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AdminEngineerDec-31-2016 9:09 AMVery interesting indeed. However, i'm curious what comic that image is from that you used as your topic banner?

MemberNeomorphDec-31-2016 9:18 AMHey Chris!
It's from Earth War, the third and final part of Verheiden’s trilogy! Newt uses psychic powers to communicate with the Space Jockey ;) Good read, check it out!

MemberDeaconDec-31-2016 12:38 PMInteresting... and i have seen these before... they are a guide to push the connection between Ancient Mankinds interactions with Alien beings who we interpreted as Gods... the Ancient Astronaught theory..
I wonder how much of these themes they will be exploring in the next TWO movies.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017