The MU-TH-UR Thread!

MemberTrilobiteDec-27-2016 10:53 AMEver since its release a lot of Scifiders have been perusing the MU/TH/UR 6000 terminal that can be found HERE with some very interesting results gathered thus far. Unfortunately, we have all been eager to start our own threads to highlight our discoveries rather than posting them together in one place, hence the purpose of this thread.
There is a chance that this MU/TH/UR interface has just been created for fun as a means to help promote the forthcoming Alien: Covenant, but as is usually the case with such viral marketing we here at Scified suspect this new interface has some hidden secrets relating not only to Alien: Covenant but the franchise as a whole. As such we urge our fans to post any and all discoveries from perusing the MU/TH/UR interface together here in this thread so that we can together accumulate a comprehensive list of the more interesting tid-bits of information this new online toy has for us Alien fans.

MemberTrilobiteDec-27-2016 11:05 AMTo start us all off I tried "What is special order 937?". MUTHUR's response was the infamous text as seen in Alien, so next I tried...
"What is special order 936?" - Access Not Authorized
"What is special order 001?" - Protect Specimen, Maintain Station Quarantine, Disallow Communications, All Other Considerations Secondary.
"Current Location?" - USCSS Nostromo destroyed near LV-426, Personnel Status Unknown.

MemberXenomorphDec-27-2016 2:45 PMWouldn't it be simpler to combine all the other existing threads?

MemberPraetorianDec-27-2016 2:48 PMSadly, the site does not allow me to type anything, so I won't be getting any answers! :(
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

Alien DNA
MemberOvomorphDec-27-2016 3:36 PMThat's interesting that it depends on the query. I input "Special Order 936" and got an unable to compute response last night. However you got a response by asking "What is" in addition to my query. I wonder what else we can come up with if we make a collective effort?

MemberXenomorphDec-27-2016 3:50 PM"Sadly, the site does not allow me to type anything, so I won't be getting any answers! :("
I've had problems with IE. Have you tried Chrome?

MemberDeaconDec-27-2016 5:31 PMI think we do need a thread to post all our findings..
I think and SM may be the one to clarify this a little... the Viral Sites would be marketing and showing us information and history that is to be considered Canon..... i think after the Prometheus Viral site... they would definitely want to make anything to do with AC be more Canon and revise and take care with information they provide.
The Prometheus one gave us some information of great importance, which included history of David models, FTL Travel and other things.
It also may have muddied the waters with the few LV-426 related information... which who knows if they are using it as Canon or not.... but this information did raise a few Questions as to how much was known prior to Prometheus.
I think with the new Viral Marketing they would have a more thought out plan as far as information as to how it connects to the overall Plot/Connections between Alien and Prometheus.
again SM maybe would be able to say if this is true or not..
But i think information the MUTHUR site gives will be canon... but off course it wont give full details to Plot points the movies would show from now on.. so for these expect Vague answers or Unauthorized information etc.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberTrilobiteDec-27-2016 5:47 PM@ SM - combining threads would be ideal, but we do not currently have that option.
@ Lone - Try duplicating the tab, it worked for me.
Here's some more, some of which I have seen you all trying and a some of my own...
"Planet Test" - LV-426
"Where Is Paradise?" - Current Whereabouts Unknown
"When Did Meredith Vickers Die?" - 29 June 2049
"When Did Vickers Die?" - Deceased
"When Did Arthur Dallas Die?" - Dallas Was Deceased As of June 2122
"When Did Dallas Die?" - Kane Was Deceased As Of June 2122
"What Is Covenant?" - The Covenant Mission Is Part Of Weyland-Yutani's Space Colonization Initiative To expand Humanity's Reach And Build Better Worlds
"Alien" - The Alien That Attacked The Crew Of The Nostromo Was Evacuated Into Space. Presumed Deceased

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerDec-27-2016 6:23 PMI typed in communication and it gave me "Antarctica"
i typed in Life and it gave me
" the life span of a facehugger, the longest is 120hrs that have been recorded" who recorded it????

Alien DNA
MemberOvomorphDec-27-2016 6:33 PMQuery: DEACON
As with all Xenomorphs, they gain different characteristics from their hosts. It is important to note how the birth of this creature is different from the majority of Xenomorph births - it was born with arms and legs, while most other Xenomorphs born of humanoid hosts lack legs and arms before maturing. Instead of having a second inner jaw like the Xenomorph, the Deacon had a single set of protrusible jaws more akin to those of the goblin shark, where the upper jaw can unhinge and move forwards. The deacon also lacks any bio-mechanical features, being nearly completely smooth, with exception of some ribs showing.
Quite a bit of info on that one. Notice they point out that it lacks any bio-mechanical features.

