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Irony of Alien 3 Hate
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2803 Views15 Replies


MemberTrilobiteApr-19-2017 11:05 PM

It is interesting that for so much hate Alien 3 received, it seems at least a couple of beasts will be more like the animalistic runner from A3.

15 Replies

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-20-2017 12:23 AM

DK - I actually quite liked Alien 3. Of course, I would have presented a few aspects differently; however, it was a very neat film! For that reason, I am very pleased some of the creatures in Alien: Covenant are similar to the Runner! :)


MemberTrilobiteApr-20-2017 12:34 AM

Something Real I enjoy Alien 3 despite haters. It delved into different territory and it seems like it got panned because it was so dark in mood- which is a big reason why I think it is great. Interestingly, I find it to get better with age.

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-20-2017 12:44 AM

DK - Agreed. I, however, would have had Hicks and Newt survive. In the end, Hicks would have perished in the forge keeping the Runner's attention away from Ripley. That would have been an extremely emotional moment as he is telling her to leave him. Ultimately, like a knight, he faces the Dragon for his lady fair. It would have been all the more emotional when Ripley had to leave Newt in order to kill the Queen she was carrying. She would tell Newt that she is going to see Hicks and to be brave before falling away into the forge. That would have given the film a much more powerful feel in my opinion. :)


MemberFacehuggerApr-20-2017 12:48 AM

I hated it the first time I watched it.  The second time I watched it, I started to grow on me.  Now I casually enjoy it, I find myself popping 3 in the ol' dvd player more than Aliens nowadays.



MemberTrilobiteApr-20-2017 12:50 AM

Something Real I had not considered that idea. Yes, Hicks deserved to go out heroically and there could have been a very powerful moment between Ripley and Newt to solidify the relation developed from Aliens. That would have made a better movie with more real impact- especially for the end of a trilogy.

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-20-2017 12:53 AM

NYCRO - It is a very compelling film. :)

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-20-2017 12:56 AM

DK - I would have gone through an entire box of tissues from bawling like a little girl if the ending had been as I envisioned! :)


MemberTrilobiteApr-20-2017 1:01 AM

Something Real It was a good movie but would have had more weight and emotional impact if it went down like you said, Ripley still died and maybe Newt survived- carted off with WY Soldiers or escaped for the next movie that wouldn't be Resurrection.

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-20-2017 1:08 AM

DK - Agreed! :)


MemberPraetorianApr-20-2017 1:24 AM

The Runner is the up there with the best of the canon Xeno's. Maybe because of the whole hive and Queen business with the Warriors, the Runner maintains some aspect of that alien animalistic nature lost by the giant space bugs of Aliens. Big Chap is still the original and the best

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteApr-20-2017 1:37 AM

IRAPTUS - I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment. :)


MemberTrilobiteApr-20-2017 1:41 AM

IRaptus I like them all and think they work for their specific movies. It is also interesting that the runner was the only alien we got to view from a FPS perspective and inexplicably ran on ceilings as easily as on the ground.


MemberPraetorianApr-20-2017 2:14 AM

@dk you are absolutely right, they all do work for their respective films. The younger me loved James Camerons Aliens head and shoulders above the rest, but now I appreciate the Ridley/Giger vision more.  Its just a matter of perspective and changing tastes 


MemberPraetorianApr-20-2017 2:18 AM

As for it running on the ceilings and such, it might have the same kind of adhesive hairs on it's hands and feet as a's some kind of lizard, they can even climb smooth glass walls. The hairs work on electrostatic principles.







MemberTrilobiteApr-20-2017 2:24 AM

Blackwinter-witch I am not sure they thought that out. The fisheye FPS view was cool but there was really no basis for that either.

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