Vatican Church vs. Engineer City

MemberOvomorphMay-27-2017 11:11 AMThis really angers me ...
I thought Ridley Scott was a visionary -- but instead, he just ripped off the magic carpenter's religion ...
We have weak stone structures from a spacefaring society that is millions of years old ..
Some art from some amateurs for thought:
Oh, wait ... that one's Dubai ...

MemberTrilobiteMay-27-2017 3:01 PMMy understanding that whether ripping off or not, it is intentional.

MemberFacehuggerMay-27-2017 4:56 PMWhat's there to be mad about? It's a humanoid species who obviously worship the Engineers as their creators/gods
This seems to be a religious worship place, they all dress plainly, a bit like monks really.
If this angers you, then perhaps you need anger management help, lol.

MemberFacehuggerMay-27-2017 8:35 PMYep. More religious tropes. It's NO accident.
I was surprised how humble The Engineers seemed. Also, lots of earth tones. No metal or glass.

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2017 10:40 AMMy problem about this whole ordeal is with Christianity. It is a religion with SO many flaws (along with the barbaric Islam and, yes, Judaism). Buddhism (as seen with the four meditating altars in front of the hole)would be a bit more appropriate.

MemberFacehuggerMay-29-2017 1:47 PMI just want to know what happened to the people that died. Is there a heaven/hell in the afterlife in this Alien universe?
Is there an agenda the mods are not telling us about? ;)

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2017 5:42 PMThere might be something to this, @BlackGooDrinker. Ridley Scott, if I remember correctly, said "Humans were created by Engineers, and the Engineers were created, obviously, by God." Perhaps there is a Matrix theme in this universe (in which consciousness still exists after death). Or maybe not.