**Spoiler alert** Do not read if you haven't seen AC
MemberPraetorianMay-19-2017 3:23 PM*****SPOILER ALERT*****
You have been warned!
anyone catch the Bladerunner easter eggs in Alien Covenant?!!
(Just the calling-back compliment of the bladerunner universe was great!)
James Franco's character owns a carpenter nail...
which can be significant in the log cabin reference, aswell as the jesus reference to crucifixion
which is the same kind Roy Batty uses in his hand!
Also as Daniels, Walter, and David fight ..David says
"That's the spirit"!!!
"Must be something we haven't seen yet.."__Bishop
MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 3:55 PMAlthough it's probably impossible due to the lifespan of the replicants, it is cool to think that the marines in Aliens could 'possibly' have been replicants. Although I'd like to think that if they were they wouldn't have all gone down so easily :'D.
Dr. Curt Connors
MemberChestbursterMay-19-2017 5:02 PMI used to want the Alien universe to be tied to Blade Runner but after Covenant I don't want it to anymore. Just glad Ridley didn't end up directing Blade Runner 2049, he would have ended up messing up another one of his great movies. Ridley what happened to you man?
MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 6:35 PMThe only thing that messed up Alien Covenant for you was all of your preconceived notions of what the movie should be. If you don't like it, fine but I believe it is a very good movie. Pretty much flawless in its delivery and story. People complain over the stupidest things.
MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 7:09 PMWhy didn't they just send in all androids as marines in Aliens?
Phallic Jaw
MemberFacehuggerMay-19-2017 7:20 PMYootani, I do not believe Dr Connors is complaining about stupid things, unless you mean the stupid things in Alien Covenant.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched Androids blow and finger each other's flutes.
MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 8:53 PMSure sure. Every single post from him is bitching about the movie. Seriously. Some people have to validate their own opinions by posting non stop. I understand not liking the movie but going into every thread just to interject his venom is tiresome and juvenile
Dr. Curt Connors
MemberChestbursterMay-19-2017 10:54 PMThank you @Phallic Jaw. It probably is hard for you but I guess you're gonna have to deal with it Yootani, you spelled Yutani wrong by the way. I am past the anger phase now it's rip this movie apart phase.
Dr. Curt Connors
MemberChestbursterMay-19-2017 10:57 PMDon't worry I'll be gone soon and then you won't have to deal with my venom that is tiresome and juvenile. And you won't have to deal with me ripping Covenant just everybody else who doesn't like it.
Dr. Curt Connors
MemberChestbursterMay-19-2017 11:00 PMAnd every thread c'mon dude, it's like ten at the most, haha.
MemberOvomorphMay-19-2017 11:25 PMI just saw it... i liked it for the most part but have many problems with it. i am going to watch through it again before making judgment but it was quite disappointing from a writing standpoint and felt out of place with some of its themes.
MemberPraetorianMay-21-2017 11:36 AM
"Must be something we haven't seen yet.."__Bishop