Den of Geek expanded on 15 mins of AC, *Potential Spoilers*

Goddamn Tropics in here
MemberFacehuggerJan-25-2017 2:40 PMI've not added the link but an interesting piece that expands on Neomorph....

MemberPraetorianJan-25-2017 2:45 PMI'll try to read it but for some reason Den of Geek can be a real pain to load on my phone for some reason.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberNeomorphJan-25-2017 3:02 PMjust read it, nothing there that hasn't already been theorized on here

MemberChestbursterJan-25-2017 3:07 PM"Carmen Ejogo’s ill-advised knife-fight with a neomorph is toothsome and nasty"
Sounds absolutely terrifying, we only get a glimpse of her shaking in fear with a knife.
Wonder how this scene will play out, seems like one aggressive little monster.

MemberNeomorphJan-25-2017 3:08 PMlol admittedly I may have missed something, what was ur take on the article?

MemberChestbursterJan-25-2017 3:21 PMIt seems like further proof, no matter how slight it may be, that AC is more of an Alien film with a capital A.
- Horror and gore
- Dirtier ship interior reminiscent of the Nostromo
- Jerry Goldsmith soundtrack again
- David with evil intentions apparently
This could turn out really good. 4 months left!

Goddamn Tropics in here
MemberFacehuggerJan-25-2017 3:49 PMNeomorph- thank you...
Yes it contains most of what is speculated in here, but it also firms some things up
i just like that way it confirms how savage, quick and strong the Neo is from birth ( probably from someone who has seen the 15 mins )
Plus how it seems the horror is continued straight into the second Neomorph
And the confirmation of the of the gritty feel of the film

MemberNeomorphJan-25-2017 4:03 PMtropics
it wasn't my intention to sh*t on the fact u had put the article up, it was more in disappointment that there wasn't much new revelations there and that was disappointing due to the headline of the article. I read it hoping to read something fresh that would add to the conversations that were on here. yeah its good to be confirmed the neo is gna be one mean little bast4rd and fresh that a new born is going to be seen actively engaging in some aggression. I have often wondered what the newly born chest burster would be like in such a scenario. would it be fragile or would it be able to hold its own the way the young neo seems to be able to??? again if u feel I have put scorn on ur effort then plz accept my apology as this was not my intend, just a form of disappointment at the article and not ur effort

MemberChestbursterJan-25-2017 4:41 PMWith that in mind I can see a possible clash turning out between a Neo and a Xeno, but I hope it doesn't happen with AVP leaving such a bad taste already, and the simple fact that it doesn't fit into an Alien film IMHO.
If this happens though, I can see two possible metaphorical outcomes. A bit far fetched but Ridley loves his symbolism as much as he loves his strong female characters.
1. Xeno wins to please us long time fans similar like how T-Rex won over the I-Rex in JW.
2. Neo wins to symbolise Ridley's intentions of burying the ol' chap once and for all. (Not very likely since the Alien will inevitably appear in the timeline ahead. Then again Ridley has stated that the xeno is "cooked" and "not scary anymore". I disagree)
Sorry if OT but this idea struck me now that the little Neo turns out to be a real freak of nature.

MemberNeomorphJan-25-2017 5:07 PMI think the xeno just lost its fear factor because of how the movies since alien were dne. Cameron did the right thing imo by going down the road he did as it wouldv jst ended up a remake of ridleys if he hadn't. but the more u see something, and in the xenos case, and see it killed fairly easily as in aliens, it takes something away from the xeno. ridley needs to go back to basics imo and keep the xeno/ neo in the shadows and let our imaginations terrify us again

A L I E N 4 2 6
MemberFacehuggerJan-25-2017 7:19 PMAh geez I hope at least one Neomorph lives to adulthood. Also, did anyone else who read it miss the glaring contradiction that Paradise is also a moon of Zeta 2 Reticuli? Maybe I misread it but I thought I saw that

MemberFacehuggerJan-25-2017 9:19 PMSmells like bullshit to me.den of geek is a bullshit website to me. 15 preview min my ass. He basicly told everything we seen on trailer + what is supose to happen next obviously...clickbait title from them. And a big duck you for them .

MemberFacehuggerJan-25-2017 9:22 PMplus we gonna see adult neomorph guys dont worry.
See the props images..where the little ones appear...and the big head prop white one is the adult still have human teeth on the side and etc.
I want to see this adult neos more then the xeno.
As many of you know xenos dont strike fear to me anymore...the neo yes..looks viscious..its unknown,mysterious, the concepts of it look white demons.
So ye we gonna get the adult version for sure when they flee to the woods

Goddamn Tropics in here
MemberFacehuggerJan-25-2017 10:20 PM@ ali81, no worries at all, I had to finish my David Tank top anyway!
I have no previous experience with Den of Geek,it could be further speculation, however the article sang out to me as a die hard fan of the original film

MemberDeaconJan-26-2017 6:24 AMRead it and also read one of the older ones for the first time too, seems both give a bit of a different account but in general they match but nothing that the Trailer does not vaguely cover.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberFacehuggerFeb-09-2017 9:38 AM@dk
"Fisticuffs with a knife- should have used a sharp stick."
Should add some harsh language in there as well. Who knows, might work.

MemberDeaconFeb-09-2017 1:50 PMAnd i am sure we can expect the outcome to be more gruesome but similar to this maybe?
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberTrilobiteFeb-09-2017 8:34 PMNo offense but it looks like a lot of rehashed click bate to me.