Stay away from Jonesy.
MemberPraetorianMay-17-2017 8:42 AMEllen Ripley had met her limits with the xenomorph killing the entire Nostromo crew. Then it intimidated Jonesy.
USCSS Nostromo Crew: Captain Arthur Dallas, Executive Officer Gilbert Ward "Thomas" Kane, Warrant Officer Ellen Ripley, Chief Engineer Dennis Parker, Navigator Joan Lambert, and Assistant Engineer Samuel Brett.
Artificial Intelligence: David 8, Walter, Science Officer Ash
MemberPraetorianMay-17-2017 9:01 AMI thought it spoke for itself Edgy Name.
The prequels and sequels such as Prometheus, Alien: Covenant, etc...lead up to Alien.
Not everyone has every image memorized such as yourself from the movie in 1979, so I created the topics related to Alien's concepts and characters.
The other obvious thing I was trying to say was to stay away from Jonesy. I read so much appreciation in your comment, so you're most welcome. Always a pleasure with you and thank you for the time.
MemberChestbursterMay-17-2017 10:00 AMNot sure if I understand your topic correctly Ingeniero (if there's anything to be understood lol ;) but I watched Alien Director's Cut the other day and I always feel bad for Jonesy who was smacked while in his little 70's retro sci-fi cat box for no reason, had no one to play with and wasn't given any snacks or cat candy on screen.
MemberOvomorphMay-17-2017 10:39 AMThis is the best post in this forum ever!;)
Finally both Prometheus and Alien Covenant seems understandable.
MemberFacehuggerMay-17-2017 11:33 AMHA! @neomorph I noticed that watching the screening on 4/26. Jonesy gets thrown around like a mofo!
MemberXenomorphMay-17-2017 11:44 AMHmm.....Puntapuss.....Sounds like a weird new british fake baseball....I mean cricket.....just kidding......hoping to get a rise out of BD
MemberPraetorianMay-17-2017 12:24 PMThank you everyone.
I'm not looking to document huge new revelations from Alien in 1979, so no hidden riddle or theory. I'm just looking back at the characters in Alien that the current movies are leading up to in regards to LV-426 and what happened there.
MemberPraetorianMay-17-2017 12:31 PMThank you and you're a pretty tough kitty yourself Jonesy.
MemberPraetorianMay-17-2017 12:34 PMI want to confirm that I saw no cat treats Neomorph.
MemberPraetorianMay-17-2017 1:26 PMWhile there were no kittieh treats and he endured a fair amount of upset, when the Alien was staring in at him, he's just:
"Yeah, What u want, slobbergob??"
Jonesy = Tonka Tough Kittieh
MemberPraetorianMay-17-2017 8:27 PMYou're right Blackwinter-witch. Jonesy might have been intimidating the xenomorph.
We can't see Jonesy's business face in this shot below.