Favorite part of the movie??? (Spoilers)

MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 3:02 PMI literally just got out of the cinema and the one part thst stuck with me was when T and Daniels were setting the trap for the photomorph in the hanger, whe david opens the door it walks out on two limbs not four, the camera angel used had shades of alien isolation, i really enjoyed that.. share your favourite moments.

Dr. Curt Connors
MemberChestbursterMay-19-2017 3:04 PMWhen the movie ended and I could go home and throw up.

Dr. Curt Connors
MemberChestbursterMay-19-2017 3:29 PMSorry, yes it is my opinion. That's what this site is for right? Okay cool

MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 3:39 PMI love it overall, but that scene stood out to me as well. The part I liked most was the entire backburster-scene. Easily tops John Hurt's chestburster.

MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 3:49 PMCall me crazy but I liked the chest burster. All I needed was a beam of light from heaven to shine down on the little bugger and cue ride of the valkyries. I might actually do that. What I mean though is once the chest burster appears cut sound and play ride of the valkyries. The song is long so it might cover the first alien fight seen lol.
i also think they had a little fun in that scene:)

MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 3:55 PMAgree with you there splatterpunk :)
Here's something I read elsewhere:
I think the birth of the xenomorph scene, with it's little "I love you daddy" dance was a cool meta joke, Ridley saying: "you want it? Here it is!". The thing stretches triumphantly and even seems to smile. It's grotesque in the best possible way.

MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 4:23 PMOne of my favourite moments is when David starts singing “The man who broke the bank at Monte Carlo”. This has various references. One is from Lawrence of Arabia, and another which falls into the context of the plot, is that the song was believed to be written about a con man, with a more than probable inference that someone has played into someone else’s hands. Some pure gloating to be seen from David in the scene.

Working Joe
MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 4:59 PMI totally agree with you Fishtoe, it did remind me of Isolation as well!
My favourite scene tho is hands down the first encounter(s) with the neomoprhs (backburster, mouthburster). What a fantastic sequence! The acting, pacing, tone, tension, dread, sound design and special fx were utterly amazing! Dare i go as far as to say this is the 2nd best Alien/burster scene in the franchise only behind "Kane's son" ?! I think i do! I wish the rest of the movie would hold this high level of horror and terror instead of things just happening way too fast and just rushing thru without any proper buildup, suspense and tension.

MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 5:17 PMI also like the scene where the protomorph attacks the crane, which resembled a giant mouth. It was like: 'come at me bruh!'

MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 5:46 PMI liked the neoomorph bursters and pretty much all of David's one liners. My favorite scene hands down was the bombing of the city, still wish for more big scope stuff like that.

Grinning & Dropping Linen
MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 5:52 PMIt was a pretty great film, loved it... I would have liked more mythology of where the goo came from Engineers, higher race of beings ....some scenes in film of shaw but they still have opportunities to explain stuff .... On its own merits and how it ties into Prometheus and Alien it's great. I feel it's an outstanding film!!!
on a related note I loved the Walter vs David fight.... The first Neomorph Birth back buster and the lead up to this moment was expertly crafted.... Tension, dread, score, acting, fear, excitement, pacing ....amazing....well done Ridley, well done indeed

MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 7:04 PMThe blowing it out the airlock thing has got to stop...and the crane "nod" to ALIENS was over the top to me...it was like, "Wait didn't we see this (only with better music) before?

MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 7:08 PMOkay ocean how would you have disposed of it? Considering you are on a spaceship and firearms might do damage to your ship...Enlighten us with your idea on how they should of killed the alien. Use your creativity...
and dont pull any bs out of your ass. You can't at that part of the movie just say we have this. It doesn't work that way. When you add something you will then have to rewrite the script. I honestly don't think you are a script writer, hehe. Go ahead.

Phallic Jaw
MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 7:15 PMThe schoolish gushing over this movie is quite amusing.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched Androids blow and finger each other's flutes.

MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 8:42 PM@snake indeed backbuster was crazy good my girlfriend screamed lol...

MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 8:47 PM@workingjoe yeah, the neomorphs were just savage when david was "training it" and the captain shoots it, davids reaction was epic

MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 8:50 PM@Batchpool good find, i think thats when i kinda saw that this synthetic has a serious screw loose... even the opening scene with Wayland and david not too sure of the quote but david questions mankind and god and sees him self as superior "yet you will die and i will not"

MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 8:55 PM@GDL "some upgrades have been" love walters reaction st the start of the fight

MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 9:28 PMProbably the ending when David regurgitates facehugger embryos while Wagner is playing. Pure KINO.

MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 9:58 PMI think what makes a great movie is when it has a great villain and David is certainly that. I would say my favorite scene is when Daniels is heading back into cryo and she asks about the cabin on the lake, then Daniels realizes that she's talking to David instead of Walter, she starts screaming but starts to go under anyway and he just tells her "Sleep Well. Don't let the bed bugs bite".
Such a simple line, but delivered in David's deadpan voice with that smirk on his face. ;-)

MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 10:11 PMbtw, where is that alien picture from on this topic heading?

MemberOvomorphMay-20-2017 12:49 AM@spellbound @bigchap yeah fass was amazing again, pulled off both roles with to perfect...

MemberOvomorphMay-20-2017 12:52 AM@jonesy the picture is taken from alien isolation... i would have loved for us to explore the temple and the city a bit more

MemberFacehuggerMay-20-2017 12:53 AMI liked the part where they all shared some whiskey while they held the space burial. The captain that took over I didn't like. I was rooting for his death.

MemberFacehuggerMay-20-2017 1:10 AM@Tom
The protomorph saw the crane as a threat, thus attacking it. It's totally fearless.