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What's the story MUTHUR? New Alien viral website launched!
Scified2016-12-25 01:14:58
Written by Chris71,903 Reads56 Comments2016-12-25 01:14:58

Fox have just launched a new Alien viral website! Unlike the Alien: Covenant specific sites, this one lets users input data to the iconic MU/TH/UR computer, also commonly referred to as MOTHER. This is the interface Ripley and Dallas used in Ridley Scott's original Alien film back in 1979 and if you input the exact same codes Ripley enters in the film, you get the same responses! It's quite fun and likely houses some hidden goodies for Alien: Covenant.

As with any viral website of this nature, the name of the game is guessing the right key words and phrases. Inputting select lines of specific code does clearly generate alternative responses.

As a community, let's see what hidden content we can unlock by trying to crack MU/TH/UR's security settings. Post your attempts and their results in the comments section below! I will update this post as new discoveries are made.

The favicon for the website is an image used for the videogame Alien: Isolation, if that lends any clues.

As a side note, it is interesting to note that although the website clearly coincides with Alien: Covenant, the URL encompasses the entire Alien Universe. This could suggest that this website may hold secrets to not only Alien: Covenant, but possibly even Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5 as well. Only way to find out for sure, is to get cracking.

Visit the site now, at!

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AdminEngineerDec-25-2016 1:18 AM

Code entered: David8


Code: Shaw


Code: Weyland


Code: Yutani


Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphDec-25-2016 1:23 AM

Interesting,so there are the Elders?

And this is about Shaw

Full names must be typed.


AdminEngineerDec-25-2016 1:27 AM

Code: Deacon


Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphDec-25-2016 1:32 AM





Something that I did not ask.


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 1:35 AM

It's fun:)
Though there's not too much information on "Covenant" or Blomkamp's one, so it will be probably impossible to find anything special there:)


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 1:49 AM

My phone won't interface with the site, but can someone type in "Neo-Morph" and see what comes up?

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphDec-25-2016 1:52 AM

I typed it many times.

UNABLE TO COMPUTE. was the response.



MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 1:56 AM

Ah bummer. Thanks for letting me know.

Deep Space

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 2:06 AM

I'm gonna try the numerical codes from the image teasers later and see what happens . . .

Christmas obligations have to come first!  I feel like a kid that can't play with his toys ha ha ;) 

If someone has done or does please post results!


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 3:10 AM

Entered "Primary mission" it told me that Ripley encountered a type "XX121" xenomorph. That means Wayland already knows many of them, logically 121 different type minimum... But it only knows xx121, the other queris are unable to compute :(


Deep Space

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 3:25 AM

'black goo' gives an interesting response . . .

Deep Space

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 3:28 AM

Space Jockey also interesting - confirms it is an engineer and not David/Shaw.  Good stuff imo


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 3:31 AM

I asked MU/TH/UR a couple of questions and got funny answers. Seems MU/TH/UR needs to catch up on past and current events. :)




Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphDec-25-2016 3:36 AM

I asked it whats 2+2 and I got this.


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 3:39 AM

Type Alien 5 


A L I E N 4 2 6

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 4:37 AM

Guess we now have confirmation that the space jockey is in fact an engineer. Who was right? This guy! 

Gee W

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 7:37 AM

The codes from the pictures gives us some info too. They are all the same message about Ripley (now officially names Ellen Louise Ripley)

 -edit- this is the same entry as "Ellen Ripley"...


Gee W

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 7:50 AM

'What are my chances' gives you 'Does not compute' like in Alien :) (other wrong queries give 'unable to compute')



What is special order 937


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 8:18 AM

Alien life cycle:

LV-426 or LV-223:



MemberXenomorphDec-25-2016 8:39 AM

One of them claims
WY merger was in 



MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 9:13 AM

put in life cycle.   very interesting response.  wasn't able to capture the screen on my ancient laptop.

Martin 450

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 10:38 AM

Type in  6550-99


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 11:29 AM


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 11:50 AM

Put in ovomorph, guys.  It answers a big question...

edit:Just saw similar info covered in a post above, haha


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 12:39 PM

I found my own :3! Actually, I wanted to type: Alien


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 3:26 PM

i cant get it to do anything after a signup page 


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 7:58 PM

Typed in "Where is David?" and got the answer "Where-abouts unknown". It also tells you the crew of the prometheus, and the nostromo, and some basic info about Peter Weyland. Those are the only things I've found that I haven't seen on here.

Martin 450

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 8:08 PM

Martin 450

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 8:59 PM


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 9:05 PM

Type Father and you get Peter Weyland!



