Lycoperdon perlatum

HICKS ( online again )
MemberOvomorphJan-07-2017 8:59 PM,
Lycoperdon perlatum, a modified black goo and this time organically attached to a fungus, waiting to be dispersed as spore!
Death is capable of adopting any element! , In Prometheus adopted the biomechanics, this time it is organic, but in both cases they were a trap to protect the place from intruders, before it was the prison !, now is the original paradise !.
I wonder what will come out of crew member back !?
Personally I think we will see something similar to the photo, (one thing I'm sure! "Will not be a deacon or an alien").

MemberFacehuggerJan-07-2017 9:17 PMBest pics we have so far
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!

AdminEngineerJan-08-2017 9:28 AMThanks to BigDave, we have an even better look with this GIF:

MemberNeomorphJan-09-2017 2:54 AMmany fungi used theyr spores to infect insects, each fungi/spore only infects a specific species such as fungi A only infects an ant but doesn't infect a beetle. im sure ridley has used lots of references from our own natural world to explain a lot of the movie and using something such as this which has such a sinister motive would answer a lot of questions