No one comes to the Father except through me.

HICKS ( online again )
MemberOvomorphJan-03-2017 5:27 PMNo one comes to the Father except through me.
The Sins of David!
It's almost a certainty that David and Shaw came to the first paradise!
What happened to Shaw !? (That story is about to be told)
In Prometheus, what really saved Shaw was his faith in the Son of God.
Unlike Peter Weyland who was never a believer or only believed in what suited him.
What was the "invitation" ??: The invitation was really a deception of more than 36,000 thousand years !, (the snake was cunning and deceived the first !, but also was responsible for deceiving the latter!), The fallen are Charged with forging the macabre plan to free the first spot! Transformed physically and mentally by his abominations and sins !, the one who saw holloway in a mural! Is nothing less than the first to stained the genome of humanity and made it mortal, called "Deacon" (not for his head, but by its opposite nature !, a deacon is intended to behave as did the creator's son! "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
The deacon is the opposite! It is the way to death, the lie and the sin, represented in a mural that I would call:
The Prophecy of the Past, Present and Future!
The deacon mural depicts what is directly opposed to the Sacrifice of Man, (The son of God was crucified and died on a cross to free humanity from death and sin!) (I will summarize what the black goo is so that Understand the concept!).
Life and death are basic universal elements parts of a universal natural balance !, God created the perfect catalysts for each one, being water the catalyst of life !, the black goo is that of death !, but there are also other Elemental fruits created by God and not every living being can handle (I speak of emotions as anxiety of knowledge, the need to know), the ancient serpent deceived the first and with them condemned all mankind, because God had created the Man as a perfect being, without death or sin.
Bad feelings gave rise to sin (an organic sin !, which transformed our immortal genome into a mortal!
The Penalty of Sin is Death!
Sin! "The Second Black Goo!"
Death, being a neutral element, assimilated organically to that sum of bad feelings and sensations called "sin" and worked (since their natures were the same!) Sin leads to death and death to death!) , Thus giving him an unconsciousness (this is seen in Prometheus when the vessels were frozen!) And thus was born the second Black goo !, death with its own unconsciousness that only seeks to exert its maximum nature !, I still remember the words of ash! I admire its purity. A survivor ... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality. "
A perfect deacon !, the words of ash come back to my mind !, Perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility.
That is his only nature, opposed to Life is to Propagate Death!
LV-223- The Prison of Crafty (Prometheus), Proof of Faith of Humanity and the Deception of the Fallen!
More than 2000 years ago something happened in lv-223 and also on earth, and this is the story!
The son of God became man and adapted a human genome, in order to assimilate much of the sins of the world, to teach the world that sin and death (that trace of organic black goo that assimilated our genome) is capable Of being eradicated! God's son knew that the only way death and sin left our bodies was to let them die! (So death would no longer have power or nature in something dead).
Thus was the child of God taking the sins of the world for himself, died and gave his life on a cross for humanity!
This magnanimous act of love had its risks, since it was necessary to remove the black goo from the body of the son of God so that it would rise like a pure being, and this work lasted 2 to 3 days!
The engineers who performed this work, were given the order to take the Black goo to lv-223 (a place forbidden and unknown even for themselves).
Vestiges of Genesis!
A ship called Eden
The garden corrupted by sin
David did not realize that he had found Eden (the ship), but seeing the hologram on the ship, it can be denoted that the engineers did notice what that ship was.
David believed that the hologram or ship's memory were only galactic maps, when what was shown was nothing less than the map of creation.
Corrupted engineers!
The order was to guard and guard that dangerous Black Goo, since it contained not only sin and death of mankind "was also part of the genome of the son of God."
But they also disobeyed, and wanted to prove that they were stronger, that they would not succumb to contact and control of sin, and exposed themselves to this, causing an abrupt reaction!
Not in their bodies !, but if in their minds !.
Fears, panic, hatred, despair and death, was something they experienced, but their minds succumbed and their brains became deadly and exploded.
But one of them had some more knowledge and knew that he was not aware, his mind and body could interact with the black goo.
He slept for over 2000 thousand years, until David awoke! (Only a faint scar on his forehead corroborates his contact with the black goo.
He knew the story of the first fallen! I knew about Prison and Genesis! (But did not know the plan and the deception prepared for humanity and his ignorance was his perdition !.

MemberTrilobiteJan-03-2017 9:35 PMIt seems sin will win. The wages of sin are low but the hours are good. Paraphrased from Earth Worm Jim

MemberFacehuggerJan-04-2017 10:28 AMI'm all for shoe horning a positive Christian world view into a narrative, but this sounds kind of forced and irrational.
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!