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David of AC and Frankenfurter of Rocky Horror Picture Show
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MemberTrilobiteMay-12-2017 9:57 PM

Inspired by Joylitt and Tonehound, comparrisons were made to these characters in there respective movies. Both were striving to making their own creations in their own images with various levels of success. Both used charisma in part to manipulate people into cooperation/participation to their success. I admit this is a strange connection. What do you think?

18 Replies


MemberTrilobiteMay-12-2017 10:01 PM

Godzilla: King of the Monsters Rocky Horror Picture Show is a 1975 cult classic that basically is a story of an "alien" group headed by Dr Frankenfurter (Tim effin' Curry) who is....well...anyway he has been making his own creation for his own personal pleasure.

The Hooded Figure

MemberChestbursterMay-12-2017 10:07 PM


Oh all right. Yeah I can most definitely agree with that David is like that, but I'll try to see if I can watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show movie tomorrow. When I do see it, I'll give my take on whether I believe they may connect in a way. But thank you for telling me about this movie.


MemberTrilobiteMay-12-2017 10:11 PM

Godzilla: King of the Monsters If nothing else, it is worth watching Tim Curry, and it is a fun movie with some good old style rock n roll songs!


MemberNeomorphMay-12-2017 10:18 PM

Well actually the first to make the connection was Grace Randolph from Beyond the trailer on her review of Alien Covenant, check min, 2:44


MemberTrilobiteMay-12-2017 10:33 PM

joylitt Thanks. Viewers should take note that we are not the first to notice a connection- which oddly gives more credence it seems!


MemberNeomorphMay-12-2017 10:43 PM

Well the plot of Rocky Horror also has unsuspecting visitors come to this castle (switch those for space travelers and alien ruins in AC) who then interact with the creation of  Frankenfurter (switch that for alien creatures). And there is even 2 characters (Riff Raff and Magenta) who are revealed to be aliens themselves at the end. 




MemberTrilobiteMay-12-2017 11:01 PM

joylitt I like the Brad and Janett connection you make. Also, the entire house is a ship. RHPS fans are rare to meet- glad to meet you! For those who are not it is simple- it is just a jump to the left and a step to the right.


MemberTrilobiteMay-13-2017 1:53 AM

Just watched RHPS. I would have to say That David was more measured in his pursuits while Frankenfurter was way more impulsive in his. Frankenfurter failed with no legacy while David will likely ultimately fail while leaving a legacy. That is the only connection I can make. Joylitt's source gave a fleeting reference compared to what I said. That said, I would recommend Rocky Horror Picture Show to Sci Fi fans anyway- it is light and fun yet has some dark context and also a good old school rock and roll soundtrack.


MemberChestbursterMay-13-2017 7:28 AM

RHPS is one of my fave stage plays and movies. Tim Curry, Richard O'Brien and the rest of the cast were a one of a kind assembly of British greatness...then there's MEATLOAF who adds an American panache. Just a fun romp that I can never get enough of.


I would also recommend seeking out "Shock Treatment" a vastly underrated Richard O'Brien piece that, I think, is still available on YouTube in its entirety (or more legally on DVD or paid stream). A "shocking" treatise on the dangers of "becoming" and "living" your entertainment, done way back when television was much less invasive. A very eerily prophetic film. Cheesy in parts, but look for great acting from the two leads and the Host that you will probably recognize and decent songs. It was meant to be a sequel to RHPS, but ended up taking a life of its own when Tim Curry Backed out.




MemberTrilobiteMay-13-2017 12:39 PM

Starlogger I will try to hunt down the dvd. I had no idea that movie existed. If it is sort of a sequel it makes sense Curry isn't in it since he drowned. Thanks for the tip.


MemberTrilobiteMay-13-2017 12:50 PM

Found Shock Treatment on Amazon for 8 bucks new. Awaiting delivery!


MemberTrilobiteMay-13-2017 1:01 PM

Starlogger In my town since I was a kid, a theatre has special showings when fans dress up and throw toast and rice around- ever hear of that?


MemberTrilobiteMay-13-2017 2:53 PM

I have a separate but valid excuse for this thread-

Ridley Scott and Tim Curry talking about Legend-



MemberFacehuggerMay-13-2017 6:50 PM

6 degrees of separation … you're jumping like a real live wire ;)



MemberChestbursterMay-13-2017 7:54 PM

@tonehound YES!!! That song is one of my favorite from ALL movies...look up the video online, it's an incredible scene and song from the movie if you haven't seen it!

@dk So glad you're interested, and YES I went to my VERY first showing back in the early 80's at midnite in Atlanta where everyone dressed up, and did the whole script and responded with all the crowd's a bunch of fun, but the movie is good even without all that. Just a BUNCH of great music...


MemberTrilobiteMay-13-2017 7:59 PM

Starlogger I am glad to hear that! I was too young then but knew about the event. I agree- the movie is a classic and I would call sci fi as well. I have the sound track and it is solid by itself. I can't wait for Shock Treatment to show up!


MemberDeaconMay-13-2017 9:34 PM

Certainly David has that Camp Element to his Personality.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberTrilobiteMay-13-2017 9:47 PM

BigDave He lacks a certain amount of...........something that FNF had!

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