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Yutani knew of the Prometheus Mission
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MemberPraetorianFeb-28-2017 4:09 PM

The Heliades made possible Weyland Industries' expansion throughout the stars beginning in 2034. The FTL-capable (faster than light) Prometheus was the culmination of thirty eight years of development. Yutani Corporation knew of the Prometheus mission because of the Weyland Industries Press Release. In addition to, at the very least, an intercepted communication from Dr. Shaw to Weyland. (Thank you ninXeno426)

The Prometheus mission, with it's more than a trillion dollar cost, was a significant financial bet for the company, see below.

Weyland astronomers were searching space for signatures of precious metals when they made the discovery of Acheron LV-426 in 2039. The classified destination project of Prometheus was a Weyland Corporation, Government, and Private investment vehicle.

Yutani Corporation, with vast financial and technical resources, had it's own astronomers and androids and could have contributed to another voyage to the same system hosting LV-426 in the past.

Yutani Corporation was acquired (Yutani was "absorbed" into Weyland Corporation in 2099, no hostile takeover, Thank you S.M) by Weyland Industries.
24 Replies


MemberDeaconFeb-28-2017 5:46 PM


Its logical and seems that Yutani are a communications company who have indeed been spying on Weyland... and Weyland also use some Yutani Tech...  which leads to the potential for hacking.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianFeb-28-2017 6:00 PM

Ingeneiro,check the Bright Eyes viral video from Prometheus.It shows Elizabeth Shaw's message being monitored by Yutani.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberPraetorianFeb-28-2017 7:33 PM

Thank you. Where can I find that viral video ninXeno426?


MemberPraetorianFeb-28-2017 9:53 PM

YouTube,Try Prometheus viral videos,it'll show up along with a few others.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 


MemberXenomorphFeb-28-2017 10:09 PM

Everyone knew about the Prometheus ship - no one knew what's it's mission was nor where it went (though it's likely some higher ups at Weyland knew).

And where does it say Weyland was acquired in a hostile takeover by Yutani?

Shasta cyclone

MemberFacehuggerMar-01-2017 2:48 AM

I don't know about hostile take over but if you go on the promethues website on there time line it does state that weyland did acquire yutani after a lot of court battles on tech patents. it happened right after the Prometheus mission.


MemberPraetorianMar-01-2017 8:04 AM

Thank you ninXeno426. The name is Quiet Eyes.

Hey S.M, I didn't write that Weyland was acquired in a hostile takeover.


MemberXenomorphMar-01-2017 3:13 PM

Sorry I misread - you said "Yutani Corporation was acquired in a hostile takeover by Weyland Industries in 2099."

Where's it been established that Weyland took over Yutani in a hostile takeover?


"I don't know about hostile take over but if you go on the promethues website on there time line it does state that weyland did acquire yutani after a lot of court battles on tech patents. it happened right after the Prometheus mission."

It did?  Weyland won a lawsuit against Yutani in 2029, but the timeline currently ends at 2073 (unless they've released an updated one).


MemberPraetorianMar-01-2017 4:45 PM

Ah sorry for the mistake.Bright eyes is Planet of the Apes.Glad you found it though.

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 

Shasta cyclone

MemberFacehuggerMar-01-2017 6:18 PM


I may have read that in the weyland yutani report. I'll have to get it and try and find it.


MemberXenomorphMar-01-2017 6:43 PM

WYR says Weyland absorbed Yutani to become Weyland Yutani.

Not sure that's the same as a hostile takeover.


MemberPraetorianMar-02-2017 6:34 AM

Weyland Industries had a patent dispute with Yutani Corporation in regards to the David android, they (both companies) had a costly legal battle in which Weyland Industries won the suit and Weyland Industries devoured Yutani Corporation.

Hey S.M, I'm sure that after a lengthy legal battle that resulted in Yutani Corporation being acquired was so non-hostile. Totally bra (surfer accent).

Thank you for segregating for all of us what you are sure of and what you are not sure of.

Yutani Corporation was after the exact same thing.


MemberPraetorianMar-09-2017 6:39 PM

Hey S.M, I should have thought more before I tried to debate you in regards to the Weyland Industries acquisition of Yutani Corporation. I will have better manners from now on.

Yutani Corporation lost a suit to Weyland Industries in regards to the android design but Yutani Corporation was much larger than this individual product line. And, if they (Yutani) had the technical chops to monitor a Weyland Industries transmission, then I'm sure they had valuable intelligence to bargain with.

I asked Hicks/Hudson about this in another topic but we both digressed into sarcastic discussion and didn't go back to it:

Yutani Corporation may have known where Paradise was and that's where the name "Covenant" comes from in the newly (2099) formed corporation Weyland-Yutani Corporation.

Yutani Corporation could have brought that knowledge to the table (during acquisition) after losing the patent suit with Weyland Industries in regards to the android design. Yutani Corporation could have filled in the blanks in regards to Project Prometheus for Weyland Industries.


MemberXenomorphMar-09-2017 6:48 PM

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make.

The patent lawsuit was in 2029.  Yutani was "absorbed" into Weyland Corporation in 2099.  There's seventy years between the lawsuit and eventual acquisition.  Why would anyone care about a lawsuit that was settled before any of the current staff were born?


MemberXenomorphMar-09-2017 7:01 PM

S.M simple answer Cold War


MemberXenomorphMar-09-2017 7:11 PM

That's the "simple answer"?


MemberPraetorianMar-09-2017 7:28 PM

Wow S.M, I had that way off. I see it now in the corp timeline in 2029 and must have pulled that together wrong before with the relation to the acquisition. So, the silence on the matter was a huge dose of courtesy? Thank you.

The omega troll Inquisitor Fifield really missed a theory hole on that one.


MemberXenomorphMar-09-2017 7:39 PM you love rubbing it in don't you.  Just change your name to ungun.   I think I'm going to PM him with a link to this thread to keep it entertaining.....jk


MemberXenomorphMar-09-2017 7:41 PM

SM yes Cold War.  We've been Cold Warring the Russians for decades.


MemberPraetorianMar-09-2017 8:05 PM

Rick, thank you for your support. Yes, I admit, Unguns has become a vanity project/sarcasm safe space but this effort is the privilege of documenting canon for the Ridley Scott franchise...or at least to debate it.

That's why I had to correct myself on this topic. I saw that S.M was listing canon (novelizations), Prometheus stats, and that is the root reason we are here. And some of my theory had holes and I want to correct any.   

Inquisitor Fifield has a different approach and I tell you this right now...

The Grand Unified Robot Theory 2 is going to blow your socks off you crusty troll.


MemberXenomorphMar-09-2017 8:38 PM

"SM yes Cold War.  We've been Cold Warring the Russians for decades."

Very good.  Although it technically ended in 1991; what's that got to do with anything?


MemberPraetorianMar-09-2017 9:41 PM

S.M, what happened leading up to the 2090's with Yutani Corporation near the time they were acquired by Weyland Industries?


MemberXenomorphMar-09-2017 10:55 PM

Beyond developing Quiet Eye, nothing much more is known. Maybe the Covenant prequel novel will shed more light on what happened leading up to the merger.


MemberPraetorianMar-10-2017 6:11 AM

Thank you S.M.
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