rally, hide, attack etc...

MemberOvomorphMar-06-2018 7:54 AMIf you research CIS you'll see that they are known for MMO's like Star Trek Online before they were bought by Fox last week.
This game is likely to be an MMO.
Fox wouldn't buy just any game developer to release a one off AAA title.
The game will likely be an adventure type MMO that skirts the edges of the lore and the final missions will be to lv223 or the engineer world where you'll get a taste of an answer but nothing meaningful, because there isn't anything meaningful. The ALIEN was created by an angry robot from Earth, there isn't really much left to discover after that apart from who did it eat and when. Lol.