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MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 8:12 PMUm, couldn't that be Shaw and David's ship?
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!

MemberFacehuggerDec-25-2016 8:23 PMI misunderstood, "the derelict" always refers to the ship on LV-426 in my head. the ship Shaw and David escaped in is "the stolen juggernaut" when I think about it.
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!

MemberOvomorphDec-25-2016 11:02 PMFor what it's worth... My theory is that the ship that David/Shaw used (and crashed) will become the Derelict, and that they ARE on LV-426.
I believe David is using the Juggernaut as his "Lab", and at some point, a sole remaining engineer (maybe he's in a cryo-chamber) tries to get it off the planet - We know what that leads to.
Something catastrophic obviously happens... David has unleashed Hell, and the planet quickly "Dies". Ten years later, Nostromo gets diverted.
"But they're not the same ship/design" I hear you all cry, "The pilot chamber is different" - All I can say is Artistic Design/License.
Remember that Ridley wasn't considering any of this in 1979, and one or two things have probably had to change to make Prometheus/A:C etc work.
I think that may be why Blomkamp's Alien V has been put on hold for the time being - Ridley would like the storylines to tie everything up neatly ;)

MemberFacehuggerDec-27-2016 6:45 AMI got obsessed with Prometheus back in the day. I devoured every tidbit I could find, including all of their viral marketing on the Weyland Industries site. If you dig in deep enough there, you found that Weyland had already received and decoded the message from LV-426 before the prometheus left. It was to be an alternate destination if Shaw was wrong about LV-223. It also explains that Both planets are moons of the same gas giant in the Zeta 2 Reticuli system. There is also an easter egg in Aliens Colonial Marines that shows the juggernaut getting shot down by another ship. Paradise is absolutely NOT LV-426.
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!