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David's take on Prometheus cave drawings

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MemberTrilobiteMar-04-2017 11:32 PM

Do you think David would interpret the cave drawings as a sign that the beings intended earthlings to seek out and visit?

8 Replies


MemberPraetorianMar-05-2017 12:02 AM

If you are referring to these drawings below, yes:

For some reason, Dr. Shaw thought she would find her creators in what she saw in the cave drawing. It resembles an animal sacrifice slain under the Zeta II Reticuli system with worshippers around a central larger figure. I do think David 8 would see it differently than Dr. Shaw and micro-brain Dr. Holloway's analysis.


MemberTrilobiteMar-05-2017 12:38 AM


So more to a means of his own development than the more.....lofty ambitions as Shaw and Holloway?


MemberDeaconMar-05-2017 1:19 PM

I am not so sure...  but i think it would not have taken David long on LV-223 to then be able to find information that sheds the true meaning of those star maps

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianMar-05-2017 1:56 PM

Yes dk, a means to Peter Weyland's end. The image below of David (I believe David 3) being approached by (assumed) Weyland has an image in the background.

Weyland Industries astronomers found Acheron LV-426 in 2039 and the regulations on David 3 models' rollout was lifted in 2035 (BigDave covered the corporate timeline). This image supposedly shows Weyland waking up David to his first moment he will remember forever.

The first thing David experiences in his infinite memory storage is the image of a landscape similar to LV-223 or Paradise or somewhere else. Weyland Industries probes obviously sent back imaging from the system, shown on the wall.

I'm not sure if I saw this analysis of the image but please school me if someone has. 

Before Dr. Shaw was born, Peter Weyland took Weyland Industries through an acquisition spree purchasing the (including but not all) worlds best nanotech, biotech, genetic engineering, medical services, and industrial companies.

All of the knowledge harvested through researchers and technology housed in these companies was harnessed together in the David model. David was created by Peter Weyland to provide insight on the unknown.

After curing most types of cancer and building radically advanced technological tools, the last big unknown to Peter Weyland was how to bypass death.

Mikey reid

MemberOvomorphMar-05-2017 6:23 PM

I think so david seems to be so much smarter then we realize


MemberDeaconMar-05-2017 9:14 PM

Indeed Ingeniero that shot is almost certainly Weyland and David which Model? I would say between David 1 or 3 as i have stated on a few topics before... i believe the Prototype of each new Model is kept as Weylands Personel Son and allowed a bit more freedom over the years due to the relationship built with Weyland over years.  I think Weyland transfers the memories and experiences of each Prototype to the New Prototypes so in effect our David 8 on Prometheus who was Weylands Personnel David and closest to a Son he has... has maybe nearly 70 years worth of Memories and Experiences.

This gives David a Soul to a degree, and also makes him IMMORTAL as Weyland could just upload his Sons Soul into another Model.

As far as the background... this shot has a lot of motifs towards creation and God, from the Nativity Painting to the Seat and the Meaning of the Dot in Circle.... and those Mountain ranges are from the Prometheus Prologue.. which in that movie was the shot to show us Creation.

So i dont think Weyland has captured this from Paradise i would say this Scene is set between 2025 to 2035 and so its David 1 not long after he is turned on... or David 3 once he is activated and memories transferred as at this stage is when Weyland is now getting his David to interact with other Humans to test his responses.

This scene matches the rumor of Guy Pearce being in a Prologue with David as he is activated and the talk about Creation and Gods and then David goes of to a Piano and plays The Entry of the Gods Into Valhalla

So its a Prologue to touch upon creation and mortality and immortality and Gods

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Stan Winston (deceased)

MemberFacehuggerMar-05-2017 11:16 PM

Yunno, those cave paintings are the equivalent of seeing Jesus Christ in a satsuma, or the Virgin Mary on a slice of toast. Elizabeth Shaw sees an engineer dropping an address or phone number with those six circles. But what I think David would see is a talented juggler entertaining children -- and that juggler passed on her special technique to others, which is documented in the other paintings spanning time and geography.


MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 4:23 AM

I could never understand by what logical arguments or evidences they saw the cave paintings as "not a map, an invitation". To me it seems to be exactly not an invitation, and a possible map (this last, proved true). If this is the case, I'm pretty sure David could shed some light over the true meaning of the paintings, since his advanced knowledge over the language and culture of that ancient civilizations, as we see in the teaching scenes from the beginning of Prometheus. Since his relation and 'secret' goals given by Weyland, unlike the rest of the crew (with the obvious exception of the doctors), David was the only one to know about the objective of the mission, what makes it possible for us to assume that he had full access to everything related to it: the reports, studies, the paintings, everything.


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