AdminEngineerDec-25-2016 9:49 PM

@metalos, Nice ones! Ovomorph, I love it.

@faceugger79, Fascinating...

Great work so far guys! I wonder what else awaits our discovery.


MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 11:15 PM

So, some discoveries.

First: remember this?

Look what happened when I typed in "planet test" into Mother:

If I'm reading this right, it sounds an awful lot like LV-426 is the planet that the engineers tested their black goo on (notice at the bottom of the infographic that it says the info came from an engineer manual). 

My crank theory is that they sent in the Space Jockey with the eggs to eliminate whatever life was there, but he had a little mishap on the way over. So plan B was to drop the black goo in. By the time Ripley and Co. show up, well..."no indigenous life", etc. etc.

Something else interesting:

It also responds to "ryan gosling", "Harrison ford", and "2049". Now why would it do that???


Lastly, I've been snooping around the Weyland industries viral website for phrases to use. I pulled "cosmic call 2" from the mission database page, and after entering it into mother, it read "130748". How mysterious!


MemberOvomorphDec-26-2016 12:25 AM

Typed "life support" = 2 Years


MemberOvomorphDec-26-2016 12:37 AM

Typed "Transmission" = Captian Dallas, Kane, & Lambert,...??


MemberOvomorphDec-26-2016 12:42 AM

Antarctica Traffic Control = Antarctica ??


MemberOvomorphDec-26-2016 12:45 AM

Weapons = Armory of shotguns, pistols, & flamethrowers.


MemberOvomorphDec-26-2016 12:59 AM

Type "space suit" = IRC MK50 Compression Suit

       "shuttle" = nitrosyl choloride ?


MemberOvomorphDec-26-2016 1:18 AM

Brandywine or Ladd, both give same response. This Is Fun! lol



MemberOvomorphDec-26-2016 1:24 AM

OK, this is the last one & I'm going 2 bed lol,.. Typed "Whats the last thing you remember?" and got a pretty cool answer. =)


MemberXenomorphDec-26-2016 2:03 PM

"nitrosyl choloride ?"

The gas Ripley blasted the Alien with.


MemberOvomorphDec-26-2016 2:53 PM


MemberOvomorphDec-27-2016 11:17 AM





MemberOvomorphDec-27-2016 4:52 PM

Typed "Queen Alien" and it started typing and describing the Deacon... coincidence?


MemberOvomorphDec-27-2016 4:53 PM


MemberOvomorphDec-28-2016 3:52 AM

Code: Engineers


Amos Perrins

MemberOvomorphDec-28-2016 8:21 AM

If you play about with the HTTP request, the metadata in the response gives a hint to how the back end works e.g. if you simply put 'engineer' in, it seems to reference a unique database entry with the name "How did the Sacrificial Engineer seed a planet?". If you enter 'sacrificial engineer' it returns the entry for "What is a Sacrificial Engineer?"; "Unable to compute" is referenced as "Default Fallback Intent".

It also seems to keep a 'score' that keeps track of the percentage of successful requests you make.

I'll see if I can dig anything else up. :)


MemberOvomorphDec-28-2016 9:29 AM

Code: MU/TH/UR




So it looks like it's definitely an engineer fused in that chair, not a human.

Amos Perrins

MemberOvomorphDec-28-2016 2:35 PM

"What is the name of the actor that played Vladimir Furdik?"

"Vladimir Furdik"

...who is one of the mercs in Prometheus. Replace 'Vladmir Furdik' with any other name and it still gives the same answer - seems to respond to the word 'play'.


MemberOvomorphDec-29-2016 10:40 PM

just a few , the narcissus,executive officer gilbert kane,ashs job?,where was gilbert kane born?,eggs in cargo,enhance request.lockmart starcub light shuttle,what does the adult decon look like? that give diffrent answer then just: Deacon.


AdminEngineerJan-25-2017 8:00 AM

Has anyone discovered any new clues on the MUTHUR site yet?


MemberOvomorphJan-26-2017 5:02 PM


MemberOvomorphJan-26-2017 7:35 PM

I'm new here and asked when did Shaw die and got this, no idea what Kane is all about


MemberOvomorphJan-28-2017 12:31 PM

Typed "Why?" and it responded "Because I told you to."


MemberOvomorphFeb-02-2017 9:55 PM

i typed acid blood and got this

Phallic Jaw

MemberFacehuggerMar-07-2017 11:19 AM

Hilarious.  Insert Bishop (no, not THAT Bishop) joke here.


MemberOvomorphSep-10-2017 1:34 AM


where do you get this interface?
I have not found anything yet.
Best regards

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