Number 13

MemberDeaconJan-08-2017 4:59 PMInteresting find........
I think this could tie in to the Alien Covenant Ripley Connection....
If the Covenant eventually Colonized that Place? And it was the Original Destination before Paradise?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphJan-08-2017 5:08 PMThe planet is called HD39091BM, not Luna.
The Corporate Timeline connected to the above listed site says terraforming commenced on Luna in 2031, 3 years prior to the development of FTL ships. Terraforming on HD39091BM didn't start until 2044.

MemberXenomorphJan-08-2017 5:47 PMThere are some continuity issues here and there in the 'discover new worlds' section. Possibly with that particular entry, depending on whether one believes the Prometheus mission is the farthest manned mission up to that point.

MemberDeaconJan-08-2017 7:31 PMIndeed SM...
Its not researched enough at all..... Its a Plot Hole for sure...
Because LV-223 is what 39LY took a dying Weyland who wanted to get to LV-223 to gain Immortality about 2 years.. on what is a Flag Ship... Spacecraft..
Yet they have as far as that Viral Discover Worlds Program has POL-6362: Jacob-Tellis which was discovered in 2071 the furthest Manned Mission some 3249LY and so over 83X further than LV-223... why would Weyland not use a faster ship?
Because Prometheus would take over 1600 years to get to that place.....
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberFacehuggerJan-09-2017 9:11 AMAti prometheus takes place in december 2094 so ripley was already born and covenant takes place in 2104 (ten years later)
Look upon my works, you mighty, and despair

MemberFacehuggerJan-09-2017 9:46 AMoh whoops, my bad
Look upon my works, you mighty, and despair

MemberXenomorphJan-09-2017 12:09 PM"But don't forget that the outer sources are not reliable. They can change anything. Only the movie info is canon."
If you go by that rationale, everything you've posted about Ripley's birthplace and date isn't canon.

MemberXenomorphJan-09-2017 6:28 PMCheers. I'm not sure what I've done to upset you so much, but I think I'll get by.