Spotted On Trailer # 1

MemberNeomorphMay-02-2017 7:53 PMThis is one of the paintings hanging on the wall in the background during the scene where Weyland is interviewing David. It is "Nativity" by Piero Della Francesca. This bring back to my mind the suggestion of what motivated the Engineers to change their minds about the Human race 2000 years ago in Prometheus. It is also very important to note that everything that was being fed to David during his "infancy", all this stimuli like this religious painting and the Ozymandias poem among them, seem to have left an imprint on David's mind, and he is going make decisions inspired by them during the events of "Alien: Covenant". Is this referring in a very twisted way to the birth of the Xenomorph? Or this a clue for the far reaching religious parable Ridley Scott has been teasing us with?

MemberNeomorphMay-02-2017 8:01 PMRegular Parrot posted something similar already. I found out a bit too late. However, in the light of all we know at this point I believe we can formulate some new theories about this :-)

MemberFacehuggerMay-02-2017 8:09 PMI think David's upbringing being full of classics, poems, art, etc. is instrumental in who he became. Not to mention him learning the ways of the engineers whilst Shaw was in hypersleep. (Whatever he discovered probably catapulted him into his creation-obsessed mindset.)
If anything, the David storyline is an ode to what can happen to a person if they ingest too much philosophy. ;)
What's the story, MUTHUR?

MemberDeaconMay-02-2017 8:52 PMIndeed this was noticed a while back but its nice to discus it again.
I will be off to try and sleep soon, but i will give a quick reply.
This is with he David and Weyland Prologue where Weyland will discus Creation, Mortality, Immortality and Gods... there is a lot of Creation Symbolism in this scene includes the Chair.
The Nature Boy Track for the Trailer, is to show us that David is a Enchanted Boy, that Picture is to show in part that Jesus was a Enchanted Boy, superior to all other Humans, could do things that other Humans could not and is destined to become God.
God is Jesus Father, Weyland is Davids and so we could see this could point to Weyland viewing himself as GOD.
David kind of dies and gets resurrected between Prometheus and Alien Covenant (Head back on).
The Symbolism of this image of the Nativity could have multiple connections... i am sure one is that David/Jesus are Enchanted Boys.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberFacehuggerMay-02-2017 9:07 PMI love all these philosophical references appeared in the film