ALIEN DAY PREP- are you going in costume to the theatre?

MemberOvomorphApr-25-2017 6:24 PMMy wife and I in my art studio the night before Alien Day 4-26. I designed my art studio to look like a ship in Prometheus.

MemberFacehuggerApr-25-2017 8:09 PMNice costumes! And your art studio is epic! Your missus is lucky to have a name-patch that's movie-authentic for her costume. Did you/she make it yourselves or did she order it from a supplier? Nice job!
Unfortunately, there are no ALIEN Day events anywhere near me (and I'm close to Detroit, MI and Cleveland, OH!), so I'll have to wait to wear my garb until 19 May. I've got two PROMETHEUS outfits I've been building--a pair of gray coveralls that are inspired by the garb David sported in the promo adverts, and a green long-sleeved coverall that is inspired by the flight suits commonly seen in the ALIEN-verse. I've also made a set of black short-sleeve coveralls that are generic Weyland-Yutani garb, complete with a US Tricentennial patch on one sleeve. That set's not movie-specific, but one of the things I love about the costumes in the ALIEN universe is that, once you deconstruct them, they're incredibly customizable and versatile--and functional to boot! I work in a laboratory, so I've tested my coveralls at work and they're some sturdy duds! Definitely will hold up for a while... Of course, my costumes are nothing spectacular or fancy, and not nearly as nice as you and your wife's, but they're fun.
I just hope I'm not the only dweeb in the IMAX dressed up (I'll be going as a PROMETHEUS crewman) when I see COVENANT. When I went to see Rogue One I was the only person dressed in costume (as a Jedi), which made me feel awkward and kinda sad, and I don't want to have the same experience again if I can help it...

MemberOvomorphApr-26-2017 5:03 AMThanks Svyana
Raido- Sadly, I have a bit of schlep to get to the theatre today for Alien day too. I have made a ton of clothing for myself inspired by Prometheus. I have the entire cast's original patches, crew hats, Pierce's environmental suit boots and a set of ampules. I have had someone replicate the suit patches so I can adorn several bits of clothing for myself. My closet is 90% Weyland Corp clothing. The wife has finally accepted I will be wearing them for the next several years! And it has taken a while for me to get her to relent to some casual Cosplay for special events. I have a Nostromo uniform to wear today. I will post that today!

MemberFacehuggerApr-26-2017 5:18 AMThats pretty awesome!
Is there an agenda the mods are not telling us about? ;)

MemberFacehuggerApr-26-2017 5:40 AMK.King, if I ever strike it rich, I'm going to hire you to do the interior of my home, ALIEN/PROMETHEUS-style. Seriously, your art studio is, in the words of Lord Vader, "MOST impressive." WOW!!!
Haha, it's fun to see the reactions of people when you wear Weyland/W-Y gear. I'm building my own collection currently. A lot of people think the Corporation is just my workplace, and some of the people at my actual workplace think I'm moonlighting for Weyland Corp!

MemberOvomorphApr-26-2017 5:47 AMI wear my Weyland Corp gear everywhere. And every once an while I get someone who recognizes the logo and patches. That is fun!

MemberFacehuggerApr-26-2017 7:41 AMAwesome! How did you source the wall pieces? Are the little screens really active screens or are those props? thanks!

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphApr-26-2017 7:43 AMI love it, splendid work. Worth the praise.
I'm not really planning going to the theatre in costume, I wish I could go as an Engineer or the xenomorph (If I had those costumes) but bringing costumes to the theatre isn't really allowed where I live, and some people would think I'm a robber.

MemberOvomorphApr-26-2017 7:52 AMDavefreid81- I kitbashed and re-purposed dozens of found objects and painted them and added tiny LEDs used in train modeling. The screens are functioning graphics. I used the photo frames that play film/sound or do slide shows. I found the computer animations from the Prometheus ship monitors and have them loop continually.
I can't figure out how to post a vid of the room so you can see them in action.

MemberOvomorphApr-26-2017 7:57 AM I have them here.

MemberFacehuggerApr-27-2017 7:05 PMHoly moly! That is fantastic! Super cool job making that room, it looks amazing!

MemberPraetorianApr-27-2017 7:11 PMThats epic!
"Must be something we haven't seen yet.."__Bishop

MemberOvomorphApr-28-2017 5:31 AMThanks all! When I am in my studio I am disengaged from the "real World"! I have a 12 hour loop of Nostromo engine noise that plays low when I am in there.

MemberOvomorphApr-28-2017 5:42 AMoops, bottom picture is sideways. A bit more of the wall and ceiling.

MemberChestbursterApr-28-2017 6:30 AMYou guys are AWESOME and should get in touch with Scott Productions ASASP!!