MemberOvomorphDec-27-2016 7:11 PMripley born on 20 june 2053 on the moon is this around time covenant takes place?

MemberOvomorphDec-28-2016 1:00 AMLv-223 and Lv-426 are both 39 light years from earth.
But after entering any combo of Lv- codes they all come back 39 light years from earth.
If you enter, QUERY: XX121
You get the break down of the Xenomorph.

MemberOvomorphDec-28-2016 7:12 AMIf I type "captain", I get "yellow". Why?
EDIT: forget it. If I type "color", I also get "yellow". Likely a bug.

A L I E N 4 2 6
MemberFacehuggerDec-28-2016 8:14 AMI wonder if Fox will release a list of what is to be considered "canon"

Amos Perrins
MemberOvomorphDec-28-2016 2:54 PMIf you delve into the HTTP response of the site, it tells you in the metadata what exact question it is responding to based on your input e.g. for input 'nostromo'...
...we can see the 'intent name' is 'What was the USCSS Nostromo'. Might help in routing out some more info.

Amos Perrins
MemberOvomorphDec-28-2016 3:02 PMSubterraneanHomesick - both 'captain' and 'color' ask the AI the following question:
"Aboard the USCSS Nostromo, what color is associated with the rank of Captain"
The answer being yellow. It must match requests based on the contents of predefined questions.

Amos Perrins
MemberOvomorphDec-28-2016 4:05 PMWhat is special order 939?
Protect specimen
Maintain station quarantine
Disallow communications
All other considerations secondary
Same as a previous poster noted, however, 939 is specific to the video game Alien:Isolation. Anybody seen any references to Alien 3 or Resurrection yet?

MemberOvomorphDec-29-2016 1:36 AMAsk it what is special 968, it gave me what was 967 as it mentioned "reroute Nostromo to investigate specimen and stuff like that

MemberOvomorphDec-29-2016 5:52 AMTo blackfyre: where did u get that ripley's birthdate? Is it correct? Just thinking She would have 69 years during first fight with alien.
Also those Vickers date of death is strange. Prometheus was later wasnt?

MemberFacehuggerDec-29-2016 7:50 AM@Amos Perrins
I don't believe MU/TH/UR has any Alien 3 or Resurrection tid bits as I think they are not considering them cannon. Aliens references are sparse as well.
I typed in "Somebody wake up Hicks" and it gave me 3 June 2122 as an answer. Aside from that quote, I haven't been able to get much else. MU/TH/UR just seems to be geared towards Alien and Prometheus with some Covenant stuff thrown in.

MemberOvomorphDec-29-2016 1:38 PMrj mcreedy ,i asked muthur when and where ellen ripley was born.

MemberOvomorphDec-29-2016 1:41 PMalso did anyone notice the Next querry part gliches an says neexxt qquueerryy like that idk prolly nothing

MemberOvomorphDec-29-2016 1:43 PMalso asked who were ellen ripleys parents but got nothing .rumor has it Daniels may be mom prolly franco as dad

MemberOvomorphDec-29-2016 3:17 PMTyped in length of ship and pebble ship got some length and widths and asked engineers creation an got 620 ce

MemberDeaconDec-29-2016 3:20 PMThat is teased indeed.....
But unless Ripley is a young Girl in one of those Cryo-Pods we may yet to see in AC... i.e if its carrying more than the 12-15 cast members...
Why would Ripleys Parents set off on a Colonization mission and leave Ripley who would be as old as Newt was in Alien... at home many many light years away?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphDec-29-2016 3:23 PMIt says ellen ripleys was born on 24 feb 2053. Not in june my bad

MemberOvomorphDec-29-2016 3:45 PM
Something strange with this Muther computer...

MemberOvomorphDec-29-2016 3:49 PMMaybe its mean we cant be sure with any of muthur answers

MemberOvomorphDec-29-2016 3:52 PMOok so you can also ask muthur to enhance request like in the alien movie and i typed in emergency command overide 100375 like in the movie and it gives u response from movie maybe it could be used to gain acsess to somthing new?

MemberOvomorphDec-29-2016 3:53 PMTheir are hundreds aboard the uscss covenant ibthink ibread somewhere also try executive officer gilbert kane and science officer ash interesting answers. For executive officer kane i got borehamwood, hartfordshire uk. Maybe his birthplace i googled it nothin really stands out other than its the "British hollywood". As for when i put in science officer ash it said "kanes son". Which is like wtf also type in thedus., the last engineer thats all i got so far more to come im sure. Their has to be somthing to this. Typed in where was gilbert kane born? An it says wolfs point montana. heres few more type eggs in cargo an it tell u that one egg can hold up to 4 facehuggers! thats new and i guess the queen alien is canon mother says there are 5 stages to the xeno the last is queen