MemberPraetorianDec-24-2016 9:14 PMyes!

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:15 PMSweet!

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:18 PMThis is glorious. I've already seen it like 5 times. Off to watch again.

MemberFacehuggerDec-24-2016 9:22 PMSoooooooo Good!!

MemberFacehuggerDec-24-2016 9:23 PMSo B. Crudup is the captain?

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:26 PMWatched it 5 times myself lol
Ready for you all to wake up and get on here to scrutinize it so I can read all your thoughts

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:27 PMIt's awesome knowing David is probably orchestrating all this terror but not really seeing him in the trailer

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:27 PMI am interested who is in the hooded cloak...

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:30 PMI assumed David in the cloak, I'll have to watch again

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:33 PMI am surprised they showed as much as they did. Especially the first bit. I hope this means there is just a crap ton more to come...

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:38 PMI can't describe how much I am in love with it:)
Alright, for the 10th time, "PLAY"...

AdminEngineerDec-24-2016 9:41 PMStill can't believe it's real. I will be uploading a ton of HD screencaps very soon.

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:41 PMI wonder what the cloaked person/android is holding there, some kind of weapon or tool

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:41 PMIs that David in the egg chamber - just stood still... watching the poor hapless chap get hugged?

MemberFacehuggerDec-24-2016 9:42 PMHoly mother****ing ****.

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:42 PMNow 4 and a half months needs to fly by, haha SPORES

MemberFacehuggerDec-24-2016 9:42 PMTHANK YOU RIDLEY

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:45 PM@SenseOfDoubt:
that is definitely Fassbender with dark hair, so either Walter, or David pretending to be Walter I guess :)

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:46 PMThank you so much this has made my Christmas!!!!! I'm not going to lie Danny McBride doesn't look bad in this. I appreciate he doesn't look like a model just a regular dude like in the first Alien.

David 7
MemberFacehuggerDec-24-2016 9:47 PMSo worth the wait.

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:51 PMLoved watched like 5 times already but it may have shown too much look great anyway

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 9:54 PMThe only thing that bothers me a bit is the egg design. I guess it can be explained, but they look... weird:/

MemberFacehuggerDec-24-2016 9:54 PMCraziest Christmas gift ever. On my 7th view. Wow. Yikes. Gee wiz. Ouch. Stop. NO.

MemberFacehuggerDec-24-2016 9:59 PMThe egg looks like a product. Perfected. Mechanized.
Ridley understands that there's little mystery left to the process as we know it. I imagine that's gonna change, hardcore.

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 10:27 PMIt looks like David is in the chamber when the face-hugger "incident takes place.

Gravity .86
MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 10:33 PMIt's Aurora doing Nature Boy. She also did a awesome version of David Bowie's Life on Mars. Good misdirection with the news it would be Bowie's version. Wait, an artist doing a song by a artist that was already covered by her? Mind bottling!

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 10:37 PMI came as soon as I heard the news. Yes! It's finally here.

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 10:39 PMInteresting I've replayed a few times now lol. If you pause at 1:33 you can see the girl shooting at what looks like a very young neomorph behind the door frame. Also, the Captain looks to get infected twice? Once with the thing floating into his ear and then the facehugger. I wonder how that works out for him. ( Or should I say what comes out )

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 10:44 PMSpeechless....Ridley is the man of the year for 2017.

MemberFacehuggerDec-24-2016 10:47 PMOld faces and new, well met. How terribly exciting.

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 10:48 PMYes, it looks like an "R" rating, to say the least. I can't wait!

MemberFacehuggerDec-24-2016 11:18 PMSO SICK!
This movie will make Alien terrifying again.

I clone myself
MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 11:19 PMUnless there's some twist to the story, I assume the crashed ship is the one David and Shaw flew off in at the end of Prometheus. And I wonder if the cloaked figure in the preview is Shaw. Maybe she had to flee from David because he wanted Shaw as his first victim in his experiments.

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 11:22 PMBest. Trailer. Ever.
That scene in the beginning with the back burster...that was so intense. Can't wait to see this movie!!

AdminEngineerDec-24-2016 11:29 PMWill have some great analysis written up soon guys. Can't wait to break down every scene of this with you all!

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 11:33 PMI would love to know if those dog tags were Shaw's...

Gravity .86
MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 11:36 PM@jakehanson44
They are Charlie's dog tags, remember? But yes I suspect those are the tags she had.

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 11:47 PM@Gravity.86 - Oh right - thanks!

neville dsouza
MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 11:56 PM
Man ...i love this shot
btw .. who is the guy is black? ... david perhaps?
Super HYPED!

MemberOvomorphDec-24-2016 11:58 PMI also like Daniel's no bull****ism. :)

MemberXenomorphDec-25-2016 12:24 AMNo engineers

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 12:38 AMthat does the job. flavours of what is to happen, but not too much detail. i've seen enough, no more trailers for me from now on. some surprises needed to keep it good and scarey.

AdminEngineerDec-25-2016 12:55 AMWorking on those screencaps! Nearly done...

Chad Ripley
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 1:04 AMYes!!! That was a great Christmas present. It looks scary and action packed. That Alien in the shower definitely was the neomorph or some variation of the classic biomechanical Xeno. I think I saw a wider head/dome on him. It was really quick but I think that's what I saw. And his tail was different. The Xenos have a more prominent spike on the end. David is definitely gonna screw over Walter and give us the biomechanical xenomorph. I cannot wait for May 2017 ;)

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphDec-25-2016 1:15 AMI love it!
Ridley,heroic son.Thank you very much.

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 1:16 AMVery dark indeed. As expected from Ridley. Can't wait to get my geek mode on for May 2017

MemberPraetorianDec-25-2016 1:19 AMMerry Christmas everyone!
God bless you Ridley!

MemberPraetorianDec-25-2016 1:19 AMDanny McBride looks scared s**tless.....no wonder!!

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 1:20 AMTheory: i think the spores + facehugger embrio = perfect xeno?

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 1:22 AMThat song is dark and it complements the trailer. Twisted

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 1:28 AMI've already seen it several times. Let the games begin and analyse every frame haha

Deep Space
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 1:40 AMAwesome :) what an xmas treat!!!
It looks like they've got the horror/tension on point! I don't think I breathed for 2 minutes lol!
Holloways tags, ship from Prom - must be!? Daniels looked like she had a sense of recognition too when she saw the tags?! Spores looked quite good and better than I'd have thought (reminded me of scarabs from Prom 1st draught); still no suits though people, tut tut ;) Also looks like David could be passing himself off as Walter - or perhaps part of a twist could be Walter knowing more than at first meets the eye? Daniels looked very good, as did the cast from what I saw.
Loved the aesthetic too and great music - spine tingling!
No engineers but we haven't sen the temples yet . . .
Only drawback is I feel they may have given 2 of the major scares away! (but i'd wager most on here kind of knew about those 2 scenes anyways).
Thanks Ridley :) I'm off to annoy my girlfriend and watch it a few more times ha ha

Deep Space
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 1:51 AMLooks to me like the backburster guy is the one who gets the ear spore, not the captain?

AdminEngineerDec-25-2016 1:52 AM@123Egineer, Oh just you wait. I've got a wonderful selection of HD caps we can use. In the process of uploading.

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 2:04 AMMy first thoughts...Where are the engineers? Why doesn't the planet look biomechanical or technical (like the juggernaut)? The trailer is intense but not that scary as I first thougt. The backburster scene was intense... Where are the ampules? I hope the engineers have an underground structure. That should have a huge scale.Why does Water just stands there when the captain gets facehugged? Does David influence/manipulate Walter? Or is he conviced of David thoughts? And where is David? Has he power of the engineer weapons on that planet? Probably yes. And how many people are on the Covenant?

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 3:09 AMOk, so I am not going to watch the trailer, but...
@ oduodu
No Engineers IS very disappointing, but I'm sure they'll show up, just not in the trailer, right?

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 3:23 AMPrometheus trailer was 100 times better than this one.

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 3:39 AMI try to identify the different actresses, but so far I've got luck only with Carmen Ejogo and Katherine Waterston
very nice trailer !

Patient Leech
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 4:16 AM@Nider
Yeah, the Prometheus trailer was pretty much a perfect trailer.

Engineer Tech Brett
MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 4:37 AMHave to say, I love how this film looks. Really don't care about any other film next year, I just want to see this.
Its good that this trailer gives a taste of how hardcore the movie is going to get. Very violent and horrific.
Looking forward to the next trailers now.

A L I E N 4 2 6
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 5:04 AMI'm surprised they released red band first. They really are holding nothing back this round.
love the protomorph at the end there
also it may just be me, but if you look REALLY closely at the "insect" it looks like little drops of goo cobbled and floating together

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 5:49 AMThat juggernaut looks as if it crashed landed

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 6:18 AMI really don't think that's the captain getting the ear infection, looks like a different guy to me. Captain Def gets a facehugger

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 6:30 AMDid Ridley Scott not say that AVP were slasher movies, what a shame he has gone down the same route, what ever happened to suspense.

MemberChestbursterDec-25-2016 6:35 AM"nature boy" is NOT a "David Bowie" Song. It was originally done by Nat King Cole. David Bowie did a cover of it for Moulin Rouge's soundtrack.

David 7
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 6:52 AMI really enjoyed the trailer. I love the earthy tone that is given to the film. I love the look. It is also way early to know the full details of the plot and I am happy about that. We see things that take place but never given too much. YEt, there are so many questions to be answered. I am sure in about a month we will get a longer trailer that gives more plot points. I would imagine that Daniels and the crew are aware of the missing Prometheus ship or at least have heard the stories of what might have happened. The planet is beautiful but deadly and this perhaps might be the planet we first saw in Prometheus, just judging by the familiar scenes we saw with the drop ship flying through the valleys and what not.
This is good!

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 7:46 AM Yea I think it's way too early to start criticizing the movie based on this 2 minutes of stitched together nonsense. Besides the way trailers are nowadays there my even be some misdirection and shots not included in the film.
The other thing is Alien was gory, that chest buster scene had like, buckets of blood shooting out all over the characters, a gruesome Kane Baby swimming in blood and flesh.
I'm sure there will be plenty of tension and creepiness to go around included with some action and some carnage. I am pumped for this, I have faith in Ridley Scott.

MemberXenomorphDec-25-2016 8:10 AMLoved it!
I'm assuming the soundtrack isn't ready?

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 8:29 AMWhere are David and Shaw? :0
... at the end of Prometheus, the juggernaut that has landed after the crash looks extremely huge... But in the trailer it looks so much smaller?? Why?
The trailer just showed that there are aliens in this film and that it will be bloody. But also the characters and a bit of the environment... but what really will happen or where David is and what he plans remains a secret... and how the xenomorph is made...

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 8:32 AMAwsome, i can't wait for the movie. This reminds me of the Fire and Stone comics a little. I wonder if one of the androids became something like Elden in the comics.

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 9:11 AMForgive me for asking a stupid question, but those spores put me in the mind of poppy seed pods, does the black goo come from these bulbs? Through some kind of refinement/distillation process known only to the Engineers maybe?

David 7
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 9:19 AMIn a few months or maybe sooner, we will get a trailer that delves into the plot but I doubt we will see Shaw and David fully in the trailers. They play a vital part in the story.

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 9:59 AMJust watched with the sound off while listening to Harry Simeones 'Little Drummer Boy'. Awesome.

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 10:11 AMMerry Christmas to one and all. Think trailer was great and looking forward to another addition to the Alien Universe

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphDec-25-2016 1:14 PMLooks pretty ****in mint. I was hoping to see some Giger inspired bio-mechanics, But this is only a teaser. Ridley might (I hope) have something up his sleeve. Roll on may!
P.S. What the feck is that creature jumping into Davids ear?

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphDec-25-2016 1:27 PMUpon further viewing, it would appear that the victim of the ear molesterer isn't David at all but some other bloke.
Releasing a trailer on Chrimbo day would insinuate that Ridley is sticking with the space jeebus theme.

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 2:12 PMI love that the trailer left so much out. What is implied by absence is almost as cool as what is blatantly shown.

AdminEngineerDec-25-2016 5:20 PMI agree 100% ifox. A lot was left out but just enough was shown to drive us crazy!

I Meme Everything
MemberPraetorianDec-25-2016 5:32 PMAmazeballs Christmas gift from Fox

David 7
MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 5:50 PMI think we will see more perhaps with the viral campaign that will start hopefully in January

Hive Grown
MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 7:53 PMIs the female at the end in the sex scene Watterson's character?

MemberOvomorphDec-26-2016 4:31 AMNo that's a different female character. I don't believe she is shown anywhere else in the trailer.

MemberFacehuggerDec-26-2016 6:30 AMI know this won't be a popular sentiment, but I didn't really like it that much.

Gravity .86
MemberOvomorphDec-26-2016 11:34 AMWalter's flappy had reminds me of WW2 Japanese soldier hats.

I had one of these hats in the 80's when I was a kid.
I think The Clash brought them back in style.

MemberOvomorphDec-27-2016 4:59 AMi'm looking forward to Danny McBride bringing the Kenny Powers:
"I've been blessed with many things in this life: an arm like a damn rocket, a **** like a burmese python, and the mind of a ****ing scientist."

Chad Ripley
MemberFacehuggerDec-27-2016 7:35 AMThat was worth the wait. Definitely a great Christmas present. I saw some people write they think the captain gets infected twice but that's really two different guys. The guy who gets the spore in his ear is the same one who is in the beginning of the trailer with the neomorph bursting out through his back. The captain gets the facehugged. I wonder if the spores create the neomorphs while the facehuggers create the animalistic Xenos. David emerging with that engineers cloak on makes me think he definitely has turned to the dark side even more then he was in Prometheus. I still think he's going to kill Walter to create the classic biomechanical Xenomorph. The shot of Fassbender upclose with the guy in the background sitting looks like David and Walter together in the same room. It could be a very important scene. The one that leads up to David turning Walter into our Xeno. The Alien that kills the guy in the shower is the animal Xeno. He's in the shadows but you can kinda tell he's not the biomechanical xenomorph. I can't wait to see this movie. It looks like it's going to be a crazy ride and Waterson and McBride are going to team up at some point. I could see that relationship being a key one as the chaos starts. I don't think McBride will make it out alive but I do think Waterson will. Overall I'm beyond excited for this. The music was also perfect for the trailer.

Regular Parrot
MemberOvomorphDec-27-2016 2:51 PMI haven't logged in for a while but I have been viewing regularly. For the last two months I have been hitting refresh every 10 mins on my "alien:covenant" news feed for the latest. Love this trailer.

MemberNeomorphDec-28-2016 9:33 AMI like it, hopefully the movie will be as good as the trailer.

Gravity .86
MemberOvomorphDec-28-2016 3:54 PMI made the mistake of being on here too much for Prometheus. When I watched it I knew of some of the particulars. It kind of ruined the surprise of the story. I will stay away from spoilers and too much info. I will wait for after the movie to dissect it. Just wondering if anyone else felt like this for Prometheus?

MemberOvomorphDec-28-2016 11:26 PMSo how did this black goo get from the facility on LV 223 to the home world LV 369 ? If Engineers are ancient humans...where do real Aliens meet Engineers. If they created them... are they still Aliens and not just genetically created monsters? The space jockey suit and helmet eventually molds into the Engineers body and DNA with the goo. Later they become eviloved. Grown into the glowing flesh of the Juggernaut then becoming part of the ship it's self . Existing in a Matrix Giger Tardis reality. Many tunnels there lie in centers of worlds. Gone fully doomed space cadet!