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Alien Covenant IMDB score
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6320 Views24 Replies


MemberNeomorphMay-28-2017 3:53 PM

Few would have predicted that Alien Covenant, theoretically a return to form for the franchise with actual xenomorphs in it was going to be even more divisive than Prometheus. The audience valoration of the film is steadily sinking past that of Prometheus. Its score as of today is 6.8. In comparison, Prometheus' score sits at 7, Alien 3 at 6.4 and Alien Resurrection at 6.3. Do you think the score will keep on dropping to the level of the most unpopular chapters  in the Alien franchise? Below a breakdown by score and age

Votes Percentage Rating
5131 7.9%         10
4822 7.4%         9
13666 21.0%     8
18635 28.6%     7
11026 16.9%     6
5184 8.0%        5
2592 4.0%        4
1553 2.4%        3
885 1.4%          2
1653 2.5%        1

See user ratings report for:

Votes                         Average
Males 45457                    6.8
Females 4886                  6.7
Aged under 18 408           7.3
Males under 18 366          7.3
Females under 18 34        7.1
Aged 18-29 19837            6.9
Males Aged 18-29 17412   6.9
Females Aged 18-29 2192 6.8
Aged 30-44 22079             6.7
Males Aged 30-44 19901    6.7
Females Aged 30-44 1830  6.7
Aged 45+ 4208                  6.8
Males Aged 45+ 3739         6.8
Females Aged 45+ 379       6.8
IMDb staff 9                       6.8
Top 1000 voters 148           6.5
US users 8126                    7.0
Non-US users 28218           6.7

IMDb users 65147               6.8

24 Replies


MemberPraetorianMay-28-2017 4:01 PM

You compare a five-year-old movie (Prometheus - 2012) and a movie with two weekends (Covenant)! So ridiculous! :D I have to laugh! What is your aim with these numbers now after two weeks of its release? You think I am the only one who sees your agenda? :D


MemberFacehuggerMay-28-2017 4:04 PM

Most haters' reviews are 1, 2, 3 "stars". So, a good thing would you go to IMDb and check for yourself what a 1-3 star movie really means. And, yes, read the haters' reviews and see how many times they've mentioned how clever they are when compared to Sir Ridley Scott.


MemberFacehuggerMay-28-2017 4:12 PM

@Ati - Why there has to be an agenda with anyone who brings up valid points on the poor reaction on Alien Covenant?  I remember when Prometheus came out; there was poor reaction from the get-go as well on this site.  It has nothing to do with agenda.  It simply boils down to real frustration from fans who were expecting the movie to return to its horror and better roots.  You can start making comparisons the minute the movie comes out.

There is actually a Covenant vs Prometheus on BOM.


MemberFacehuggerMay-28-2017 4:17 PM

 I think the 40,000 that gave it a decent average score (6-8) are being too generous lol.  But that is my opinion.

I would give it a 4.


MemberNeomorphMay-28-2017 4:21 PM

I was generous with Prometheus and I gave it a 7. I gave Alien Covenant a 5. Even though I like Fassbender, I think he is the downfall of the Alien franchise. I really hope he does not return for the next one, or if he does only for a secondary role.


AdminPraetorianMay-28-2017 4:29 PM

@Ati People are allowed to not like the movie. That's what this forum is for, so members are be able to express themselves and discuss the movie, whether they liked it or not. I have not seen any disagreeable behavior from any members so far who have disliked it, if there was I would put a stop to it.  


MemberNeomorphMay-28-2017 4:32 PM

Thank u Lilly (Svanya) I really don't mean to disrespect anybody. I just hope the criticism will help produce better sequels.


AdminPraetorianMay-28-2017 4:36 PM

@joylitt You're welcome. I want everyone to be able to have a voice here, this forum is for the free expression of thoughts. 


MemberPraetorianMay-28-2017 4:37 PM

Wouldn't be a problem, joylitt. :) Just try to help with your criticism after one month after the release. :)


MemberTrilobiteMay-28-2017 4:40 PM

At any rate, the numbers good or bad shouldn't influence ones who haven't seen it- they are really just opinions.

However, I can see joylitt's point about Fox looking at the numbers when thinking about the next go around.


MemberFacehuggerMay-28-2017 4:40 PM

Thank you @Lilly.  I thought I was going to be banned from this site because I was not satisfied with Covenant or from people complaining that I was a troll; when I am far from one.


AdminPraetorianMay-28-2017 4:44 PM

colonialsoldier I keep an eye on things here, and trust me nothing you've done would warrant a ban in my/our books. I love when people express themselves, and as long as it's civil you can say whatever you want here. That goes for everyone. :)


MemberPraetorianMay-28-2017 4:46 PM

Let's build a better world together! :D


AdminPraetorianMay-28-2017 4:47 PM

Ati YES!!! :D


MemberXenomorphMay-28-2017 4:48 PM

World peace and Fandom agreeing on anything! Lol!


MemberNeomorphMay-28-2017 4:52 PM

Ati No hard feelings. Imdb provide very useful information because it is a cross section of prople who know about movies and people who don't. When I have to decide on whether watching or not a movie, I generally give a chance to anything that is over 4/10 on imdb. I used have a higher bar, but I found out some poorly scored movies can be actually quite enjoyable.


MemberPraetorianMay-28-2017 4:55 PM

Lilly, let's build a better world together, so let's ban colonialsoldier and joylitt.

Just kidding... :D


MemberTrilobiteMay-28-2017 4:56 PM

Group hug!


MemberPraetorianMay-28-2017 5:00 PM

dk - LOL

Lilly, I love you! :)

Everybody go to the theatre again and improve the numbers! :D


MemberNeomorphMay-28-2017 5:02 PM

dk haha


MemberNeomorphMay-28-2017 5:07 PM

@dk Don't you dear tell Ati that you haven't gone to see Covenant at the movie theater because he might want to take you by force and then do this to you:



MemberFacehuggerMay-28-2017 7:04 PM

@Lilly, thank you for the response.


MemberTrilobiteMay-28-2017 7:21 PM

joylitt OK I won't tell anyone that I never go to theaters. Oops. I just hate the experience. I always preorder though and support that way. Plus I have spent decent bank on merch.

Interesting Clockwork reference- all that treatment never changed him in the end. I will wait. Just Singin' in the Rain!



MemberChestbursterMay-28-2017 8:04 PM


"Let's build a better world together! :D"


I think if we are kind, it will be a kind world.

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