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Guy Pearce listed as cast for Alien Covenant
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4652 Views11 Replies


MemberOvomorphNov-03-2016 7:52 PM

Noticed that IMDB has Guy Pearce listed to play Peter Weyland in Alien Covenant.

Could this be true? Anybody know anything about this?  

11 Replies


AdminEngineerNov-03-2016 8:19 PM

I've heard murmurings yeah, it is quite possible. They filmed many unused scenes for Prometheus, which could very well be recycled for Alien: Covenant.

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2016 7:50 AM

I was always disappointed they didn't use the TED talk scene with him as a younger man at the beginning of Prometheus, much less him meeting with Shaw and Holloway to setup the mission.  He was so underused in the first, it was criminal!

FYI-This is my first post on here in over 3 years.  I misplaced my login credentials but somehow managed to recover my old signin.  Been following the new posts though! Glad to be back!


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2016 9:07 AM


MemberDeaconNov-04-2016 9:11 AM

A Flashback Scene would have made sense, and when i was working on my own Prometheus 2 draft i indeed had a few David Dream Flash Backs and One was pretty much the same as the rumored scene in this movie.

I think it can add to the whole Character of David

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


AdminEngineerNov-04-2016 9:37 AM

Welcome back, Hudson! Glad to have you back. 

And yeah Shambs, they report it will be a flashback scene with a young Weyland. I wonder if we'll learn why Weyland and Yutani merge.

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2016 10:41 AM

Thanks Chris!  I have missed sharing theories with other Alien fanatics such as myself. 


MemberOvomorphNov-04-2016 10:50 AM

With the supposed passing of Weyland at the end of Prometheus.  I still feel like they haven't told the complete story as to why Weyland/Yutani are so hell bent on obtaining the xenomorph in the original trilogy.  I feel like Weyland's character or someone very close to him has to discover the xenomorph for themselves, which will drive this obsession from the corporation's side which I'm hoping will be addressed if not in this movie, the next.  With that said, the biggest thing they'll need to address is who will survive this next encounter long enough to communicate their findings back to the company to kickstart the events in the original Alien.  I was holding out hope that Peter Weyland would find the fountain of youth to keep him around awhile longer to be the main human antagonist in these films.  Who knows, maybe we might all be surprised if Weyland comes back and not just in the form a of a flashback! ; )


MemberDeaconNov-04-2016 2:50 PM

Indeed Prometheus has opened the door to there being more than merely the Xenomorph as a Bio-Weapon... 

Why would the company wish to obtain and fail over and over just for a Bio-Weapon?

Prometheus gave us more to it than that, it explored a lot of things that can be expanded upon, and more to the creators of the Xeno Bio-Weapon than just be a Eradication Tool

Prometheus did however raise more questions... such as why in the Alien Franchise do they pursue the Xeno when the creators of the Bio-Weapon have much more rewards on offer both from LV-223 and Paradise.

So Prometheus does potentially highlight a alternative reason for the Xenomorph if its Genetics can be used for other purposes.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconNov-04-2016 3:04 PM

As far as bringing in Guy Pierce i think its a good idea as a Flash Back.... i felt his character was not built upon well enough and a lot of his character was built around having to look at the Weyland Viral Site and the TED Talk 2023 Video.

If this rumor is TRUE i was going a near enough same route with my Prometheus 2 draft, to give back ground to David and Weyland and in particular why David is not Mortal and will not die... but he has no soul and touch upon how Weyland mentions he has no soul and so there is nothing for David in the after life.  It was more detailed than that but it was similar to what this rumored scene is also trying to do perhaps.

The interesting thing would be the TIMELINE of this scene, If we assume the David in this Flash Back is David 8 of Prometheus and he was one of the first if not the first David 8 series to be brought online (Activated that is... not brought off ebay LOL ) or even if not... the same David as in Prometheus.

The David 8 models came into production in 2072 i think?

Which means Weyland would be 82 years old....  so that would still mean Old Man Weyland.....

So i would maybe assume it has to be a different David model, the First would not look as Realistic and was produced in the year 2025 which would put Weyland at his mid 30's and while Guy Pearce is 49 i think maybe he could pull off a 35 something Weyland?

So i think the time line will be important as to what David is in this Flash Back Scene and Weyland....

But we also need to remember if we are seeing this from Davids POV.... then to David 8 Peter Weyland could appear to him as a more Youthful Character.


R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberNeomorphNov-05-2016 9:37 AM

Weyland was another disappointment, they never explained why he wanted to go and find the Engineers and the discussion that he had with the Engineer wasn’t subtitled so that didn’t make very much sense either. They should have had the TED talk left in the movie, at least some parts of it which would have explained a bit about why he wanted to go there. He was behind the whole mission and still they didn’t make his character very good.


MemberXenomorphNov-12-2016 2:07 PM

Wow! Didn't see this!


Very cool.

Can't imagine Peter Weyland wouldn't make a clone of himself or at the very least a synth version.


Would like to think the first creature David 8 meets on paradise is Peter Weyland.

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