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MemberChestbursterMay-29-2017 9:33 PMOnly if we end up with a group of characters trying to survive a Covenant ship filled with all sorts of unique variations. Might be interesting to have a few people stuck on a dark, semi-functioning Covenant with god knows what lurking around the corner. Doubt we'll get that though.

MemberTrilobiteMay-29-2017 9:40 PMI like the idea of alternate variations but that could get out of hand. For instance, a herd of angry elephantmorphs or shark morphs would be jumping the shark- see what I did there?

MemberOvomorphMay-30-2017 1:37 AMIt's tricky because the prequels have to lead into the first Alien instead of going down a completely different path with different Alien species. As someone who loves creature designs, I wouldn't mind seeing more species. I'd imagine the studios would want more of that to get people into theaters, but at the same time I don't want the story to go off into different directions.

MemberPraetorianMay-30-2017 1:37 AMAs long it's concludes with the Bio-mechanical Xenomorph being the most dominant and successful variations. No point having all these super deadly awesome variants that are never seen again after the original ALIEN.

MemberFacehuggerMay-30-2017 3:10 AMI prefer sticking to the original Xenomorph. It is untouchable. The next sequel should focus on the storyline, we have enough monsters in films already.

MemberFacehuggerMay-30-2017 5:35 AMImagine the Covenant sequel on the ship itself. Talk about Dead Spacs movie
Is there an agenda the mods are not telling us about? ;)

MemberChestbursterMay-30-2017 8:10 AM@Jonesy and @IRaptus DEFINITELY agree with both of you. THE "Big Chap" Biomechanoid Xeno is THE one now. We need to see EXACTLY how THAT EXACT creature came into being, and how it reigns supreme over all others.

MemberChestbursterMay-30-2017 8:38 AMAssuming the "found egg"-hint is legit. The question is where did he find it. If he found it on paradise it wouldn't touch the 426-derelict and could go anywhere.
When he got the egg from the derelict David might try to reverse breed his "xeno-mongrels" back to the supreme original form. Since he killed the facehugger.
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

MemberPraetorianMay-30-2017 4:59 PMGood topic! I want more! I mean creatures.
It looks incredible: