Daniels:Military training?

MemberPraetorianMar-06-2017 2:37 AM Now I'm extremely excited about Alien Covenant,But Does anyone else find it hard to believe that in the space of one film,we are going to watch her go from a terraforming expert to a battle hardened soldier?I took Ripley a whole movie and a half before she picked up a gun.Not even Elizabeth Shaw,picked up a gun.Now I'm not saying it's impossible,perhaps she had some training prior to the mission launch,but it's still from this(picture below)to that(picture above)in the space of one film without proper context.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 2:49 AMit could be just her survival instincts we are witnessing based on her character.

MemberPraetorianMar-06-2017 3:01 AMI need to take a moment to address the whole proper context thing before I'm corrected.What I mean to say there is I hope that the film has a good reason for it.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

Inquisitor Fifield
MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 3:04 AMFair to say that the rifles in A:C look rather low tech and not as intimidating to pick up for the first time than a 1500rpm pulse rifle with grenade launcher and what not Hudson was bragging about all day.
One of my biggest concerns for A:C still are the weapons we have seen so far. Simple 5.56mm assault rifles (Based on the AUG A3 and even the decade old M16's design) loaded and fired like at our current times would be an incredible disappointment and missed chance to introduce a first technological note towards the iconic colonial marines weaponry that redefined the authenticity of Sci-Fi props in movies.

MemberPraetorianMar-06-2017 3:19 AMYeah,I actually thought they might look a little more hi-tech than the weapons from Aliens.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

Inquisitor Fifield
MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 3:28 AMhow so, their base weapons exist for like 20-40years and the attachments (tac.lights, green laser aim point, holo- and ACOG sights, barrel rails etc) are from our very current times aswell.
Almost like Ridley or someone else said to the props department 'go into the local gun store and build together the most futuristic looking thing, that'll do'

MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 3:58 AMI'm ex-military so if the weapons system is gunpowder propelled projectiles, then it's difficult to improve upon the existing technology.
The M-4 frame is decades old, but the whole system has been altered and upgraded to the point that weapons designers have yet to produce a platform that outperforms it by a wide enough margin to justify replacing it.
And if it makes you feel better, hardened soldiers don't aim their weapons that way.
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!

MemberPraetorianMar-06-2017 7:07 AMI have seen this weapon once in the trailers released. It didn't match the guns shown by the Covenant crew. What crew provided the person shown next to the Weyland Storm Rifle?
auximenes performed analysis with the image below.
The Weyland Industries storm rifle is in the lower middle portion of the photo above. Who was holding it?

Inquisitor Fifield
MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 7:20 AMWhere do you think you are seeing this rifle in that picture?
There are high res version of this screencap possible you know.
i can guarantee you its neither in that picture nor in the movie even if we would like to have it..
Engineer like male on the dissection table = Shaw
Massive and tall male blurred figure stumbling up the stairs = Mutated Shaw
Some pixels = weyland storm rifle
makebeliefe and desired own fantasy really seem to
alter the perception of many posters in here..

MemberPraetorianMar-06-2017 7:55 AM
Inquisitor Fifield, thank you for your guarantee that this image is nonexistent. You can now make believe you are correct in your perception or a.k.a full of xeno crap.
Some pixels = equals my point proven.

MemberPraetorianMar-06-2017 8:01 AMInquisitor Fifield, maybe we could follow your theory and explain that the Engineers turned Dr. Shaw into a non-existent shown clearly Weyland Storm rifle on the ground?
Wow, that's great. Now the black goo can turn Doctors into rifles.
Wow again...a guaranteed fun time for everyone.

MemberPraetorianMar-06-2017 8:04 AMInquisitor Fifield, can you confirm you believe a xenomorph is in the workshop or is that a spider in your fantasy?

Inquisitor Fifield
MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 8:06 AMwat :D
this could just be anything from that angle.
stop declaring it a certainty lol
if its really a rifle lying there (doubtable) it has, if anything, the shape and the bullpup stock of the AUG A3 - which indeed is used in the movie.

MemberPraetorianMar-06-2017 8:08 AMWhat happened Inquisitor Fifield, black goo turn the rifle into a cat that caught your fantasy tongue?

MemberPraetorianMar-06-2017 8:09 AMThank you for the picture, there is more than one rifle in the Alien universe.

Inquisitor Fifield
MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 8:12 AMcertainly there are yes.
and certainly not the Weyland Storm rifle in that picture or the movie Alien:Covenant.
case closed, rage about it all you want ;)

MemberPraetorianMar-06-2017 8:20 AM"i can guarantee you its neither in that picture nor in the movie even if we would like to have it.."
...insert evolving awareness post mocking poor Ingeniero...
"and certainly not the Weyland Storm rifle in that picture or the movie Alien:Covenant."

Inquisitor Fifield
MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 8:22 AMyou are really good at quoting,
at spotting no weyland storm rifles where there are none - not so much^^

MemberPraetorianMar-06-2017 8:28 AMI have come across soil arranged in the form of a Weyland Storm rifle so many times before...you got me.

Inquisitor Fifield
MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 8:31 AMwith lamps and headlights and cables coming out of it right now i see it

MemberPraetorianMar-06-2017 9:57 AMNo rage here, we're after the same thing Inquisitor Fifield. Please chop up my assumptions at will.
Myrddin365, Weyland Industries made breakthroughs in weapons tech in the 2020s.
Corporate Timeline (covered by BigDave earlier)
Weyland Industries earns patent number 10,445,075 for Method and Apparatus for self-adjusting crosshairs that auto-process windage, Coriolis effect, trajectory, etc. -- eliminating the need for spotters and mathematical formulas.
JUNE 3, 2026
Weyland Industries introduces first rifle able to track targets from over 500 klicks away, as well as determine target’s health, physique and whether they can be locked down.
SEPTEMBER 10, 2024
Weyland military engineers make first significant improvement to rifling technology since the 19th century, tripling speed and doubling accuracy of projectiles. Exact rifling pattern and twist rate remain classified.
MAY 10, 2024

MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 11:45 AM@ Ingeniero, good catch! I'd forgotten about those, but based on what I understand about rifle mechanics (which isnt much more than any gun enthusiast) none of those upgrades require cosmetic changes to the existing AR platforms. They are all optic, ammunition and rifling enhancements that would leave the general shape and operation of the weapon system indistinguishable from existing technology. Which was pretty smart. Ironically some of those advancements sound cool, but have little or no tactical benefit.
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!

MemberTrilobiteMar-06-2017 12:14 PMCorrect about the basic rifle- it is the same round that has been around for decades. Also agree about how she is pointing and not aiming the weapon and probably firing full auto wasting ammo- the Hollywood spray and pray lol!

MemberXenomorphMar-06-2017 4:14 PMNo second amendment in the UK there DK. Aren't all guns banned in the UK?

MemberTrilobiteMar-06-2017 4:19 PMNot sure about the UK laws and wasn't trying to reference that subject. Regardless, the round and basic rifle (with fairly minor alterations) has indeed been around for decades and for a reason.

MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 6:06 PMMaybe the crew are trained in basic weapons skills regardless of their role for the mission ie; personal protection, they do the same in the defence forces, its part of basic training, everyone
has to be able to fire a rifle regardless of what they enlist as.

MemberTrilobiteMar-06-2017 6:12 PMYes. When everything goes sideways it is Soldier first. It would make sense to have that kind of people on the mission- even if they are still in cryo on the Covenant.

MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 6:25 PM@dk, gidday mate, i know if i was part of mission like that as a civilian i would want to be able to defend myself against god knows what, and not rely on someone else to protect me.

MemberTrilobiteMar-06-2017 6:30 PMThen it seems most would have at least some basic marksmanship and tactical training/proficiency.

MemberFacehuggerMar-06-2017 6:52 PM@dk, yeah it just makes sense well to me anyway.

MemberOvomorphMar-06-2017 7:12 PMWell the lab photo might have two weapons: one is already discussed and the other could be behind and to the left of the figure, being a British film it could be an modded SA80/L86A1 LS/L85A2 as well.