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Alien Out Of The Shadows
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MemberOvomorphFeb-12-2017 5:10 PM

Ok Alien fans this is an awesome book that I recommend if you loved Alien, Aliens, Alien3 & Prometheus.

It starts out on LV-178 , it takes place right after Alien & man is it a rush non stop from beginning to end!

It has everything you want in a Alien movie you could want. I don't want spoil to much here but lets say Ripley was not the only survivor from Alien. It has a new alien race , miners and crazy heart stopping action.

so many aliens, facehuggers , and I don't want to say much more only that I highly recommend you read or listen to this book.

I am 100% sure you guys will live it!

20 Replies

I Meme Everything

MemberPraetorianFeb-12-2017 5:29 PM

Sounds awesome

"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberPraetorianFeb-12-2017 5:39 PM

Been trying to get it for years 

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 

Dr. Curt Connors

MemberChestbursterFeb-12-2017 6:46 PM

Sweet, yeah I gotta read some of these books


MemberOvomorphFeb-12-2017 7:07 PM

Also add that the Engineers are not the only ones who have a backstory with the aliens. This book adds alot of new lore to alien species. So much so that it makes me wonder about Alien Covenant.

It also connects to Alien isolation as well.


MemberFacehuggerFeb-12-2017 7:49 PM

It was interesting for sure. It sets up the Xeno genetic grudge.

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberPraetorianFeb-12-2017 9:53 PM

  Hey BULL ALIEN do you know if they can be read online?

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberOvomorphFeb-12-2017 11:28 PM

@ninXeno426 sorry I could not find any place to download them other then buying it.


MemberOvomorphFeb-13-2017 12:05 AM

so after looking things up about this book on line , I have come to find out it is indeed canon as stated by 20th Century Fox.

That made my day and my lore on the Aliens universe alot bigger.


MemberXenomorphFeb-13-2017 12:37 AM

The digital version is less than $5 on Amazon (the book; not the audio drama). If you sign up at Audible I think you get your first audio book free.


MemberPraetorianFeb-13-2017 3:02 AM

Thank you guys.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberDeaconFeb-13-2017 7:05 PM

Will have to look into this.

Wonder if its close to a Story i working on over a year ago that i had basic Synopsis and ideas for but i then failed to finish as far as actually detailed book.

My book was going to be Alien: Unearthed or Alien: Ascension

Basically a World a group of W-Y employees about the time of Alien had gone to, in order to Mine for Minerals etc, they detect some kind of Material they have not discovered before, potentially a new Metal Element.

So they begin to set up shop and start to dig near a Volcano, then we have a incoming ship with more recruits to help and they get there just as the others lose contact with some workers.

They go in and find dead bodies, they go further in and find a cave system and the ceilings and walls have like Spores in them, kind of like a Honey Bee Hive as far as Holes in the Walls that contain Spore like Cocoons like Gremlins and some of these are then hanging from a like slime and a tendon...

One of these then falls and opens up to reveal a Octopus like Face Hugger,  They latter encounter Aliens that are different to in Alien and more like a bit like unused Newborn from Alien R crossed with similar to the Prometheus Fresco

They find also Engineer dead body, long dead.

They try to blow up this cave, and it then causes a Earth Quake and it reveals a Buried Derelict they explore it and awaken a Engineer who then kills some of them and a Alien and then he gets Face Hugged and we get a Alien thats similar to the Prometheus Fresco.

They then escape after trying to blow up the Derelict and it then causes a Volcanic Eruption once again burying the place.

It would have been ambiguous a bit to tease...

"i wonder if this is where they got Face Hugged by some organism that leads to the Frescos in Prometheus, and they then Re-weaponized and experimented on this.

So it was my attempt to maybe explain the Xeno origin but in  way that only teases a I WONDER IF and not to exactly say this is what came first.

It was left ambiguous to why the Engineers was there...

To collect the Organism?

To mine for Ore that they use in their Technology and found the Organism?

Oh it was not set on LV-426...  but a place far away.. i had not figured yet what the Worlds was called or how far away but i was thinking a good 200LY maybe more and it would be set between the years 2125 and 2145

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberChestbursterFeb-14-2017 8:23 AM

i just finished it. It's pretty good, but it's really hard for me to believe it takes place between "Alien" and "Aliens". The classic "memory wipe"...


MemberXenomorphFeb-14-2017 1:03 PM

You could see it coming a mile away, and what she forgets is a teensy bit too convenient, but at least the process was actually given a sensible context.


MemberFacehuggerFeb-14-2017 1:50 PM

Now I want to read it but just finished Predator Incursion and started Alien Invasion the Rage War which is part 2 of Incursion.

Ill get to it eventually

Want some candy?


MemberNeomorphFeb-14-2017 3:29 PM

apex, have u read sea of sorrows and river of pain?


MemberOvomorphFeb-14-2017 4:56 PM

I am very happy we have more books to read, Alien Out Of The Shadows was great. I wish they made a movie out of it. To see those new aliens they talked about, that new ship as well. Just a lot of new information.


MemberFacehuggerFeb-15-2017 6:29 AM

@Ali81, I dont have River of Pain but sounds like its a blast.


Mine are audibles though, I like to go jogging at least an hour daily and listen to the audible. Keeps me motivated and hooked!

Want some candy?


MemberNeomorphFeb-15-2017 6:35 AM

its a brilliant book. takes a little time to really get going but once it does is a brilliant read. the parts where anne and russ go into the derelict is a must read, on of the most interesting parts of any book iv read.


MemberXenomorphFeb-15-2017 1:35 PM

Unfortunately that bit also had some howlers in terms of continuity.


MemberNeomorphFeb-16-2017 7:19 AM

seemed fine to me

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